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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS C&C cage quesiton

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    • StarlightAria13
      17 posts Send Private Message

        My bunny Max is three and a mini lop. He is on the heavier side and I believe he may be about 10 pounds. The point is that I’m trying to make a C&C cage for him that has enough space for him because I work during the day and I want him to be able to play and run in it. So I’m curious how big I should make it and your thoughts on whether or not it could/ should have multiple levels.

        Thanks for any input in advance

      • Timber
        55 posts Send Private Message

          Hi WildRose. I’m not an expert on how much room bunnies need, but I thought I’d share a pic of the cage we made for Timber. He’s about 1/3 the weight of your bun, though, so take that into account when you size your cage. It seems to me like this size would be adequate for a larger bunny. We went with extra levels to give him some interesting movement to do when we’re gone. He likes to sit on the upper level, since it is partially obscured by the towel ceiling.

          I think you can see from the pic, but this one is 4 grids wide by 2 grids deep. You may have to adjust the height depending on how big and jumpy your bunny is. The walls we have are all 3 high from the ground, except the doors are 2. Timber will jump over the height of one grid, but not two. Although it takes up a decent amount of floor space, I’m glad we didn’t make it any smaller.

        • Vienna Blue in France
          5317 posts Send Private Message

            Hello and welcome – the answer if yes! yes! yes! and also as big as you can make it !!!

            • V1cky
              1 posts Send Private Message

                Hi could I ask what have you used for flooring and on the ramp please.

              • Bam
                16992 posts Send Private Message

                  Hi Vicky, and welcome to the BB forums!

                  This thread is very old, so I recommend you start a thread if your own on this topic. You do that by clicking the crrate topic-button in the Habitats and Toys-section. You’ll get more relevant answers if you do!

                  I’ll lock this old thread now, if you run into any trouble when you’re creating a new topic, please PM me or one of the other moderators and we’ll help!

              • rabbitcolors13
                1 posts Send Private Message

                  hi timber, I just wanted to say nice cage . Also I need to find some C&C grids for the piggies and bunnies. please tell me where I can get some and how much they cost .


                • Timber
                  55 posts Send Private Message

                    Hi rabbotcolors13.
                    Thanks! We had a hard time finding the wire grids. We ended up ordering them on Amazon. For our setup we needed 2 packages at $32 a piece. Now that stores are putting out their back to school supplies it’s easier to find them locally. I recently saw the same set at Aldi for $20, I think.

                  • Azerane
                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                      Where you can get the grids from will depend on where you live. For a 10 pound rabbit I’d recommend at least a 2×5 grid condo with two levels. Bandit was 7 pounds and his was 2x5x3 with two complete levels. The bottom level was two grids high, and the top level only one, you’d probably need both levels 2 grids high for a 10 pounder though.

                      Here’s a pic

                    • Vienna Blue in France
                      5317 posts Send Private Message

                        What does C&C stand for ?
                        What is their primary use?
                        School work? Why? Filing cabinets?
                        Never seen them before coming on here….

                      • Timber
                        55 posts Send Private Message

                          They are flexible shelves or storage bins. I don’t like them all that much for their intended purpose. For storage they aren’t very sturdy.

                        • Vienna Blue in France
                          5317 posts Send Private Message

                            C&C = “Create & Collapse” then…??

                          • Timber
                            55 posts Send Private Message

                              I honestly don’t know what C&C stands for. I’ve also seen them called NIC. I don’t know what that means, either. I’ve seen them offered in stores for many years, but until I started looking at bunny stuff, I had never seen them referred to by these names.

                            • Azerane
                              4689 posts Send Private Message

                                C&C stands for cubes and coroplast. NIC is Neat Idea Cube which is just one of the brands.

                                They’re originally just household storage shelving units. Like the more modern solid cube shelf units like you find at Ikea, just with wire grids and customisable.

                              • Vienna Blue in France
                                5317 posts Send Private Message

                                  Well. Who’s a clever bunny then?

                                • Timber
                                  55 posts Send Private Message

                                    Aha! Thanks, Azerane. I’m not using coroplast, so I guess I don’t have a C&C pen 

                                  • Azerane
                                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                                      Just means I’ve been bunny obsessed for a very long time, haha.

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                                  Forum HABITATS AND TOYS C&C cage quesiton