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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Evolution of Habitats-my house (pic heavy)

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    • Kokaneeandkahlua
      12067 posts Send Private Message

        Thought I’d show what type of habitats I’ve had and now have!

        When I had Kokanee and Kahlua only we had this:





        Then we brought home Rupert making one pair plus one-so we made (rather-Dave made) a condo!

        Top level


        Mid level


        ANd the bottom level for Rupert




        When Kokanee passed away, Rupert and Kahlua bonded and we opened all three levels into one and they shared the whole condo

        They were really good about toilet habits and not being destructive so on top of the condo we allowed them free range, with several ‘bunny stations’ (food/water/toys/litterbox) around the house for them-and added Chuck to the mix




        (Terrible focus but cute pic)

        Then we added Noot and had two seperate pairs for a few weeks while we moved. We achieved this by giving Noot and CHuck the top level of the condo and Rupert and Kahlua continued free range-except when Noot and Chuck got out time.


        When we moved we set up our final ‘set up’-they now have their own bedroom -seperated so each pair has privacy, and get their special out time (Rupert and Kahlua outdoors or family room, Chuck and Noot couch time)





      • bunnycutie
        549 posts Send Private Message

          oh what a nice arangement! i love it! hmmmmm buttons would like something like that much more than a regular old cage!

        • luvmybunny
          576 posts Send Private Message

            Looks great! I am sure you’re bunnies love it!

          • FluffyBunny
            1263 posts Send Private Message

              Bunny rooms are awesome.

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                That looks great KK! Do you find it easier or more challenging to clean? I always think it would be easier with pens, but since you’ve now had several different set-ups, what has been your experience?

                Also what is that blue thing with the grid in the middle. I am assuming litterbox, but yet I’m not sure how that works.

              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  It kinda looks like a little playhouse, with all the holes cut in the sides. Maybe the grid is a kind of shelf inside for the bunnies to hop onto while inside? *shrug*

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    I’ve had to make some small adjustments to clean-like the door from one pen to the other was only one grid wide-so I made it two and now I don’t have to lift the vaccum and garbage pail.

                    To be honest the most challenging clean was a condo-but that’s because of how we set it up (in a long closet) so it opened in front and I really had to bend and reach to clean. So that’s somethign to think of when designing the condo-structural access to clean it!!

                    It was more challenging at first-getting a system but now that I have one it’s a cinch (Plus regular visits from Mikey keeps the bb’s cleaned up ). The only thing that’s a pain is the centre divider which Dave put in, and I didn’t want two wide. It doubles as storage but gets hay and fur in there and it’s a bit of a pain to clean.

                    The blue thing with the grid is what Dave made me in lieu of this (because I can’t find it in Canada)

                    Yes-they look nothing alike hehehe -it’s just two rubbermaid bins with a grid and carpet to give it a second level. They like it OK but it was no big hit

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Interesting evolution. I think the best feature of your latest habitat is the big window, and that it’s walk-in for humans!

                      Funny, my rabbits went the opposite way, from room to condo. I was very worried they might slip out of the room unnoticed and get into trouble, and I built a condo in my room. It took up too much space. During bonding I moved them into the basement for neutral territory which I got to liking because I don’t have to vacuum, sweeping does the job. Plus, I get better sleeps without the noises from them.

                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh I love your set up Petzy!! I’m so happy to see Dierdra with her boyfriends too! Too cute!

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks. It is essentially a huge cage. It just had to be absolutely escape-proof. I want to up the size over time, but for now I used all my grids.

                        • jerseygirl
                          22353 posts Send Private Message

                            K&K – can you cover the bottom grids of the double divider section with something (choroplast?) to prevent the hay + fur getting in there or would it block or their view too much? Rooms are so much easier to clean up. More space to clean but easy to whip thru. I was hoping to see the rabbit skywalk. Have you posted pics of that?

                            I gotta say, though the condos look trickier to clean I bet the rabbits like them. They seem more warren-like with nooks and crannies to hang out in. Good use of space and the bunnies can get exercise to going up and down levels.

                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                              Awww thanks for reminding me!!


                              Here’s the only mod I’ve done-rabbit skywalk (mini) window seat


                              And yes, that’s a table cloth we put up for a curtain LOL





                              It’s Ruperts favorite spot  

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By jerseygirl on 09/16/2009 07:55 PM

                                I gotta say, though the condos look trickier to clean I bet the rabbits like them. They seem more warren-like with nooks and crannies to hang out in. Good use of space and the bunnies can get exercise to going up and down levels.


                                Jersey, that was exactly why I never wanted one but now since I got into them, I find cleaning can be just as easy if you build it right. I didn’t have a lot of floor space so my condo is tight for a person. I made the wide wall of shelves movable to open for cleaning.  I needed a lot of extra connectors to do it which I got from ebay. There were enough connectors left for me to make a large split top so no more head-bonking!!



                              • mrmac
                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                  That’s a good idea with the shelf section!

                                • jerseygirl
                                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                                    Agreed! Thats really clever. These pictures will save alot of people building then having to rebuild and rebuild their condos. It’s like with design in alot of things – people design areas when building a house, outdoor area, or kitchen even & inevitably say ” if I was to do this again I would change this or that”. Bit hard to do with those projects but at least with rabbit habitats you can redesign without too much trouble or cost.

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      Ohh I love that skywalk window seat! Neither of my buns jumps up on anything… even if it’s low, not a cardboard box, not a stair, nothing. I wish they would, it would be cute to make them something like that.

                                      I’m sure mine would chew the fabric tunnels to shreds too.

                                      Do you think you’ll ever bond the group of them?

                                    • RachelB
                                      237 posts Send Private Message

                                        Soliel- one of my bunnies is terrified of heights…. maybe your guys are also? He has gotten “stuck” on the second level until I put a ramp for him. He is just finally figuring out how to jump down off of their ledge… but sits there everytime looking a bit terrified first! hehehe silly bunnies!

                                      • tabalab
                                        309 posts Send Private Message

                                          That is an AWESOME set up and love the bunny skywalk

                                        • MooBunnay
                                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                                            Next phase of evolution for K&K:

                                            K&K and Dave move into NIC condo in closet, Noot and Chuck get the kitchen (because they can be trusted not to open the fridge) and the room with the couch (because that’s their favorite spot) and Kahlua and Rupert get the rest of the house.

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22353 posts Send Private Message

                                              lol ^
                                              …and Kahlua & Rupert share backyard with Mikey. And since they’ll have more space, there’ll have to be more bunnies moving in! Yep, all sounds like a natural evolution Moo.

                                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                Next phase of evolution for K&K:

                                                K&K and Dave move into NIC condo in closet, Noot and Chuck get the kitchen (because they can be trusted not to open the fridge) and the room with the couch (because that’s their favorite spot) and Kahlua and Rupert get the rest of the house

                                                LOL !!! Chuck and Noot would be trustworthy around the fridge LOL

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                                            Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Evolution of Habitats-my house (pic heavy)