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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Do you do any of the following for your bunny?

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    • Sr. Melangell
      1708 posts Send Private Message

        1.) Read him/her a story from a book
        2.) Read letters you have sent to you in the post
        3.) Get people to talk to your bunny over the speaker on your phone
        4.) Talk to bunny about why you are sending an email
        5.) Get your bunny to pick out birthday cards etc
        6.) Allow bunny to do what they want (As long as it’s safe)
        7.) Talk to bunny when you order shopping online asking what they think
        8.) Kiss bunny goodnight as soon as bunny gets in his bed and turn out the light for him

        Am I mad? I do all those things.

      • CinnamonPearl
        69 posts Send Private Message

          I talk to Clover a ton! We have full on conversations. I also always let him do what he wants as long as it’s safe. He’s quite the prankster. ^w^ And i kiss him goodnight and also through all hours of the day, I can never stop snuggling him! He likes it but gets annoyed sometimes, heheh. XD He’s always quick to tell me when I’m hugging him too much, and I respect his boundaries. So long as I don’t touch the belly or the feet, he’s good with me prodding and hugging him.

        • Sr. Melangell
          1708 posts Send Private Message

            Another thing I do is if I am having a burger for tea I will give him some fruit or veg and say. “That’s Olly’s burger.” Or give him some carrot and if I am having egg and chips I tell him it’s his egg and chips.

          • Bam
            16977 posts Send Private Message

              I talk to Bam too. And he can do pretty much what he wants as long as it’s safe. And I have got my mum to talk to him over the phone on several occasions ?

            • Daisy
              199 posts Send Private Message

                1. No
                2. No
                3. No
                4. No
                5. No
                6. Yes. And as long as they don’t break anything important.
                7. No
                8. No

                I do greet them, usually in the form of “don’t die or escape please” (“ohai nijners, are you still alive?” or “Be good nijners ok?” (nijners is a self-made version of the word “bunny” in Dutch, it’s like “bunners”). Muffin always perks up when she hears me greeting her and Monster is looking at me like I’m an idiot ha. I also talk to them when cleaning their pen in the form of “leave my dust pan alone!” “Give that back!” “Don’t eat that plastic bag!” “Go away, you’re in the way!” “Do you REALLY have to sit right there?”, when they’re roaming through the house (“Stop doing that!” “Get out of there!” “Dude, I almost tripped over you”) or when I’m feeding them food or snacks “No idiot, the food is here”, “Why are you so blind”, “Don’t choke on that jeez – calm down”.

                I tend to pet them when I go to bed but Muffin doesn’t get the concept and is like “WHAT is your hand doing there without food’ and Monster is like “*siiiigghhh* FINE then…Okay I’m done bye”.

                I think both me and my bunnies are on the other side of the spectrum, haha. :’D

              • bbbunzo
                92 posts Send Private Message

                  LOL! Most of those things I have not done, but I will now. I also talk to my bunny a LOT. And kisses are the cutest. And being lawless is his specialty. I call him nightcrawler because he crawls around on his belly like a little worm under the bed at all hours. It can be pretty creepy when I’m sleeping, but always cute! We split fruits and veggies – when I go to the fridge he gets a snack too. And omg the almost tripping over them! Why does he want to play right in front of my feet as I walk? Whyyyyyyy!

                • Bam
                  16977 posts Send Private Message

                    I moved this thread to the Lounge, because it’s a fun thread that fits perfectly in the Lounge ??

                  • LittlePuffyTail
                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                      The only one of those is the goodnight one. I say “Goodnight, Love you Beautiful” before I turn the light off and head to bed. But I do a whole lot of other crazy bunny lady stuff. Like making up songs about bunny and singing them to bunny. Pretty much talking to her all day when I’m home. Make up crazy nicknames…..and on and on….

                    • Bladesmith
                      849 posts Send Private Message

                        I talk to Clover all day long. And when we have our nightly cuddles (And gods help me if I don’t give her her cuddles), I talk and whisper sweet nothings to her. It’s quite disgusting.

                        When she sits in my recliner with me in the mornings, she watches the news with me.

                      • Luna's Parents
                        27 posts Send Private Message

                          Yes! We do many of those things! I like to lie down on the ground with her and talk with her and let her nudge and sniff me, and I like to read her books with bunnies. She has free reign of most of our apartment and we tend to let her do whatever she wants in her (bunny-proofed) space.

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                      Forum THE LOUNGE Do you do any of the following for your bunny?