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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Dried brown spots in cage

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    • Bonnie
      3 posts Send Private Message

        Our bunny is about 4 years old, spayed, and the last few weeks we’ve noticed some small light brown spots in her pen.  They are dry but look like they were wet when first deposited.  It doesn’t happen everyday, but there are a couple brown spots about every other day and they are in the areas where she sits for a long time.  She is pooping and peeing fine, eating normally, and otherwise being her usual self.  It doesn’t foam when I put hydrogen peroxide on the spots.  I’ve attached a photo.  What could these brown spots be?

        [edited by forum leader to insert photo]

      • Boing
        253 posts Send Private Message

          I have no idea, but Daisy also gets them and always has. I have noticed cleaning them up that even when wet just with water, they do not smell at all. The picture did not work, but I wonder if they get them for the same reason.

        • mschoonover11
          288 posts Send Private Message

            I know what they are! They’re cecotropes! Toby used to get them in his cage all the time especially when he doesn’t want as much hay. Cecotropes are wet, very smelly poops that are all stuck together. They kind of look like little grape clusters. Totally normal. Bunnies actually ingest them as it’s very good for the,. So, sometimes if they don’t eat the whole cecotropes, they just leave the spot there. but they dry over night so that’s why you see dry brown spots.

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              If they are cecals, and you are noticing them that often, it could be due to diet. What is her diet like?

            • mschoonover11
              288 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By sarahthegemini on 2/25/2018 2:43 PM

                If they are cecals, and you are noticing them that often, it could be due to diet. What is her diet like?

                I agree. My bun used to eat way too many pellets and it caused him to overproduce cecals. Now, I only give him a 1/4 cup a day, and I barely see them in his cage anymore

              • Sirius&Luna
                2320 posts Send Private Message

                  That photo looks more like dried blood than cecals to me, but it is hard to tell on carpet. Perhaps you could put a puppy pad or white sheet down, to investigate further? If it’s blood it will need a vet visit.

                • Wick & Fable
                  5814 posts Send Private Message

                    That looks like cecal juice to me as well. It’s only happened one time where Wick leaked out a spot when he went to eat one of his. I don’t think it should happen consistently naturally. It would be worth speaking to a vet and formally investigate how your rabbit’s digestion/fermentation is doing.

                    The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                  • Azerane
                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                      I also think that it looks like dried cecal juice, my girl Luna gets this. No matter what I change, remove, or add into the diet it doesn’t go away. She doesn’t overproduce cecals, there’s just this juice. So hers are either wetter or she lets them sit on the ground for a bit before she picks them up to eat them.

                      I am curious however that this is a new thing when your bunny is 4 years old. And changes in diet recently?

                    • Sirius&Luna
                      2320 posts Send Private Message

                        Haha ok, ignore me then since there seems to be a consensus otherwise, I have wooden floors so when my buns leave cecos it looks different

                      • Bonnie
                        3 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks so much everyone! It’s my first time posting on here and I’m so pleasantly surprised by all the responses and willingness to help! One person asked why we just noticed the spots when she is 4 years old. We actually just adopted Rae Rae about a month ago, so it could be that she’s had them all along, but we didn’t notice it the first week. After I posted, I happened to catch one spot that was fresh and still a bit wet. It had a funky smell to it so I think it might’ve been cecal juice. We are taking her to the vet to make sure, but fingers crossed it is nothing we have to worry about. I’ll report back! Thanks again everyone!

                        • Bonnie
                          3 posts Send Private Message

                            Hi Azerane, you said your bunny produces cecal juice all the time. Do you know if that’s something to be concerned about? I’m thinking our bunny may have the same issue.

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Dried brown spots in cage