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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Dwarf lop or mini lop?

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    • Bunnie2020
      16 posts Send Private Message


        So I’m a bit confused whether my bunny Reggie is a dwarf lop or mini lop, I’ve always said dwarf lop as I presumed they were the same but turns out they are similar just different in weight.

        I looked at the paperwork and all it says is Male Lionhead lop.

        I have uploaded pictures and videos of him, one of them (with a black border) is from when he was only about 12 weeks and he weighed about 1.3kg when he had his first vaccines. He is now 1 and im not sure how he weighs as I don’t have some scales he would sit on lol.

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      • LBJ10
        17058 posts Send Private Message

          Let’s see… the UK miniature lop is similar to the Holland lop in the US. From my understanding, the lion lop was created by crossing lionheads with UK miniature lops.

          It’s confusing, because a UK dwarf lop is similar to a mini lop in the US… and ironically does not carry the dwarfism gene. So, if I’m understanding this correctly, then your bunny *should* have UK miniature lop in its bloodline. He may or may not be a true dwarf since UK miniature lops do carry the dwarfism gene. But anytime you have dwarfs, there will also be false some false dwarfs.

        • Bunnie2020
          16 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you for the reply!!!

          • Bunnie2020
            16 posts Send Private Message

              I weighed him by me standing on the scales and then holding him and deducting the weight, And he weighed about 2kg?


              So would that class him as a dwarf?


            • splotchesthebun
              16 posts Send Private Message

                Dwarf lops and Mini lops are very similar in appearance, size being the only real difference between the two. Dwarf lops are the larger of the two and may weigh as much as 2.5 kg. The smaller Mini lop has a maximum weight of 1.6 kg. Both varieties have a dense and soft coat and drooping ears.

                (I got this from google)



              • LBJ10
                17058 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m still going with UK mini lop because that is what a lion lop is supposed to be. Based on his weight and his appearance (face shape, etc.), I’m going to say false dwarf.

                • splotchesthebun
                  16 posts Send Private Message

                    😉 That also makes sense, LBJ10.


                  • Bunnie2020
                    16 posts Send Private Message

                      So we are thinking a Mini lop

                      I just think he weighs a bit more than 1.6

                    • LBJ10
                      17058 posts Send Private Message

                        Yep, and a false dwarf UK mini lop is going to weigh a little more than the “standard” max weight for the breed. 🙂

                        Note: The word dwarf is being used here to refer to the presence of the dwarfism gene, which is what the UK mini lop carries. It shouldn’t be confused with using the word dwarf in a breed name (i.e. dwarf lop).

                      • Bunnie2020
                        16 posts Send Private Message

                          So is he a dwarf mini lop haha,

                          I asked another forum page and I got told that he is a dwarf. Because of his face isn’t as flat as a mini lop. And because he is big compared to a mini lop.

                          So they said they think he is a cross bread of a dwarf lop with some lionhead

                        • Louiethebunny
                          604 posts Send Private Message

                            Whatever breed he is, he is VERY adorable!!

                          • LBJ10
                            17058 posts Send Private Message

                              If he is an actual lionlop, which is a breed recognized in the UK, then he would be a dwarf. NOTE: This breed is not recognized in the US. Like I said, a UK mini lop and a US mini lop are not the same breed. A UK mini lop carries the dwarfism gene, while US mini lop does not. Any dwarf breed can have false dwarf offspring. They are still “purebred”, they just didn’t inherit the dwarfism gene. So if your bunny is a little bigger and lacks some of the dwarfism characteristics, then I would assume he is a false dwarf. This doesn’t mean he isn’t the dwarf breed, it just means he doesn’t have the dwarfism gene.

                              Now, I could be completely wrong here and you are in the US. In which case, the lionlop is not a recognized breed. Breeders do produce “lionlops” by crossing lops with lionheads. The dwarf breed in the US is the Holland lop (which is very similar to the UK mini lop). This breed carries the dwarfism gene. The non-dwarf, but still small breed in the US is the US mini lop (very similar to the so-called dwarf lop in the UK). This breed does not carry the dwarfism gene.

                              Hopefully I am making sense here.

                            • LBJ10
                              17058 posts Send Private Message

                                “So is he a dwarf mini lop haha,
                                I asked another forum page and I got told that he is a dwarf. Because of his face isn’t as flat as a mini lop. And because he is big compared to a mini lop.
                                So they said they think he is a cross bread of a dwarf lop with some lionhead.”

                                To me, this suggests that they are referring to the UK dwarf lop. This breed does not carry the dwarfism gene (despite the name) and therefore, would have a more elongated face and heavier weight. A cross between a lionhead and a UK dwarf lop is another possible scenario here. In this scenario, he would have UK dwarf lop in him… but he would not be a true dwarf because this breed does not carry the dwarfism gene.

                              • Bunnie2020
                                16 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thanks for your reply. Very so confusing haha!!


                                  Im going to say he is a dwarf lop haha ever so confusing!!

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                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Dwarf lop or mini lop?