Simba crossed the rainbow bridge in the AM hours of Thursday, 8/6 after getting checked in to intensive care since Tuesday night. I am still at a loss and the last 2 days have become a blur. But the only words I can find right now is everything I wish I can tell Simba. I don’t expect anyone to read through what is going to be very lengthy so I could only think to write it to Simba…
My dear Simba,
Just last week we hit the second anniversary of your brought home day at 3 months old. I was just discussing with daddy the birthday cake idea I had for your 3rd birthday. It was only 2 years ago I saw a picture of you and it was love at first sight. The first time I got to see you, you stood right up on your hind legs to see me. But I didn’t know much about bunnies, none-the-less as a pet. I researched what it would mean to take you home. I promised myself I would keep you a healthy, indoor bunny and was ready for the 10+ years commitment.
Tuesday night, at what was one of your favorite hours of the day, you hopped about excitedly waiting for dinner. You crazy munchy monster dug right in to inhale your pellets as you normally would. As much as I always told you to slow down, I would’ve never imagined it would be the reason to take you away from me. You choked and had trouble breathing. Daddy and I rushed you to the ER. They must have given you a rough night in the ICU. The next day as I received updates on you from them, my gut feeling told me you were not comfortable there so I made sure to find you better care. I would travel any distance for you to be on the road to recovery. During your second night away from home, I thought of what I should have when you return. Your brand new bag of hay was still sitting in the bag I brought it home in on Tuesday. But maybe you found the new place too comfortable and they called to tell me in the morning that overnight you had fallen asleep forever. Did you know mommy came to see you? You were sleeping so peacefully and handsome as ever. But I wanted to be rude and wake you up. I gave you your favorite cheek rub in just the spot you like and stroked the fur right above your nose where you would nudge your head higher for more, but you were still sound asleep.
I stared at your cage all night from my bedroom. This morning I missed that when I turned off the sink, I didn’t turn around to find your fuzzy nose waiting to be pet through the bars, I would no longer have a stalker bun following my steps as I return to my bedroom and peek from the corner of his cage until I came back into sight and know that soon breakfast will be served, I no longer need the 10 extra minutes to leave for work to feed my always hungry furbaby and make your potty comfy for the day, that I won’t be needing to pick up the free newspaper to use in your litter box. Who’s going to watch TV with me and follow me to the kitchen for veggies while I prepare dinner before daddy gets home? In just 3 months, mommy has a little human to introduce to you. It’s only been two years, I expected my little human to grow up with you. Why did you leave me so soon? I wasn’t ready for this.