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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS DIY Toys and “Glue”

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    • BunniesandBullies
      1 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone!

        This is my first time posting so I’m crossing my fingers that I don’t mess it up

        It is “toy making weekend” at my house so I just pulled an all-nighter preparing wood blocks and turning strands of sisal rope pretty colors (all bun safe, of course!) with the intention of creating my own version of a bunny activity center.

        After doing some research, I came across an old (like, 2010 old) post about a rabbit safe glue made from tapioca flour/starch and water. Since I was awake and in the kitchen anyway, I decided to give it a try (results were so-so for my first go ’round).

        My question is, have any of you tried to use this “glue” as an adhesive for any toys and/or furniture for your buns? If so, what has your experience been? Will this serve as a (relatively) long-term adhesive? Also, anyone know the time frame in which I can expect this stuff to be dry?

        Thanks BUNches

      • Coco
        78 posts Send Private Message

          I hope that someone will answer your question as I would like to know as well. I would like to cover my buns hidey house with plain paper, possibly painted with a food dye water mix to blend in with her open pen housing area. I see no ideas on how to decorate the cardboard hidey houses yet.

        • Coco
          78 posts Send Private Message

            I ordered a sea grass mat and would like to attach it to the top of her hidey house, as she likes to sit on the top. But I don’t know of a safe way to do this outside of lashing it on. That might not be as safe as a starch glue?

          • Coco
            78 posts Send Private Message

              Double post, sorry

            • Bam
              16977 posts Send Private Message

                You could lash a seagrass mat on with safe string, such as undyed sisal.

                In the olden days here, wheat flour glue was much used as glue for children’s crafting, esp simpler papier maché projects. A rabbit should of course not eat large amounts of wheat flour, but if you see the bun actually eating the stuff you make, you should take it away anyway because it would mean eating large quantities of paper/cardboard too and that is hazardous.

                Drying time depends on the thickness of the work/ amount of glue applied, but it does take rather a long time because thesolvent is water. I have never used it to make bunny toys. You could try a smallish project to see how your bun responds under supervision.

                Here’s a recipy I found on a site for artists, it’s apparently very good for making collages, better than commecially available products: 1 part wheat flour to 3-4 parts water. Whisk/stir until it mixes, then warm it while whisking, let it boil for a few minutes. take it off the heat, whisk until cool. Keeps in fridge 1-2 weeks.

              • Coco
                78 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks for the reply.

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              Forum HABITATS AND TOYS DIY Toys and “Glue”