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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A bunny not eating pellets and hay

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    • wonka
      13 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone, I need some help as I’m worried on my new adopted bunny. I have been an bunny owner for 7 years but recently my old bunny pass away. So I decided to adopt an abandoned bunny from a pet store. It was eating hay and pellets for 2 days as well as drinking water but it stop eating today. As my country (Malaysia) is under movement control due to the pandemic, I couldn’t bring it to the vet in time. It seems fine as it still jumps around and lying with its tummy down. I have read some of the symptoms for GI but my bunny doesn’t make any grunting or teeth grinding noise. Today I only seen few very small shaped stool and one being soft. The day before I also realize there’s some soft stool and I have cleaned it up. I could only wait till tmr morning to bring it to the vet but I am so worried as I know this is definitely not normal since my old bunny doesn’t act this way. Now it just lay at one place with little movement. Can anyone please let me know what may have caused it? could it be stress from changing into new environment? or could it be the changing brands of the pellet and hay?

      • LBJ10
        17089 posts Send Private Message

          Hi wonka,

          I do apologize since the forum is currently undergoing an update and it is likely no one is here to answer your question. I know you’re worried, so I will try to help you. From what you’re describing, it does sound like a bit of gas or stomach upset. This could be the result of stress (new environment) or a change in diet (something didn’t agree with him). Is he still eating some? If he is still eating some, then I wouldn’t be horribly worried. He should be OK to wait until tomorrow. You can try tummy massages. Baby gas drops (simethicone) is safe to give, although there is debate on how effective it actually is. For some bunnies, it seems to help. Here is an article on it:

        • wonka
          13 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you for replying to me. I brought to the vet and they gave me some antibiotic and some vitamin. They suspect is tooth problem but couldn’t inspect the inner ones. I will bring it to the dental if it didn’t eat for another 2 days as I would only force feed for now.  I’m not sure if it has eaten a little. I did fed him a biscuit like treat and he ate it. I also did try to give him a small piece of carrot and it also ate it. So I’m not very sure if it’s dental problem 😔

          • LBJ10
            17089 posts Send Private Message

              Dental problems can cause digestive issues and gas, so it is a possibility. How old is he?

            • wonka
              13 posts Send Private Message

                I think about a year old but not very sure as the previous owner did not state its age before leaving it to the pet store owner 😔  Now it just seems stress hunching. It still groom itself tho… would it be okay if I bring it to the dental place on Monday? Or should I bring it tmr?

              • LBJ10
                17089 posts Send Private Message

                  If he’s not eating at all, then something needs to be done ASAP. They simply can’t go days without eating anything.

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    I agree with LBJ10.   So sorry you are going through this. 🙁   Keep us updated.

                  • wonka
                    13 posts Send Private Message

                      My bunny have been eating a bowl of fresh greens and pellets. It doesn’t want to eat hay at all! I went to the vet and they have an X-ray for him m. The results came out all normal. There is no bloat and his teeth are fine both front and cheek teeth. Doctor did say the X-ray couldn’t see the inner side of the cheek teeth so if it doesn’t eat for 2 more days then I have to bring it back to the vet for more thorough checkup on it’s teeth. I know I can only give him hay now but it just doesn’t eat and no choice but to give pellet 😭 I tried force feeding critical care but it make him more afraid of me and hates me. So I pour the critical care to the bowl of greens 😔 it’s not as active as it should be either. It walks around for awhile then went back and chill. It did chew on toys once awhile and groom itself.

                    • wonka
                      13 posts Send Private Message

                        This is him now. I separated the top part of its cage and let it come out easier . I’m on the floor trying to gain his trust 😔


                      • Bam
                        16992 posts Send Private Message

                          He’s beautiful!

                          Hay is the most important food for rabbits (as you know), but if a rabbit refuses to eat hay, you have to give him other food. It is important that there is food in the bunny tummy practically all the time. If he eats pellets and greens and critical care from a bowl, that’s fine for now. Even treats are fine now, in moderate amounts of course, because eating something is a million times better than eating nothing.

                          It is likely that he has a bit of stomach ache now, because he hasn’t been eating like he normally does. Antibiotics also affect the bacterial balance in the gut and can cause stomach upset. As LBJ said, simethicone baby gas drops can help. Why it helps nobody knows for sure, there is no hard scientific proof, but it seems to help quite a few rabbits, for example my own rabbit.

                          It is also important that he moves around a bit, because that helps the gut move. You may expect to see weirdly shaped poop or sticky poop, that’s a result of not eating like normal + the antibiotics, but all poop except compeletely watery or mucos-y poop is good under these circumstances.

                          ETA: There seems to be several different brands of baby gas drops in Malaysia, for example Mommy’s Bliss and Infant’s Mylicon Gas Relief. You give 1 ml every hour for 3 hours, then 0.5 ml every 2-3 hours. You should see improvement after the first few doses though.

                        • wonka
                          13 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m not sure if it has gas coz the X-ray turns out to have no gas or bloat. So should I still give it?

                          • Bam
                            16992 posts Send Private Message

                              If there’s no gas, you dont have to give him gasdrops. Have you seen any poop lately?

                            • wonka
                              13 posts Send Private Message

                                He ate more today on pellets but I haven’t seen any poop today 😔

                              • Bam
                                16992 posts Send Private Message

                                  It’s great that he has eaten a bit more! It can be some time before you see poop, because there just isnt very much material in the intestines to make poop from. It’s very very good that’s he eats himself. If he stops eating you will have to syringe feed him even if he hates you for it. It’s actually good when a bun puts up a bit of a fight, because it means there is strenght in him. They do forgive their human once the ordeal is over and they feel better again.

                                • wonka
                                  13 posts Send Private Message

                                    Alright I will monitor him closely. About the baby gas drop I checked with my nearby vet and they don’t have the ones you recommend. Other brand will be fine right? I gave my bum a little tummy massage so far didn’t hear any noise. It did poop but it’s soft and he manage to ate all of the soft one. Will keep you guys updated 😭

                                  • Bam
                                    16992 posts Send Private Message

                                      It’s a really, really good sign that he pooped, and that he also ate his cecal poop! Very good news! You are doing things right!

                                      Any brand of simethicone baby gas drops is fine. They vary in strenght between 20 too 100 mg/ml, but they’re all fine to use and dosage is roughly the same regardless of strenght. It’s not taken up by the body, it just comes out with the poop,  so it’s difficult to overdose by mistake.

                                    • wonka
                                      13 posts Send Private Message

                                        Thnkiew so much 😢 reading your comment really bring my mood up. I couldn’t lose another bunny at this moment since my previous one passed due to old age 😔 I know adopting an adult rabbit is hard but didn’t know it will be this challenging

                                      • wonka
                                        13 posts Send Private Message

                                          Update on my bunny chibi ❤️ Although he hasn’t been eating hay (I think he is picky with his hay) I have been feeding him critical care in a bowl with fresh coral lettuce. Then I switch the lettuce to hay where I cut into small piece and mix it with the critical care as well as some pellets too! I also did hold the water bottle to remind him to drink. The results came out pretty well as the poop shape become bigger! From just less than 30 poop to 100-200 😭😭😭😭 I’m so happy. Also he really really like to pee and poop at his blanket. I’m going to order different type of hay and hopefully they will deliver ASAP 🥺 since there’s restrictive movement due to the pandemic have been making my life harder for my chibi


                                        • Bam
                                          16992 posts Send Private Message

                                            Lovely news, and so clever of you! Very nice poop harvest! I hope you’ll get the new hay swiftly and that he likes it. Rabbits can be very picky with hay, you often have to try various kinds.

                                            Rabbits also tend to like to pee and poop on soft stuff, like fleece blankets. It can be a bit inconvenient, because you have to do laundry more often. I buy the cheapest fleece blankets I can find and cut them in halves for my bun and rotate them every couple of days. He digs in them and pees on them, and when they’re too full of holes I toss them out.

                                          • wonka
                                            13 posts Send Private Message

                                              Ahhh I should try that as well! 😊 thank you for the advice ❤️ Really helps 🥺 hopefully someone will find this useful if they facing same situation

                                            • LBJ10
                                              17089 posts Send Private Message

                                                I’m glad he is doing better now. It really does sound like something upset his GI system. It could have been stress or something he ate. It’s hard to know for sure. I do encourage you to have his back teeth checked when you can, just in case. Otherwise, it looks like he is on his way toward recovery. Definitely try to get some different hay to see if that helps. Not eating hay is a sign of tooth issues… but it could also be a sign that you got a bad batch of hay. 😉

                                              • wonka
                                                13 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Yea I will bring it to check on it’s teeth after the restrictive movement. I will let it chill for now and wait for better timing to bring it there coz afraid it will cause him stress again. So far he have no problem eating hay after I added some critical care in it. Even those hard ones. He started to jump around more now 😊

                                                • wonka
                                                  13 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Hello I would like to ask on my bunny again. 2 days he’s been eating fine but today he seems to eat lesser again. I did some belly massage and suddenly he hop away with a lot of droppings coming out! Does it mean there’s gas blockage????

                                                  • LBJ10
                                                    17089 posts Send Private Message

                                                      If there’s poop, there isn’t a blockage. Gas though, probably some gas.

                                                    • Bam
                                                      16992 posts Send Private Message

                                                        <p style=”text-align: left;”>I agree gas seems likely. Your light massage probably helped.</p>

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                                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A bunny not eating pellets and hay