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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Ear tattoo alternatives?

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    • RosieRabbit
      7 posts Send Private Message

        I’m going to be showing my rabbit for FFA sometime next year. She has to have an ear tattoo to be showed, but I really don’t want her to have it, as it’s probably somewhat painful and it really doesn’t look good. I’m keeping her after the show, and it seems silly for her to have to get a tattoo for literally one day in her life. I was wondering if anyone knew a little more about the tattoos than I do. Could I write a number on her ear with a Sharpie? And how do I know what number(s) to write?

      • DanaNM
        9056 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Rosie,

          I’m glad you hear you have your bun’s comfort in mind. Are you dead-set on showing her? I know the show process is very stressful for bunnies… likely more stressful than the process of getting the tattoo.

          I used to be in FFA, and my guess is they are going to be pretty strict about what they allow, so I doubt they would allow a sharpie. It would probably be best to check with your rabbit group leader about what alternatives might be allowed, and they will know better what information needs to be there.

          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

        • Kailaeve1271
          83 posts Send Private Message

            I am currently in the FFA and I can testify that sharpie is a big fat no! They can dry out there ears and if the judges can wipe the “tattoo” off or even smudge it, they will disqualify you, putting your rabbit in stress that got you nowhere. I do not show my bunnies because there is no way around tattooing. The ways to tattoo are though a stamp (like a regular stamp but it stabs into there ears roughly and I find them to be quite awful). The other option is just using a tattoo pen. They say the crates that they place bunnies in while they tattoo help calm them since they can only see darkness. I have tried looking from every standpoint but there is nothing to get around tattooing unless you choose to enter your rabbit in an unofficial show. Now if you decide to risk disqualification or tattoo her then the number is just at least one letter, and at least two numbers for most competitions. Your tattoo ID should not exceed 6 digits. Keep in mind that during shows rabbit are stressed from the loud noise, people walk past, unfamiliar smells, other rabbits that are in there eyes a threat, and people poking and prodding them, and also possibly feeding them food without your knowledge or consent. They are placed on wire cages for hours which can be bad for their feet and the cages are extremely small. While I love the FFA, rabbit showing is one of the few things they do that I do not approve of

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              I agree with above. Showing is very stressful. I’m not sure why you would want to bother for just one show?

            • RosieRabbit
              7 posts Send Private Message

                School’s out for winter break, but I’ll ask my teacher when I get back. Maybe I don’t have to show her. They’ve said multiple times that if you fail the class, you can’t show your animal, so showing must not be required. Tattooing is in early January, so I need to figure it out soon. Thanks for the advice

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            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Ear tattoo alternatives?