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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Clover, i wish you had another 12.5 years

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    • longhairmike
      1069 posts Send Private Message

        Clover was our first foster bunny from Tranquility Trail in summer of 2012. We went onto foster her for another 3 months in spring of 2013, before finally deciding to officially adopt her in Sept 2013. She was always a loner (and biter) who had a hard life, but she loved me and bonded with me. About a year ago she started having problems with her back legs and went on daily meloxicam for her arthritis. this spring she started having trouble cleaning herself and i would need to give her daily buttbaths to prevent poop and cecals from getting all mucked up around her behind. i didnt mind it because i loved her. the past month of so she really would sleep a lot except when it was food time, then she’d dash up to the edge of her pen. We would try to take her out for play time, but she would just end up walking back to her pen.

        the night of the 14th she was looking a bit more disoriented than usual, so I brought her up on the couch and i supported her with blankets,, that was when her head started tilting,, i already had a bottle of panacur so i immediately gave her a dose, but she worsened throughout the evening. within a few hours, the only thing i could do for her to keep her from rolling was keep her on her side in her plush bed with her head resting on the raised edge for stability. i opened up her pen and put my pillows down next to her and spent the night right next to her. i barely got a few hours sleep throughout the night as she went into 3 separate rolling episodes which immediately woke me. Even though she was on her side, i held her about 6 baby carrots in front of her mouth and she ate them in her semi-conscious state. she also took about a dozen 1ml syringes of water.

        by morning she was barely responsive to anything and her eyes were darting back and forth. i called the vets to bring her in to help her cross. Sept 15th was not only her 12.5th birthday, but also the 4 year anniversary of her adoption. We knew she was getting weaker, but it was almost as if she stayed around just for us, because she wanted to show us, “see guys, i knew i could do it”

      • tobyluv
        3310 posts Send Private Message

          I’m very sorry about the loss of your beautiful Clover. You gave her wonderful care and love. It’s so nice that you adopted an older bunny and made her senior years become special ones. The slideshow is a lovely tribute to Clover.

        • Vienna Blue in France
          5317 posts Send Private Message

            So sorry about your loss. It sounds as if you had a very special bond.
            (( binky free Clover ))

          • Luna
            2219 posts Send Private Message

              Your slideshow is beautiful. I hope I have as many good times and adventures with Luna as you did with Clover.

              Binky free Clover

            • LittlePuffyTail
              18092 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend. How very lucky she was to have lived her final years with someone who loved her so much.

                The slideshow is beautiful. How loved she was just radiates from the pictures.

                (((((Binky Free Clover)))))

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  LHM- So sorry for your loss. Clover couldn’t have had a better human. What an amazing life full of love.
                  Thank you for sharing the slideshow. So beautiful.

                  Binky Free Clover!

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    What a special girl. <3 Binky Free, Miss Clover!

                    Im sorry for your loss, LHM. It is hard to see them aging. The buns are very blessed to find a home with you.

                  • Bam
                    16977 posts Send Private Message

                      Binky Free, Clover. What a lucky girl she was. And lucky you, for having her in your life.

                      I’m very sorry for your loss. The slideshow is a wonderful tribute. I especially like the pic of her on a pillow in a hidey-box. I set something like that up for my Bam, because he likes pillows and he likes boxes but I’d never thought of combining the two.

                    • Q8bunny
                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                        A beautiful tribute to a beautiful bun. I’m glad she got to spend her senior years so loved by you.
                        (((Binky free, Clover.)))

                      • Dee
                        704 posts Send Private Message

                          Mike, I’m so sorry about Clover. All these long time BB members losing bunnies- I’m tearing up every time I come here. So sad, but also so many well loved bunnies that lived great lives. Clover won the bunny lottery when you adopted her! I know it’s heartbreaking to lose her, but how wonderful that she got to spend several years with you. To reach 12.5 years is a tribute to your care of her- and she got to spend her last days being spoiled and adored. This is the one thing I find nearly unbearable- that these beautiful, fragile creatures are with us for such a short time before we have to say goodbye. We always wish for more time ?. You are in my thought and prayers.
                          {{{Binky free, Clover}}}

                        • LBJ10
                          17058 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m just now seeing this. I’m so sorry for your loss of Clover. She was so lucky to have you in her life. I don’t think she could have asked for a better human.

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                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Clover, i wish you had another 12.5 years