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Forum DIET & CARE Dremel for nail trims?

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    • (dig)x(me)x(now)
      2517 posts Send Private Message

        Does anyone use a Dremel or something similiar to trim their bun’s nails? I’m curious about how effective it is on bunnies.

      • jerseygirl
        22353 posts Send Private Message

          Eek! I would be too worried about friction burn. Have you ever tried file your nails with one or something similar? It gets hot very quickly and the heat transfers down the nail. Ouch!

          That aside, I love those tools!  So many applications – many of which they are not meant to be used for!!!

        • (dig)x(me)x(now)
          2517 posts Send Private Message

            Yeah, it would have to be on a low speed. But I think it would be better than risking cracking the nail or hitting the quick.

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              True! Well maybe someone about here has been so brave……wait and see

            • osprey
              2065 posts Send Private Message

                I would also be concerned about the noise of a Dremel tool making the bunnies freak out.  i know mine dislike getting their nails done, but thy *really* dislike the clicking sound that the clippers make after a nail gets cut.  Neat idea though.


              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  err..good luck with that. 

                  It seems to be a tool for “bunny freak”.   Rabbit feet are actually very sensitive and if the noise doesn’t get them, I bet that vibration won’t be pleasant.  Not sure if this could end up being so stressful that it could put a bunny in serious distress or not.   This is something I’ve never tried, so I am not speaking from any experience on this – but only imagine how it would go.

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    On E-how there are instructions on how to use it to trim a bird’s beak. I showed it to my brother for his parrot and he almost passed out. I would think the noise and vibration even at low speed would traumatize the bun.
                    Even with the use of a flex shaft.

                  • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                    2517 posts Send Private Message

                      Thanks for the feedback.

                    • PJ-Funnybuny
                      19 posts Send Private Message

                        People use them to trim dogs’s nails all the time. They even make special ones just for dogs.

                        However, I does seem like the kind of things that would scare our rabbits…

                      • KatnipCrzy
                        2981 posts Send Private Message

                          Dremels are used on dog nails, parrot beak and parrot nails quite often on pets that will allow it or can be safely restrained without too much stress on the pet.

                          A dremel at a moderately high speed will actually create a some heat from the friction of grinding the nail- and can “cauterize” the quick- but only it it is just the tip- and even that is not a sure thing that it will not bleed.  Dremeled nails don’t have the sharp edges like trimmed nails do.  Some parrots that need routine beak/ and or nail grooming will actually start making the dremel noise before the dremel is even turned on.

                          I am not sure how well it would really work on a rabbit though- it takes longer to dremel off a length of nail than it does to cut it with clippers.  If I dremel my dogs nails- I usually cut them first- otherwise it takes longer to dremel them.   I have a battery operated one that is not as powerful as the plug-in version and I started them with that first- as it is smaller and not as scary.

                          So unless you were taking just a little bit off the bunnys nails or were just filing the edges smooth after a trim- I would not use it.  And even then it might freak the bunny out too much.  I have never tried the dremel on Cotton’s nails.  I am so pleased when she does well for her trims with the nail trimmer- that I don’t really expect more than that.

                        • bunnytowne
                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                            Had a dremel drill. It got hot quick. Personally I wouldn’t use it on a bun. I tried a hair trimmer and the bun freaked out I mean totally I had to stop. Once that noise started forget it. And the nail would heat up too quick with a Dremmel drill. Gosh I miss my drill tho.

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                        Forum DIET & CARE Dremel for nail trims?