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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny Peeing when she is… Happy?

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    • Moonlight_Wolf
      1155 posts Send Private Message

        I have been meaning to ask you guys this for a while but I kept forgetting.

        Three times I have been petting Fern and she is really happy grindy teeth and all and then she lifts her tail to pee! One time I saw her lifting her tail and the other times when she moved I just saw a wet spot, it is really strange.

        I just approached her and petted her, around her neck and on her head and ears where she likes it, she sat there for a while and seemed happy grinding her teeth, but then she moved away and there was… pee. Weird.

        Is she peeing becuse she is happy? Has this happened to any of you guys?

      • Balefulregards
        715 posts Send Private Message

          Believe it or not – this is happening to us too – I have had to change the bed sheets EVERYDAY for the past 5 days since Coco has taken to peeing during a rub session.

          She otherwise has good litter habits and has not peed on our bed since she was spayed. Its getting tiresome to scrub my bed everyday.

          At first I thought it was because the cat had peed in HER litter – a kind of “Hey! If you mark my space, then I have to mark MORE space to prove that I am top Bun here” – so I scrubbed bed and litter boxes with vinegar and baking soda.

          On the opposite – will a bun pee if scared? Because La Chatte has been shaved ( a winter time thing – she gets ridiculously matted) she moved around alot more to stay warm. She has started chasing Coco – not to catch her, but to play – of course this scares the stuffing out of Coco and I think that may be some of the pee?

          My hands are starting to smell pickled due to the amount of vinegar they are absorbing….

        • MooBunnay
          3087 posts Send Private Message

            I have also experienced this before with my bunnies but I’m not sure exactly why it happens. Where is Fern usually sitting when she pees? If she is on the couch or on the bed, it is pretty common for bunnies to “mark” these areas. I had two free roam bunnies that had access to my bedroom and they peed on it all the time to mark it – the bed and couch are very popular marking spots because these spots smell so strongly of our human scent, and so the bunnies want to claim it.

            I would recommend if your bunny is going to be on your couch or bed, or really anywhere for a rub session that you just put them on top of a towel, that way it is easy to clean up if do pee.

          • Moonlight_Wolf
            1155 posts Send Private Message

              That is strange that your bunnies pee when they are happy too.
              Fern was actually on the ground when she peed, twice on a rug and once on cardboard, it was not new territory either, it was in her pen.
              I don’t think Fern pees if she is scared, personally I don’t ever think she has ever been scared enough to pee.

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Some animals, who may have some bladder/incontinence issues will pee when they get excited, but it sounds like this may be her way to claim her favorite place which she decides is where you pet her. The lifting of the tail obviously shows she is purposely doing it, but the times where she doesn’t do this, where she just leaves urine where she was lying does make me question what is going on as that is not the norm.    Has this just been happening rather recently, or has she always done this?    Have you noticed any changes in her litterbox habits?


              • Moonlight_Wolf
                1155 posts Send Private Message

                  No, I did not say she did not lift her tail to pee, I just didn’t see her because often I pet her and don’t look at her. I don’t think this is the case because her litter box habits are perfect.

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              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny Peeing when she is… Happy?