Fast Facts:
Maybelline aka Mabel aka Moo-bell (cuz she eats like a cow!)
She is a New Zealand Red breed. I got her from my old job as she was control in an occular study. However, her eye got banged up early into the testing for some unknown reason (to me), and a lab tech asked me to take her. I couldn’t pass her up.
"What are you looking at?"
I suspect that she has some vision out of her eye. You can kind of see the cataract or whatever it is in the picture, but since we’ve gotten her, it has gotten less milky and more cloudy and smaller.
Facts: She LOVES to eat. Everything.
She likes to chill with me and be petted CONSTANTLY.
She is a stubborn marker.
She hasn’t been intergrated in the Hugo/Bungee pair yet, because she is more skittish due to her lab-animal past and her eye. Also mom and dad need to work on bonding processes more than they have been. (Guilty!)
She loves to chill with someone on the couch!
She is my youngest bunny, probably about a year and a couple of months old.
She is my biggest bunny, probably at least 8 lbs.
She is the most snuggly of all my bunnies.
She enjoys playing with toys very much. (blankets, cardboard tubes, baby plastic rings, etc)
Bungelina Holie aka Bungee aka Bungabum
We adopted Bungee in about a year ago as a partner for Hugo when Bobo died.
She is a half mini-lop (dad) and half dutch (mom). She was rescued from a meat farm with her family. She loves Hugo to death, but they took a WHILE to bond (4 months!). She looks like her father.
"Yum! Juicy cucumber!"
She is more reserved and lets Hugo test things out first.
She doesn’t like to be picked up.
She loves to run and binky.
She always wants to eat what Hugo is eating, even if we give her her own serving.
She has a very sweet temperment and is not as aggressive as Mabel and Hugo.
She loves to steal sips of someone’s Sprite or Coke.
He is the oldest and smallest bunny we have. (About 5 lbs, probably 2 years old or more.)
His history is that he and another bunny were dumped at a vets door, and the HRN of Woburn, MA rescued them.
He is of unknown breed, but has chinchilla coloring.
"I’m my own breed!"
He is the biggest goof ever.
He is fearless.
He is a silly bun and loves to get into mischief.
He loves Bungee and likes to nibble her ears.
He climbs all over us at all times, and tries to steal our beverage/food.
Not a fan of being patted.
Doesn’t mind being picked up.
The most expressive face ever.
A messy eater!