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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Color of the feet?

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    • poopy
      684 posts Send Private Message

        On the Monthly Maintenance section I noticed it said bright red feet colors are bad….well today I was inspecting Medusa all over as I like to do when she is tranced. I peeled the fur apart on her feet and found that they were bright red, and one of them had like a scab on them. Neither looked infected, but they were rather bright. She hasn’t been in a hutch since over 4 mos. when I got her. Is this normal? And her litterbox is not dirty, I change it every other day.

        See pix below:
        1) Feet normally- they look normal and really fluffy

        2) Foot 1- with thin scab

        3) Foot 2

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Looks like bunny has sore hocks. Oohhh that does look sore. What type of surface does bunny have … is it hard? If so, try placing something soft down on the cage bottom.

          Try applying a cooled tea bag to sore areas and clip his toenails short.

          Your obviously keeping his littertray clean each day.

        • poopy
          684 posts Send Private Message

            She’s on carpet & rugs–doesn’t have a cage! I am baffled at where this could come from. Like I said when she was in rescue (in Dec.) before I adopted her, she was in a hutch….but you would think it would have gone away by now. I never peeled her fur when I first got her so I don’t know how her feet looked then, but from the outside they always looked fluffy & normal.

            Could you guys peel your buns fur at the heels and tell me what color it is?

            The article linked on binkybunny says:  "Some signs of wear are normal on rabbits’ hock. Pink, hairless or callused patches are not a problem but should be watched closely so it doesn’t develop into something more serious."
            —I can’t tell if Medusa’s wear is "normal" or not—

          • BinkyBunny
            8776 posts Send Private Message

              Hey Poopy, she may have had sore hock before you got her. Sore hocks can take a a very  long time to heal because of course bunnies have to use their feet. So what  it looks like is just the leftover healing. The fact that there is a scab shows healing, and the fluffy hair on her feet is a good sign! This will continue to buffer her tender tootsies. Just keep an eye on them to make sure the continue to heal (it can take many months) and keep her nails trimmed as nails that are too long can also contribute to sore hocks.

              If you see that they get worse, then check with your vet for topical treatment.

              FYI: Bailey has reddish hocks because of the way she walks due to spine issues she’s dealt with all of her life. When I noticed them getting too red I put some topical antibiotic on it. But I’ve only had to do that one time.

            • osprey
              2065 posts Send Private Message

                Poopy, is this bunny a thumper?  Thumping can really do a job on her feet if she manages to thump on a hard surface.

                We had a bunny at one of our show recently who was just petrified of the show.  This happens with some of the buns, the noise, dogs walking through the store, people all over the place, it is just too much for them.  He sat in his carrier and thumped over and over.  He actually made his hocks bleed from thumping.  We treated the wound and got him back home ASAP.  No more shows for him.

              • poopy
                684 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks BB- this is a relief. I was really surprised she still has these!

                  And no Osprey, she’s not a big thumper, thankfully.

                • lilmizzsnickerz
                  318 posts Send Private Message

                    aww i hope they get betteri going go check out my bunny

                  • cookie627
                    387 posts Send Private Message

                      yeah i hope your bun gets better!

                    • poopy
                      684 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks, did anyone check what color your bun’s feet are?

                      • MooBunnay
                        3087 posts Send Private Message


                          My Juli has the same thing.  I have heard that one way to aid the bunnies with their sore hocks is to glue the fur on either side of the sore hocks together at the ends to allow that glued together fur to create a padding between the sore hock and the floor. Does this make sense? If not, let me know and I will try to explain it better For now I have not done this with Juli, as she seems to be hopping around OK on her toes, she doesn’t really use her hocks to hop around, probably because it used to hurt her.

                          Obviously only a tiny amount of glue is used – I have heard it is possible to use super glue, however I have not confirmed this with my vet, so you might want want to call them and ask if that is OK, or if there is some type of vet glue you can use.

                        • poopy
                          684 posts Send Private Message

                            The fur covers the sore hock all the way, and she is quite padded….I would’ve never found them had I not peeled apart the fur to see whats under there.

                            Where did Juli get hers from? Did she used to live in a hutch before you got her?

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Color of the feet?