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Forum DIET & CARE Can a 4 month old rabbit have adult pellets?

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    • mschoonover11
      288 posts Send Private Message


        When I first got Toby which was when he was 8 weeks old, I fed him the Oxbow Young Rabbit Essentials. Last week, the bag was almost empty so I ordered new pellets. Since he is currently only 4 months old, I was going to get him another bag of the Oxbow Young Rabbit Essentials but I saw that they had soy in them which is not as good for rabbits. Because of this, I decided to order the Oxbow Organic Bounty Adult Rabbit Food as it did not have soy. I was a bit hesitant of ordering these organic pellets since they’re made for adults, but I’ve heard many cases of people  feeding their young rabbits adult pellets. If it’s not ok to feed him these pellets yet, pls let me know and I’d be happy to order him the young rabbit pellets and ave the organic ones for when he’s an adult. Rabbits become adults at 7 months right? Or is it at one year?

        I give him a 1/4 cup a day of pellets. Once I got the new pellets, I mixed them in with his old pellets and he’s been reacting well to them. At first he didn’t want to eat them, but when I left the room, he ate them cause when I cam back, the bowl was empty! I guess buns like their privacy when they eat lol

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          The breeder I got my boys from never gave me young rabbit pellets, she gave me a huge bag of the Purina. My boys grew just fine So I’d say it’s okay. I’m sure he enjoys the added fruit flavor to them.

        • mschoonover11
          288 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 2/13/2018 8:12 PM

            The breeder I got my boys from never gave me young rabbit pellets, she gave me a huge bag of the Purina. My boys grew just fine So I’d say it’s okay. I’m sure he enjoys the added fruit flavor to them.

            Lol yep… That’s what I was thinking about the sweet flavor. Toby sure has a sweet tooth

          • mschoonover11
            288 posts Send Private Message

              anyone else?

            • Wick & Fable
              5810 posts Send Private Message

                Yes. Wick was changed to adult pellets a little under 3mo. As long as there’s ample weight gain, it’s fine!

                The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

              • Bam
                16951 posts Send Private Message

                  It’s perfectly fine to feed adult pellets to young buns, you just might have to give a little more. The other way around isn’t good, adults shouldn’t have baby pellets because baby pellets are richer.

                • Heaven
                  256 posts Send Private Message

                    Hello! Yes, when I got my rabbit as a baby the previous owners had been feeding him adult pellets. He goes absolutely nuts for them though, so I keep them to use as treats/bribes/training rewards

                  • mschoonover11
                    288 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you for all of the replies!

                      I’m relieved because for a moment, I thought he’d get sick by eating adult pellets.

                      He sure does love the sweet fruit in those organic pellets

                    • mschoonover11
                      288 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By bam on 2/14/2018 3:41 PM

                        It’s perfectly fine to feed adult pellets to young buns, you just might have to give a little more. The other way around isn’t good, adults shouldn’t have baby pellets because baby pellets are richer.

                        I’m giving him a 1/4 cup a day of the new adult pellets. Is that good? Or should I give more/less? 

                      • Heaven
                        256 posts Send Private Message

                          They say you can feed “unlimited” pellets until around 6+ months, but I’m cautious of doing that in case they don’t eat as much of their hay (my rabbit is the same age as yours). I feed hay throughout the day plus a small handful of pellets which I sprinkle on the bottom of his cage so he has to forage for them, or hand feed one by one so we can bond some days I’ll give him more than a small handful, since he is still a growing bun, but Im not that precise with measuring. I think as long as you prioritise hay eating over pellets, 1/4 cup is fine or definitely no harm in giving a little more.

                        • mschoonover11
                          288 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By Heaven on 2/16/2018 1:17 PM

                            They say you can feed “unlimited” pellets until around 6+ months, but I’m cautious of doing that in case they don’t eat as much of their hay (my rabbit is the same age as yours). I feed hay throughout the day plus a small handful of pellets which I sprinkle on the bottom of his cage so he has to forage for them, or hand feed one by one so we can bond some days I’ll give him more than a small handful, since he is still a growing bun, but Im not that precise with measuring. I think as long as you prioritise hay eating over pellets, 1/4 cup is fine or definitely no harm in giving a little more.

                            I also heard that growing buns should have unlimited pellets, but I personally think that’s absurd because every rabbit loves pellets and will eat more than hay which is not good at all. I tried for a bit and of course Toby ate them more than he did the hay. What your’e doing with your bun seems like a great method But, I just choose to feed less pellets to get him to eat more hay.

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              It’s funny you say that, Asriel was never big on pellets when he was younger. I usually gave them about 1/2 cup a day, and Asriel never finished his. He would much rather munch on hay. Little bugger still goes crazy for hay too. I think I got lucky with him xD

                            • mschoonover11
                              288 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 2/20/2018 1:02 PM

                                It’s funny you say that, Asriel was never big on pellets when he was younger. I usually gave them about 1/2 cup a day, and Asriel never finished his. He would much rather munch on hay. Little bugger still goes crazy for hay too. I think I got lucky with him xD

                                Lucky! I wish Toby was like that! When he was young, it was and still is a struggle to get him eat a lot of hay lol

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                            Forum DIET & CARE Can a 4 month old rabbit have adult pellets?