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Forum BEHAVIOR Can Holland Mini Lop jump an 18 inch high pen wall

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    • Purplepaw
      10 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all

        I created a pen for my Holland Mini Lops.  It has wire fence walls 18 inches high.  My question is whether this is high enough to prevent Holland Mini Lops from jumping over.  My Polish could easily jump over this size pen fence.  But for the Holland Mini Lop, since they are smaller and  fairly squat bunnies compared to Polish or other breeds, I am thinking this may be sufficient. At least I hope so since I don’t want to have to buy another higher fence.  This one is a convenient size since I can step over it.  A 24 or 36 inch high pen I cannot step over.  

        There are 2 Holland Mini Lops that I have, both new and young, which use the pen alternately as I am keeping them separate until they are neutered in a couple months.  

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          It depends on the bunny. I have two Hollands. Bombur can sort of jump that height, and Asriel has on numerous occasions. We actually had to buy him a cat tower cause he jumps so high. With bunnies, if there’s a will there’s a way.

        • Purplepaw
          10 posts Send Private Message

            Oh, maybe I will end up having to get the higher fence then! When they are a little older…

          • Bam
            16987 posts Send Private Message

              18 inches isn’t enough. Holland lops look squat and clumsy, but they aren’t. They are actually often used for bunny agility here. I have a mini lop (the Europeon equivalent of a Holland lop), and he certainly looks like he couldn’t jump, but looks decieve. If he’s motivated he can jump from the floor right up into a bowl of fruit salad or baked pumpkin that you’re eating from. That’s like at least 3 feet. You might guess how I know this. The fruit salad was the worst, because there was whipped cream on it. And then there was whipped cream on huge bunny feet and me and even the walls =D

            • Sirius&Luna
              2320 posts Send Private Message

                The two mini lops I currently have have never jumped out of their 50cm (slightly more than 18 inches) pen… But the one I had before would regularly jump in and out, until we gave up and made him free range.

                You can always try clipping a sheet or something similar over the top, so there’s a ceiling.

              • sarahthegemini
                5584 posts Send Private Message

                  Posted By bam on 11/22/2017 2:26 AM

                  18 inches isn’t enough. Holland lops look squat and clumsy, but they aren’t. They are actually often used for bunny agility here. I have a mini lop (the Europeon equivalent of a Holland lop), and he certainly looks like he couldn’t jump, but looks decieve. If he’s motivated he can jump from the floor right up into a bowl of fruit salad or baked pumpkin that you’re eating from. That’s like at least 3 feet. You might guess how I know this. The fruit salad was the worst, because there was whipped cream on it. And then there was whipped cream on huge bunny feet and me and even the walls =D

                  Was this Bam or Yohio? 

                • Bam
                  16987 posts Send Private Message

                    Sarah, this was Bam ?

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Bam that’s so funny! We discovered Asriel could jump that high shortly after his neuter. We left the top of the cage open to feed both buns, and when we weren’t look he took one big bound… right over the top of his cage and over the open door. Needless to say I was petrified he was going to open his stitches for the second time.

                    • Bladesmith
                      849 posts Send Private Message

                        Clover, a 15 lb American Chinchilla, can make a vertical 36″ jump, with a 6″ or more lateral. Seen her do it time and again. So yeah, I believe they can. I think people tend to grossly underestimate the leaping ability of Buns.

                      • Bam
                        16987 posts Send Private Message

                          A&B, that’s so typical of bunnies! They can never resist an opportunity to scare the wits out of their humans ??

                          Bladesmith, that’s truly impressive!

                        • Bladesmith
                          849 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By bam on 11/24/2017 3:09 PM

                            A&B, that’s so typical of bunnies! They can never resist an opportunity to scare the wits out of their humans ??

                            Bladesmith, that’s truly impressive!

                            The first time she did it, at 3 AM, I almost left some pooples in the bed myself. Pretty sure I heard her giggle.

                          • AngoraMom
                            1 posts Send Private Message

                              As others said, most definitely! Our newest angora surprised us by being a massive jumper. Not only can she jump over a baby gate (there goes keeping her contained to one room!) but she jumps up and grabs ONTO the dog pen we have for her pen area and then pulls herself up and jumps over! Keeps dogs out, but no bunny in

                            • joea64
                              1423 posts Send Private Message

                                Fernando, until I started putting a bedsheet over the buns’ X-pen enclosure, was starting to make routine jumps of 30-36 inches to get out of said enclosure by leaping to the condo roof, usually when he thought I wasn’t really paying attention. He’s a little Polish (probably) rabbit who weighs just over 3 pounds.

                              • sarahthegemini
                                5584 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By bam on 11/22/2017 5:45 AM

                                  Sarah, this was Bam ?

                                  Oh Bam 

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                              Forum BEHAVIOR Can Holland Mini Lop jump an 18 inch high pen wall