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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • TaraBunny
      19 posts Send Private Message

        So, my boyfriend was at his office on Friday and was going outside to smoke a cigarette.  He noticed in the grass there was a little black bunny.  Wild bunnies aren’t black, so he walked up to her, carefully.  And she looked up at him and kept eating grass.  He kneeled down to pet her and she sat there and let him.  So he picked her up, and noticed a boo-boo on her neck.  Well, you can’t just leave a rabbit like that out in the wild, especially if she’s injured.  He brings her home and we start to clean her up, there were magots in her wound.

        It took us 2 hours to get her all fixed up to send her to work with our friend, who works at an emergency vet.  The wound on her neck under her ear actually went all the way across her neck to the other side.  Something had this rabbit in it’s jaws by the neck, and she escaped!  We cut matted hair, pulled magots, and cleaned her for 2 hours.  It was aweful, a few times I almost cried because I couldn’t imagine what she must be going through.

        After we cleaned her we put her in her box and gave her a carrot, she LOVES them.  She ate it right up.  Her bowls were normal and she wasn’t spooked by the dogs or the cat.  We decided that if she was going to be okay, we were going to keep her.

        So, now we have a bunny, we’ve been flushing her wounds, getting the dogs used to her and loving on her all weekend.  I joined the forum, though, cause we don’t know exactly how to care for her.  So I’ll be visiting all the different places here to get a good handle on her care.

        She’s a black female, very young, and super sweet.  Her name is Tarantino (Tara) Cause she’s Death Proof.  (Quinten Tarantino is an awesome director, one of his movies was called Death Proof)

        That’s our story!

        (you can kinda see her boo-boo)

      • flippersmom
        213 posts Send Private Message

          Poor baby!!!! I don’t usually say this, but I’m glad your bf smokes!!!!!! She is lucky to have found you two!!!!

        • TaraBunny
          19 posts Send Private Message

            We couldn’t imagine leaving her there, she would have died. Now we have 2 dogs 2 cats a rat a bunny and 3 catapillars… lol!

          • sibley
            305 posts Send Private Message

              It’s so good you found her =)

            • bunnytowne
              7537 posts Send Private Message

                Ohh congrats on your new family member.   Buns are so sweet and so cute to watch.   After all that she isn’t afraid of the dogs.  Amazing. 

                You can post your questions in Q&A  and make comments and show pics in the lounge.   We have Diet and Care for questions on that too.

                Glad to have you welcome. 

              • RabbitPam
                11002 posts Send Private Message

                  She’s very sweet, and lucky she found humans who happen to have handy vet help.
                  Welcome. You’ll find lots of info. via the green banner at the top of this page.

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you for rescuing her. She is going to be a gread addition to your family. She’s only lucky little bunny for sure to have you.

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      Welcome here! Thank you for saving her! She’s such a pretty girl… and I’ll bet in 3 months, you won’t even recognize her… Just needs a little TLC. ;o) If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask…

                    • TaraBunny
                      19 posts Send Private Message

                        I can’t wait till it heals and her hair grows back.  I’m always afraid I’m going to hurt her if I bump it, but I don’t want to leave her in her cage all day.  She hung out with us today while we watched a movie.  She LOVES to snuggle my neck under my chin.

                        Posted By bunnytowne on 05/31/2009 01:30 PM

                        After all that she isn’t afraid of the dogs.  Amazing. 

                        Glad to have you welcome. 

                        After what she’s been through I’m surprised she let Arnie (the boyfriend) walk up to her like that.  Her personality is just amazing!


                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                           Oh crap! What a state she must have been in!  I’m so glad she crossed your bf’s path and you guy’s have taken her in.  This is a great site and wonderful community that’ll help you with Tara.  I wonder if she was caught up in wire or something.

                          3 caterpillers?  lol!

                        • MooBunnay
                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                            Poor little bun – I’m so glad your BF found her! I think you’ll find that bunnies are really great animals and a lot of fun I have 8 and I love spending time with them and caring for them.

                          • babybunsmum
                            3896 posts Send Private Message

                              wow what a story. that bun bun is certainly lucky your bf found her! and what a perfect name it is seriously amazing how trusting and loving she is after what she must have been through. it never ceases to amaze me how much we can learn from animals. i’m going to go cuddle my bunny now (even tho i’ll have to catch her first )

                            • PEPPA GEORGIE
                              268 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh what a lovely story and what a lucky bunny and a strong one too. Sounds like she is really loved and now having lots of fun. xx Can we have some more pics please ????

                              • Cake
                                91 posts Send Private Message


                                  How wonderful of you both to take her in. Sounds like you have a very nice animal family.

                                • MarkBun
                                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                                    Welcome and congratulations on being one of the good guys. If you have any questions, just ask and we’ll be more than happy to help you.

                                    On a side note, I know that a lot of people are icked out by the maggots but to me they’re a godsend as they only eat necrotic tissue and actually help to stop disease.

                                  • TaraBunny
                                    19 posts Send Private Message

                                      That’s why we weren’t too worried, the magots would clean the wound up a little bit. But after a while they do need to go. She had 4 huge botfly larve in her neck… That was the worst part! More pics coming soon!

                                    • MimzMum
                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                        Good Lord what an ordeal! ((((sending hugs and healing vibes)))))))))) Thank you so much for rescuing this poor little bunny! What a great name for her too!
                                        I am confused though, Markus…if bunnies can die from things like flystrike, how is that not related to maggots in an open wound? I can’t imagine having to take care of something like that, I think I couldn’t stomach it myself, and would have to defer to a vet immediately.

                                        At any rate, you folks are heroes in my book. Welcome to BinkyBunny!

                                      • TaraBunny
                                        19 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m not sure what flystrike is… I feel like I should though… But maggots eat dead flesh. Eventually the maggots can over take the animal and it will go septic, but maggots are sometimes used by doctors to clean someone’s wound. Then they’ll get rid of them and dress it properly.

                                        • wendyzski
                                          1312 posts Send Private Message

                                            Some types of maggots can exude a toxin – especially if they are injured while being removed – that can seriously damage a rabbit’s nervous system.  Here’s hoping you and Tara got very very lucky.

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                                        Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS Death Proof