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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Feeling bummed with lots of questions??

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    • spidercrys
      2 posts Send Private Message

        Okay everyone, I’m not exactly sure where this post would go but I’m assuming here. I will also introduce myself here just because I am new to this forum. 

        Okay so first of all, my name is Crystal and I am a HUGE animal lover, I currently have 2 German Shepherd dogs, 1 Bunny and 1 water slider turtle. I have always had a lot of animals growing up and I am engaged to be married. 

        Okay so this all started Saturday, I was babysitting and my niece who lives with me, she just turned 18 but she lives with me called to me to let me know that she found a really tiny bunny outside of our balcony and that she wasn’t sure who it belonged to cause one of our neighbors (we live in an apartment complex) who has bunnies says it doesn’t belong to her. A little while later she calls back and says she found its owner and that it belongs to our neighbor upstairs directly from us and that the little boy (who likes to exaggerate a lot) said that the bunny must have fell from their balcony but I was thinking he was just exaggerating because if the bunny would have fell from his balcony it would have gotten hurt.  

        Well, Sunday early evening I found the same bunny outside my balcony again, my dogs alerted me to it. I tried knocking on the neighbor door but there was no answer, so I brought the bunny inside my apartment and since I have a bunny myself, I decided I would feed the bunny because it nibble on my finger, not to really bite me but it was just a nibble so I naturally assumed it was hungry and thirsty and I was right, it ate until it couldn’t eat anymore and drank lots of water. So once I heard our neighbor upstairs and knew they were home my niece and I went back to their apartment and knocked. This time the little boy’s sister who is almost 30 years old answered the door. 

        I handed her the little bunny back and she thanked me and then I talked to her about it. And she told me that the only way the bunny could have ended up by my balcony was if it had jumped or fell off the balcony. That made my stomach turn, at that point I really didn’t want to give them their bunny back, is that wrong of me? If it wasn’t for the fact that I had already gave them the bunny back I wouldn’t have. Before I left I told them I had fed it as I too have a bunny and she thanked me again. 

        When I went back to my apartment I told my fiancee that if the bunny falls one more time and ends up by our balcony that I will not be giving it back to them, that is putting it in harms way and if something was to happen to him (I checked and it’s a boy) that I would feel so responsible knowing what’s going on up there and yet still giving them him back and he agreed. 

        Thinking back now, I remember, when we first moved here a little over a year ago, I started watching that little boy (they only knew me for maybe a month before asking me to watch the little boy who at the time was 8 years old) they didn’t know me, they didn’t know what type of person I was or would be and I could have been someone to hurt him (of course I’m not that type of person) but still. Well the little boy had told me that not long before I had moved here they had a little chihuahua and it had jumped off their balcony and died and now this little bunny?

        Would it be wrong of me if I do find it near my balcony again and not give it back to them? I’m really concerned with the welfare of that little bunny as I have mentioned before, I am a HUGE animal lover and have always had animals of all sorts. At one point growing up, I’ve had dogs, cats, bunnies, chickens, hamsters and guinea pigs all at the same time and I know this sounds crazy but, all of my animals had always gotten along with one another, I even have a picture of one of my chickens riding on the back of my cat, they were always inseparable ever since I had gotten my chicken. When I had first gotten my chicken years ago was when my cat was pregnant and from then on they were the best of friends. A month after, my cat gave birth to 7 kittens and on that same day my niece’s cat (who she had lived with us then as well) had given birth to 8 kittens and I had my cat and her kittens in a box and my niece’s cat and her kittens in another box and one day I had came home from work to find my chicken missing from its box and I kept looking around and went to go check on my cat and her kittens (this was a week after they were born) and nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I realized there were 8 in the box besides my cat so my first assumption was my cat stole one of the other cat’s babies and as I looked closer I realized my chicken was among the kittens and my cat just allowed it and from that day forward, my chicken slept with my cat and her kittens only coming out to eat seeds and everything. 

        Sorry for giving this big oh speech about my cat and chicken but the point and moral of the story is, I have always had animals and by allowing the bunny to go back to the home that allowed it to fall off the balcony in the first place is just horrifying and I don’t know if I can do that again cause the next time, may not have a happy ending. 

      • Luna
        2219 posts Send Private Message

          Hi! What’s your current bun’s name? Depending on the laws in your state, you might not be able to just keep the bun if he falls again. But I know what I would do .

        • sarahthegemini
          5584 posts Send Private Message

            Tbh I’d keep it and just play dumb if the moronic owners ask about it.

          • Luna
            2219 posts Send Private Message

              Since the bun was on your balcony Sat and Sun, I’ll bet he’ll be there tonight too. If he’s not on your balcony tonight, I’d go upstairs to the neighbor and just outright ask if she will give/sell you the bun.

            • spidercrys
              2 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks everyone! I’m going to go talk to my upstairs neighbor tonight when they get home from work. I keep thinking about that bunny. The bunny didn’t want to leave my house, I know it sounds crazy to think that but I fed him and every time he acted like he was done eating I’d talk about having to take him back and no sooner than i started saying that he’d continue eating again lol.

                I myself have a bunny as I have said, when I got mine it was so small that it was really hard to tell if it was a male or female, it was the runt of the family and to be honest, I got it from a cherry auction, I had went there not intending to get a rabbit or any animal for that matter but when I came across her she was in a cage with 2 other rabbits as well as chickens and parakeets… I circled the cherry auction and kept thinking about her and told myself if she was still there I’d take her and she was, so I got her and her brother and I kept one and my nephew kept one. So naturally by looking at such a small age she looked like a girl so my fiancee named her Nikita.

                Sunday after the bunny thing, I had checked the bunny that fell off my neighbor balcony and you can definitely tell no mistaken that it was a male and my fiancee was like IDK about keeping him since ours is a girl so I was like well, I have been wrong once before, it’s really hard to tell on baby bunnies so let me check Nikita again just to be sure and long behold, Nikita was in fact a male, of course that doesn’t change his name one bit but now I have a better case while convincing my fiancee to let me keep the neighbor bunny as well lol.

                I have 2 German Shepherd dogs and 1 of them can open doors, well, they are the ones that alerted me to the bunny in the first place and I guess I forgot to lock the balcony door cause that’s where they were at the time and before I knew it they had let themselves in and first thing one did was come up to the bunny I was holding and licked it and then the other one went to my turtle tank and licked the tank. lol. My dogs are not aggressive, not even to other animals. 🙂

              • vanessa
                2212 posts Send Private Message

                  I’d ask them if they would let you take the bunny off their hands… and hope they don’t get another animal ever again. But personally – if I found that bunny again – I wouldn’t give it back. It is living in harm.

                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By spidercrys on 5/16/2017 1:10 PM

                    Thanks everyone! I’m going to go talk to my upstairs neighbor tonight when they get home from work. I keep thinking about that bunny. The bunny didn’t want to leave my house, I know it sounds crazy to think that but I fed him and every time he acted like he was done eating I’d talk about having to take him back and no sooner than i started saying that he’d continue eating again lol.

                    I myself have a bunny as I have said, when I got mine it was so small that it was really hard to tell if it was a male or female, it was the runt of the family and to be honest, I got it from a cherry auction, I had went there not intending to get a rabbit or any animal for that matter but when I came across her she was in a cage with 2 other rabbits as well as chickens and parakeets… I circled the cherry auction and kept thinking about her and told myself if she was still there I’d take her and she was, so I got her and her brother and I kept one and my nephew kept one. So naturally by looking at such a small age she looked like a girl so my fiancee named her Nikita.

                    Sunday after the bunny thing, I had checked the bunny that fell off my neighbor balcony and you can definitely tell no mistaken that it was a male and my fiancee was like IDK about keeping him since ours is a girl so I was like well, I have been wrong once before, it’s really hard to tell on baby bunnies so let me check Nikita again just to be sure and long behold, Nikita was in fact a male, of course that doesn’t change his name one bit but now I have a better case while convincing my fiancee to let me keep the neighbor bunny as well lol.

                    I have 2 German Shepherd dogs and 1 of them can open doors, well, they are the ones that alerted me to the bunny in the first place and I guess I forgot to lock the balcony door cause that’s where they were at the time and before I knew it they had let themselves in and first thing one did was come up to the bunny I was holding and licked it and then the other one went to my turtle tank and licked the tank. lol. My dogs are not aggressive, not even to other animals. 🙂

                    My mum has two German shepherds and one of them can open doors too!

                  • Bam
                    16991 posts Send Private Message

                      I have one German Shepherd and she can open doors. She taught herself that when she was young. She can also turn the lights off and on, but I taught her that with target training. She found my bunny Bam for me in the woods. They coexist in harmony, although she will steal Bam’s veggies if she gets the chance.

                      I hope you can get this poor bun before it ends badly.

                    • vanessa
                      2212 posts Send Private Message

                        I had a Staffordshire Terrier growing up – she could open gates 🙂

                      • Luna
                        2219 posts Send Private Message

                          Any updates?

                        • BanditCamp
                          451 posts Send Private Message

                            Yes updates please!

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE Feeling bummed with lots of questions??