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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Favorite Floof Removal Tips?

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    • pinknfwuffy
      660 posts Send Private Message

        Since we all have to deal with tumbleweeds of fur around our homes and a nice thick layer of it on our clothes I thought it might be fun to hear about your tips on how to manage the floof!

        My favorite tip has been to put any fur-covered blankets or towels in the dryer for 10-20 minutes on the  “air fluff” or “no-heat tumble” setting BEFORE I wash them. It loosens and removes a lot of the fur so it doesn’t clog up the washing machine or leave the inside covered with wet hair. Just be sure it is truly a no-heat setting, for safety reasons, and to clean the lint trap afterwards. I’m always amazed by how much is in there!

        I also got one of those rubber brooms and it has done wonders for my couch, love seat, and carpet. It won’t look like there is any fur but after a few strokes there is a thick strand of ball-up floof along the length of the broom. Yipes!

      • emm_renn
        309 posts Send Private Message

          That’s a really good tip! I’ll have to try that! What gets me is the hair and hay in the carpet.

        • Chelsea
          12 posts Send Private Message

            I’m definitely going to have to give that a try if I need to wash furry clothing blankets! I like the rubber broom idea too.

            As for the carpets that are in my bun’s pen, I’ve honestly found that using my fingers to “scrape” up fur on the edges has worked. Luckily the carpets aren’t that big lol but this helps loosen it all up then I take them out and vacuum them very thoroughly. Sometimes I’ll use on of the attachments for my vacuum to get at edges or corners.

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              I’m not sure if this method would work too well.

            • Q8bunny
              6345 posts Send Private Message

                So THAT’s what we’ve been doing wrong!

                I love my reusable lint roller (it looks like rough velvet).

              • joea64
                1423 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m going to have to break out the big vacuum cleaner this morning. The problem isn’t so much fur – Panda and Fernando, as Polish buns, are short-haired rabbits and haven’t shed much since moving in with me – as it is hay. Lots of hay. Hay from one end of my efficiency apartment to the other after seven weeks. Thank goodness I’m not allergic, or that if I am, it’s at such a minimal level as to not be worth bothering with. I need to take the buns’ sisal play rug outside and shake it out, then run the vacuum. Their foster mother told me they’re OK with vacuum cleaners but I haven’t wanted to risk turning it on close to them because they abominate the Dust Buster.

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    The problem isn’t so much fur – Panda and Fernando, as Polish buns, are short-haired rabbits and haven’t shed much since moving in with me – as it is hay. Lots of hay. Hay from one end of my efficiency apartment to the other after seven weeks.

                    Don’t jinx yourself! They’ll probably start a big moult tomorrow now, lol. Hay is very mysterious how far it travels. I have carpeted hallway and livingroom and it seems to constantly hay tracked on it, even though the rabbits don’t go on these areas.

                    I have a rubber broom also. The blade side is really good for pulling up fur & hay off carpet.

                    Does anyone have that pet hair magnet from the BB store?  

                  • SeaTurtleSwims
                    162 posts Send Private Message

                      HAHAHA Jersey! I love the video! Following for tips, these are great!

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks for the tip on the dryer. I do a lot of bunny laundry because Bindi’s blankets always get full of veggie drool.

                        I have a patterned rug with dark brown patches that get covered in Sterling’s fur. Before I vacuum, I take a scrub brush (usually dry, but sometimes a bit damp if there is a lot of fur) and I rub it in circles on the dark patches to get up all the fur before vacuuming.

                        Adorable vid!!! At least that bun is helping with the cleaning. More than my two. 

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          LOL. Adorable!! That is one calm bunny. My bunny, Aria, would be attacking it.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            Lol, BB. Bindi growls at my mini broom and dustpan. I have to clean up his condo when he’s out.

                          • SuperBunnyto
                            61 posts Send Private Message

                              For the floor, I use a floor duster before I mop. For the carpets, I vacuum regularly (once a week). My bunnies don’t spend a lot of time on the couch, but if they do get on, I do the same thing I do for clothes, I use tape rolled up backwards over my hand to remove excess fur. I actually try not to pick up my bunnies with my street clothes on. Before I pick up or play with my bunnies, I change into home clothes to limit the amount of clothes that are covered in fur, but if fur does get on my clothes, or I have too much of it on my home clothes (nail trimming day, anyone?), I use the tape.

                              However, if I’m washing the bunnies’ canvas floor cover, I shake it out and then throw it in the wash on a wing and a prayer, because it’s nearly impossible to get the fur out before throwing it in… Actually, come to think about it a lot of the fur is still on it when it comes out! I still have to shake it again! (Thankfully, I only do full wash on it every six months. The rest of the time I do spot cleaning and sweeping.)

                            • jerseygirl
                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                However, if I’m washing the bunnies’ canvas floor cover, I shake it out and then throw it in the wash on a wing and a prayer, because it’s nearly impossible to get the fur out before throwing it in… Actually, come to think about it a lot of the fur is still on it when it comes out! I still have to shake it again! (Thankfully, I only do full wash on it every six months. The rest of the time I do spot cleaning and sweeping.)

                                Yes, the fur is just more in clumps after washing, lol.
                                Could you tumble dry the canvas? Or just put it in on an airing cycle? I take the washed towels, blankets to the local laundromat to use their big dryers. It removes a lot of the fur. I do check the dryer afterwards so the next person doesn’t get all my pets fur on their laundry.
                                It does a great job of getting rid of fur. I do like pink’n’fwuffy’s idea of doing this first , before washing. Maybe if I have my own large dryer one day..

                                SuperBunnyto, do you have a photo of the canvas flooring you use? Id like to use something like that for my guys, to give them a bit more traction on the floor. They have vinyl flooring. Do you lay the canvas down on carpet?

                              • SuperBunnyto
                                61 posts Send Private Message

                                  jerseygirl, it is literally a canvas drop cloth with a rubber backing. The rubber backing being the reason I can’t put it in the dryer either before or after. It has to dry naturally, although little bits of the rubber thingies come off during washing, too. I had yoga mats before, but my bunnies would chew on them. They pretty much leave this one alone, except for a hole or two on a smaller piece I have in the living room. To solve that problem, I put a piece of paper on top so that they can scratch and chew the paper to their heart’s content. However, I do check the canvas throws regularly for signs that I have to start looking for a new type of flooring. I hope I don’t have to, though, because it was enough of a headache finding this! 

                                  Here’s the picture:

                                • Vienna Blue in France
                                  5317 posts Send Private Message

                                    A Furbuster comb or similar (the one you use directly on dogs, cats, buns) is BRILL on short pile carpets.
                                    Comb, remove fur. Comb, remove fur….. BRILLIANT !!!!

                                  • SuperBunnyto
                                    61 posts Send Private Message

                                      jerseygirl, here’s a photo of one of my bunnies lounging on a smaller piece of the canvas drop cloth, in case you wanted to see it in action (was just able to find a good one now, and also, I totally missed the question of if I lay it down on the floor . Yes, I do, since it has a rubber backing).  

                                      (FYI, I have no idea why the picture is appearing sideways <img src="; &gt

                                    • joea64
                                      1423 posts Send Private Message

                                        SuperBunnyto, it looks like it suits your bun just fine. The last time I saw any rabbit that relaxed was when I got several pics of my Fernando utterly blissed-out in his hidey box this past weekend, so much so that his third eyelid was down and I could almost hear him snoring. Which stores sell that cloth?

                                      • SuperBunnyto
                                        61 posts Send Private Message

                                          Yeah, I love to see my buns blissfully passed out sleeping around the apartment , especially because the smaller one, Aki, does not let down her guard easily. Sometimes her head fur stands on end as she’s falling asleep. 

                                          This I ordered from Amazon, but I’m sure you can buy similar ones from any hardware store, as it is used for covering floors when painting or moving stuff. What I like about this one is that the rubber backing makes it more stable to walk on, and it doesn’t slide as easily as just plain canvas. However, it can become a problem if your bunnies like to chew on it.

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                                      Forum THE LOUNGE Favorite Floof Removal Tips?