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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Dog crate rabbit home

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    • Mr.Melvin
      4 posts Send Private Message

        I recently converted an xl dog crate into a home for my nethie! I thought I would share what I came up with for all of those who are thinking about using a dog crate for their rabbit home. Melvin has free range of the house when I am home, but while I am at work or during the night he is in his cage. He is able to stand upright on the upper and lower levels

          photo DSC_0011_zpse6d11b9c.jpg

         photo DSC_0014_zps671814fc.jpg 

      • Baxter n Boos Mom
        394 posts Send Private Message

          Looks like a very nice cage….good job.

        • AnnaW
          569 posts Send Private Message

            It’s awesome, looks really comfy and snuggly|

          • Mr.Melvin
            4 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks! he is my first rabbit so he is being spoiled

            • Rachel Anne
              51 posts Send Private Message

                That is one ADORABLE guy! Nice cage too

              • njbunny
                99 posts Send Private Message

                  What did you use to make the second level? I am also using a super large dog crate for my bunny but have not figured out how to do the second level yet. I may end up just doing the nic grids zip tied but they are not the most sturdy (he is 6 pounds).

                • omg3kids
                  11 posts Send Private Message

                    My friend also does this for her rabbits. Great job!! And he’s such a cutie.

                  • Mr.Melvin
                    4 posts Send Private Message

                      The kennel I bought came with a divider so that you could make the cage smaller for puppies. I used that for my second level, and I ziptied cardboard on top of that. Luickly my guy is pretty small so it works

                    • Bam
                      16973 posts Send Private Message

                        That’s a lovely rabbit-home! And a really good idea too.

                      • njbunny
                        99 posts Send Private Message

                          Mr.Melvin mine came with a divider as well and I actually tried to do the exact same thing 2 nights ago but could not get it to fit! It would grab onto every bar except for the one in the corner that would not pull inwards (too stiff). It was a bit to small I guess so I was pulling in the sides of the cage just a bit to hook on the ends of the divider. Maybe I just need to attach it to as many bars as possible and then zip tie the rest. Thanks!!!

                        • NikkiBun
                          33 posts Send Private Message

                            Very nice! I used dog crates for my bunnies and I love them. For my second level I just went to Home Depot and bought wooden dowels to use as support beams and had them cut some pile wood piece as the flooring. I wrap an old towel around the pile wood levels so it is nice and soft. I have had no problems with my levels since I built them over a year ago because my two don’t chew on them.

                          • njbunny
                            99 posts Send Private Message

                              Ok, thank you for motivating me to try again. I made the divider work with some added zip ties and cardboard! I think my bun is a bit bigger than yours as he would not be able to periscope at both levels. I made the bottom tall enough for him to stand upright but the top is only tall enough to hop. He just lays up there anyway so it should be fine. It really gives him a lot more space as the cage was so tall and it was space he could not use. Since my bun does not jump high at all I had to put in steps for him to get up. It was a pain but I ended up making them out of cardboard since I have lots of it and he does not really chew it (he doesn’t chew much of anything actually). I also used cardboard for the top of the cage which is now a space for all the cats stuff which he is really happy about (when he is not stuffing himself in the cage). Thanks for the idea!!!!

                              Nikki, I agree about using the wood. I actually would have gone that route or even used the wood platform/chains like another person did however I am trying to spend as little money on the bun as possible as I promised my hubby the bun would not cost a fortune! I used everything I already had and when he walked in and saw the finished product I smiled really big and said, “don’t say a word, it did not cost a thing”! Then he complained that I used all his large cardboard sheets (grrrrr).

                            • Mr.Melvin
                              4 posts Send Private Message

                                njbunny i love it! Melvin would go bonkers for that cardboard for sure!! the bun cage is quite a hit with my boyfriends cat as well haha.

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  What house? I couldn’t see it – too busy admiring your super cute bunny! Mr.Melvin, your adorable!!!!!!!
                                  njbunny – I’m packing my bags, I’m moving in! What a set up! & ‘that cat’ – way tooooo funny!

                                • lovemypanda
                                  12 posts Send Private Message

                                    I love this! Mine came with a divider too, I’m going to try using that for the second level.

                                  • Lain
                                    12 posts Send Private Message

                                      I was looking into doing a C &C Cage but I have a few dog crates, this is so cool! I will try making one of these for my guy! I use them for my cats with the shelf. How far from the bottom should the second level be?

                                    • Azerane
                                      4689 posts Send Private Message

                                        Melvin certainly has a great castle there. The dog crate looks great. That’s one fantastic thing about Nethies is their small size makes other housing options much more viable

                                      • cinnybun2015
                                        570 posts Send Private Message

                                          That’s a great setup! I bought a PetSmart cage for Chomondeley… way too small, but he also has an entire X-pen attached. I wish that I could do the dog crate idea! Thanks for sharing.

                                        • Cranky_Turtle
                                          3 posts Send Private Message

                                            WOW!!! Great job! You guys have such cute bunny babies…and kitties lol. You have really inspired me to go ahead and use one of my dogs’ old crates. Hubby & I will be bringing a Holland Lop bunny home this Saturday. I can’t wait to introduce him/her to you guys! I was concerned at first to use the old dog crate because of space. Our baby will be in the crate at night and during the day while we’re away, but will have freedom while we’re home. You guys have really helped me out in this post alone & I can’t wait to show you guys what I come up with for our baby’s habitat.

                                          • Lucybunz
                                            34 posts Send Private Message

                                              Looks great! How do the rabbit and cat get along?
                                              I am getting a new roommate who has a cat and he said he would keep the cat in his room- but I feel bad, so I’m trying to figure out a way to make it work. Any tips?

                                            • LittlePuffyTail
                                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                Hey, guys. This is an old thread from 2013. We ask that members please not to respond to older threads as it causes confusion and these members may not still be active. Feel free to start a new thread on this topic. Thanks

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                                            Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Dog crate rabbit home