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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Can bunnies eat Pomegranates (fruit leaves or branches)?

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    • Amy
      15 posts Send Private Message

        Can bunnies eat Pomegranates (fruit leaves or branches)?

        I have several trees pom wonderful trees on my property and and wondering if they are safe for rabbits. I cannot find any mention any info anywhere about Pomegranate trees and rabbits.

      • Tuppence
        49 posts Send Private Message

          I believe they can. When I was growing up in Greece my aunt had rabbits and several pomegranate trees, and they would go berserk over the fruit and the leaves. The only thing I would be wary of with the fruit is the sugar content, so it would have to be an occasional treat.

        • LBJ10
          17090 posts Send Private Message

            I haven’t heard either way with this one. I think people in the past has asked, but no one ever seemed to know. As you said, it isn’t listed on any of the rabbit foods lists. That being said, there are some rather interesting articles out there about its effects. Typically rabbits are used in these studies. Pomegranate is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, but it also causes reproductive issues in rabbits.

          • Amy
            15 posts Send Private Message

              I was thinking of offering them mostly the branches and leaves. Both my mini lops are spayed/neutered so I do not think potential reproductive issues would matter in this case? Still I am a bit leery without more solid info. Maybe introduce it slowly and observe them carefully. They do go beserk over my grape vines, though I never see them eat the grapes….just the leaves and branches. Also, that said…I give them grapes leaves everyday with their fresh veges just because I have so many accessible. I read some veges should not be given everyday? Anyone know about grapes leaves? (I eat them too much too by the way….I love stuffed grape leaves). Maybe I need a new post for that question.

            • Amy
              15 posts Send Private Message

                Reproductive issues would not matter is they are spayed neutered right? They seem to like to nibble the pomegranate leaves but not shown much interest in the pips. Noticed no ill effects. Grape vines, leaves and grapes are another story entirely. I could not find that on any list either but am certain they are fine as they eat them voraciously. Especially the leaves and an occasional treat of frozen grapes seems to be preferred to Bananas nowadays. I thought they did not care for grapes but must have just been finicky. They seem to prefer them frozen…They get grapes leaves with their daily veges during season for the past couple years and they are just fine.

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            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Can bunnies eat Pomegranates (fruit leaves or branches)?