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Forum THE LOUNGE Curious about phobias

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        So something non bun related that I thought might be quite interesting. I’m currently watching American horror story:cult (season 7), it’s my all time fave tv show (I’m in the uk so haven’t seen episode 2 yet so no spoilers please if anyone has watched haha). But a main theme this season is phobias. If any of you have phobias what are they? Personally I am scared of a lot of things, I’m a typically nervous, anxious and safety conscious person, but some of these things I wouldn’t class as severe enough to be a phobia. But I do have a severe phobia of moths and I am extremely claustrophobic. I also have a weird thing where I am really freaked out by statues that are life size or bigger and looking at them makes me feel really anxious, sick and dizzy.

        So for those with phobias how do you manage them and what sort of reactions do you get from people when you tell people about them? I know with mine I get some strange looks or people think I’m ridiculous.

      • Shadow13
        229 posts Send Private Message

          I am also extremely terrified of moths well basically all bugs like spiders, centipedes, bees,etc. I also am terrified of fish. Not tropical fish like fish that live in lakes. One time I was floating in a lake with lots of people I didn’t no and a fish jumped 2 feet in front of me and I screamed and then everyone gave me weird looks and laughed at me.

        • Dface
          1084 posts Send Private Message

            The weirdest phobia I have is pumpkin cells.
            I decided I wanted to start carving pumpkins about two halloweens ago, and I absolutley loved doing it, but the cells in pumpkins freak me out. I dont scream or anything like that but I feel so uncomfortable, like needles being poked into my back and ears.

            It’s to do with another phobia that I cant recall the name of, but I cant google it either in case the images pop up, but the essence is I dont like holes in things (If anyone has ever seen the frog that gives birth to her young out of her back its essentially a phobia related to that) its so weird. It’s not a fear reaction, it actually causes goosbumps and the sensation of being hurt? not badly but enough to freak me out and have to leave

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Is it trypophobia? That’s actually one of the phobias they show in the programme I was referring to and it features really odd things with holes. I’ve heard of it before but never really thought much of it but I believe it’s quite a common one. I actually find it really fascinating how certain things can trigger something like that, like you say with the inside of a pumpkin. My mum actually gets a bit like that but it’s with holes in those natural sponges.

            • sarahthegemini
              5584 posts Send Private Message

                I am an American Horror fan, not yet started watching Cult but I’ve recorded it.

                I’ve got Trypophobia (is that what you have Dface?) I read that that crops up in Cult hence why I’ve not watched it yet.

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  Sarah I’ve just finished watching episode 2 just now. It’s such a good season so far. In terms of the holes though it’s in there a few times but it’s not on the screen for too long. It’s more just to make a point. But I wouldn’t like to say oh it’s not that bad because I know that’s the worst thing you could say to someone who has a phobia that you dont

                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Eddyw111 on 9/16/2017 3:09 PM

                    Sarah I’ve just finished watching episode 2 just now. It’s such a good season so far. In terms of the holes though it’s in there a few times but it’s not on the screen for too long. It’s more just to make a point. But I wouldn’t like to say oh it’s not that bad because I know that’s the worst thing you could say to someone who has a phobia that you dont

                    Thanks Eddy, I’m plucking up the courage to watch it   I just hope it’s not something that becomes more prominent as the season goes on. But I won’t know til I watch 

                  • Sr. Melangell
                    1708 posts Send Private Message

                      OK, so phobias, we all have them nothing wrong there, I’m scared of robots, trains, especially driver less trains, toy remote control cars, dolls that move, baby dolls, shop mannequins or mannequins in a museum, I’m also scared of modern telephones, so scared I had to take a new telephone back to a shop and use an old rotary telephone from the 1980’s, I’m scared of some vacuum cleaners, like the big wet and dry ones, they remind me of robots for some reason, but the old vacuum cleaners with a light on the front really scare me, microwaves, washing machines when they are all lined up in a launderette, ugh no.

                      I’m also scared of machines like what they have in factories, these have been since I was little, so finding a job is very difficult, I’m having therapy, but its not helping, I don’t think I’ll be working in a power plant like Homer Simpson anytime soon.

                      What made me worse was when I finally decided to talk to a doctor about it and he laughed and told me to stop being stupid, well we all have phobias, we can’t help it.

                    • Sr. Melangell
                      1708 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh and another phobias, clowns and morph suits artificial limbs and puppets.

                      • Muchelle
                        1141 posts Send Private Message

                          I should have majored in phobia treatment instead of experimental neuropsychology…. sigh

                          (btw is AHS Cult any good? I gave up after Hotel…)

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By Muchelle on 9/17/2017 9:55 AM
                            I should have majored in phobia treatment instead of experimental neuropsychology…. sigh

                            (btw is AHS Cult any good? I gave up after Hotel…)

                            Yes it’s really good. People are already rating it as the best season yet just two episodes in.

                          • sarahthegemini
                            5584 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Eddyw111 on 9/17/2017 11:47 AM

                              Posted By Muchelle on 9/17/2017 9:55 AM
                              I should have majored in phobia treatment instead of experimental neuropsychology…. sigh

                              (btw is AHS Cult any good? I gave up after Hotel…)

                              Yes it’s really good. People are already rating it as the best season yet just two episodes in.

                              So pleased to hear that, I was disappointed with Roanoke. 

                            • Muchelle
                              1141 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By sarahthegemini on 9/17/2017 12:50 PM 

                                So pleased to hear that, I was disappointed with Roanoke. 

                                Sorrysorrysorry last OOT: omg YES! I watched the first ep of Roanoke and it was so bad… gave up at half of the second ep =.=””””
                                I’ll give Cult a try then Without Jessica Lange nothing will be as good as the beginning imo, but can’t knock it till I try it!

                              • sarahthegemini
                                5584 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By Muchelle on 9/17/2017 1:13 PM

                                  Posted By sarahthegemini on 9/17/2017 12:50 PM 

                                  So pleased to hear that, I was disappointed with Roanoke. 

                                  Sorrysorrysorry last OOT: omg YES! I watched the first ep of Roanoke and it was so bad… gave up at half of the second ep =.=””””
                                  I’ll give Cult a try then Without Jessica Lange nothing will be as good as the beginning imo, but can’t knock it till I try it!

                                  I watched the entire season 6 and just couldn’t get into it. Didn’t help that Evan Peters had such a minor role. So gutted. 

                                  I love Jessica Lange so I didn’t have high hopes for Hotel but surprisingly I loved it. 

                                • Muchelle
                                  1141 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By sarahthegemini on 9/17/2017 1:17 PM

                                    Posted By Muchelle on 9/17/2017 1:13 PM

                                    Posted By sarahthegemini on 9/17/2017 12:50 PM 

                                    So pleased to hear that, I was disappointed with Roanoke. 

                                    Sorrysorrysorry last OOT: omg YES! I watched the first ep of Roanoke and it was so bad… gave up at half of the second ep =.=””””
                                    I’ll give Cult a try then Without Jessica Lange nothing will be as good as the beginning imo, but can’t knock it till I try it!

                                    I watched the entire season 6 and just couldn’t get into it. Didn’t help that Evan Peters had such a minor role. So gutted. 

                                    I love Jessica Lange so I didn’t have high hopes for Hotel but surprisingly I loved it. 

                                    I loved Hotel’s setting and chatacters (I loved the dinner party episode, to say it without spoilers), but the main plot about the policeman and the kid just bored me T_T

                                  • joea64
                                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By Charlies Angel on 9/16/2017 5:31 PM

                                      Oh and another phobias, clowns and morph suits artificial limbs and puppets.

                                      I don’t think the new movie version of “IT” is going to help that particular phobia of yours any, so best stay away from it. (Real clowns, who have been having a tough time of it lately, are up in arms about the movie from what I hear.)


                                      My own phobias? Well, let’s see. I used to have a pretty unreasoning fear of medical needles in general and hypodermic syringes in particular. I’ve had to get over that to a certain extent since I need to take insulin for Type II diabetes control, and fortunately the flexpens are a lot different from those nasty old hypodermics – in fact the needles themselves are so thin if you do it right you can’t really feel it at all. I still have to look away when my blood is drawn for testing, though. I also have a mild phobia of crustaceans – I’ve never been able to eat crab or lobster and really don’t understand how anyone else can bring themselves to eat what are basically carrion-feeding, bottom-dwelling, sea-going bugs with way too many legs. And pincers. Can’t forget the pincers. 

                                    • Deleted User
                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m a bit of a nerd and I’ve watched all the seasons more than once. I gave Roanoke a second watch recently and it was much better than the first time I watched it. I think there’s always high expectations of what the series is going to be that when you watch it it’s sometimes not what you were expecting. Keep giving me Evan peters and I’m happy haha.

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          Also I’m finding all these different phobias so interesting. They’re all so varied. Joe I have to agree with you on the needles thing. That’s another issue for me. Although as I’ve had two children and blood tests were an important part of pregnancy I’ve become more tolerable to them. But it’s not something I cope with easily. I once went for a routine blood test and while I was there I was informed I needed a flu jab also. Well that I wasn’t prepared for, so I tried to wiggle my way out of it and say I’d come back another day. Well the nurse just popped her head in the main docs office and said oh he will just do it now. He came at me from across the room with this needle as if he was in a javelin competition. I left the room traumatised and in tears

                                        • MoxieMeadows
                                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                                            I’m typically very anxious person. I am uncomfortable in social scenarios like talking to new people or going on stage (Which I had to get over to an extent since I am a dancer lol)
                                            Sometimes I don’t know where to draw the line of being anxious, or actually having a weird phobia lol. But I guess I will list the things that are clearly phobias and then things that make me really uncomfortable lol

                                            Spiders, June bugs, large moths (small ones don’t bother me. And big ones don’t really bother me unless they fly around sporatically, nearly flying in my face), heights,

                                            Borderline phobias:
                                            Answering the phone or making calls (I will not answer the phone if I do not know the number, and even if it’s someone I know, my stomach goes in knots and I get shaky)
                                            Knocking on people’s doors. Like, if I get invited to their house, I hate knocking on their door. Idk why lol
                                            Clowns (nearly a phobia, but if it appears to be a nice clown, and it keeps it’s distance, I am okay)

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                                        Forum THE LOUNGE Curious about phobias