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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Bunny moments, whats yours?

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    • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
      103 posts Send Private Message

        So earlier I dropped a receipt on the floor by accident and one of my bunnies took and started running around the room with it in her mouth and she would not let me have it. I chased her, well kind off slowly chased her around the room and I just stood there watching her with a smile on my face thinking how adorable it was.

        What is your bunny moment?

      • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
        103 posts Send Private Message


        • GlennTheLionhead
          377 posts Send Private Message

            Awww thats so cute! Rabbits are so mischievous!

            Where do I start with bunny moments lol. Recently we’ve been ordering from hay box and instead of eating out of his hay racks and bowls my bun has found where we store the big box of hay and has chewed a hole through the box and now tunnels inside to eat hay!

            One of my bridge buns used to make an escape for the kitchen in an old house and there was a little gap. In the cupboard and she would run under the and behind the kitchen cupboards as fast as possible and scare the hell out of us! We obviously couldn’t get under to get her out lol… I swear sometimes that rabbits are boneless.

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              Bunston used to tunnel inside my box spring (he wasn’t allowed in my bedroom but if someone accidentally left the door open he would go straight in). Once my roommate was pet-sitting and had to scoop him out with the broom!

              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

            • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
              103 posts Send Private Message

                I had a bit of a worrying bunny moment today. My male bunny was out getting his exercise and there is a window that leads another room of the flat. its like a kinda side window, its hard to explain but anyway my bunny jumped up onto a big pot then ran up the wall and tried to enter the window but failed, he fell on his head. He was startled for a few moments. I checked him over and his ok. He can be extremely clumsy sometimes. He has very powerful back legs and he loves to jump up on to things and even if they are very high up he will still make attempts. I will be keeping this in mind when I build his new pen to make it as safe as possible for him.

              • BrownietheBunny
                15 posts Send Private Message

                  my bunny hates being on the floor without the mat. however, she got so excited about the pellets today that she hopped over to us (1 meter away from her mat). it took her awhile to realise she was on the floor before she ran back to the mat. i am not sure why she is always scared to be on the floor but it is hilarious to see how her brain takes a few moments to register that she was on the floor before freaking out.

                • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                  103 posts Send Private Message

                    One of my bunnies always looks up at me before doing something she knows is not allowed like like  for example chewing the living room door or chasing the other bunny who gets scared of her when she does that. She will look up at me before that and as soon as I get up she stops. Shes learning slowly lol.

                  • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                    103 posts Send Private Message

                      The two females are out having there play time and I decided to give them a cardboard box to destroy and they both sat in the corner to scared to go near it. They both sat in the corner with there eyes fixed on it for nearly 40 minutes until I put one on the box and she explored it for a while now shes tearing it up lol. That should keep them entertained for a while.

                    • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                      103 posts Send Private Message

                        I had my lop bunny out and he comes in to the living room and starts rolling about on the couch like a puppy and laying on his back. It was all going well and I thought it was so cute until he started wanting to sink his teeth in to me. I got bit 3 times. one was right in the belly button and then again on my back and then again on my hand. I’ve had to put him back in his pen for some time out.

                      • BZOO
                        331 posts Send Private Message

                          My favorite bunny moment is just that they are bonded after a long trial and seeing them flopped side by side or sharing some noms.

                        • NetherlandLop
                          7 posts Send Private Message

                            One of my bunnies loves to dig all the litter and hay out of her litter box. Whenever I catch her doing so I call out “No digging!” And stomp my foot. She almost always stops, stares me dead in the eye and starts flicking it out with her nose instead!!

                            It is frustrating but very adorable haha

                          • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                            103 posts Send Private Message

                              Its so cute when bunnies do that. Both of my females do that although one more than the other… she will look me dead in the eye when I go to see what she is chewing or digging at. She knows when shes being mischievous.

                              This morning one of my bunnies follows me then when I bent down to stroke her she will put her head down waiting for a cuddle. She’s been like that all day and she flops on her side next to me sometimes.

                            • NetherlandLop
                              7 posts Send Private Message

                                Aw that’s so precious, sometimes I wish I had more cuddly buns but they do enjoy a good head rub.

                              • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                                103 posts Send Private Message

                                  I couldn’t get Big Booboo out of her enclosure today. She has been in there for two days now and doesn’t want to come out for a run around. She built a nest in the corner and every time I go near her she makes noises and tries to bite me so I’ve just made sure she always has fresh food and water in there with lots of hay.

                                • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                                  103 posts Send Private Message

                                    My male bunny looks at me then flicks his ears at me its like a half binky kinda thing and I put on some Happy Hardcore music and he loved it runny about all hyper doing binkys.

                                  • Bam
                                    16982 posts Send Private Message

                                      I found my bun in one of the hay sacks earlier today. Omg, too adorable for words! But when I tried to take a picture she jumped out, of course 😖

                                      • Plumped Cuddly Bunnies
                                        103 posts Send Private Message

                                          That is always the way. When my lop bunny lays on his back on the couch I grab my camera to take a photo but he rolls over, jumps back up again and jumps off. Maybe I should call him Mr Hyper lol he is like a little puppy with his floppy ears.

                                      • Cinnimon&Ollie
                                        303 posts Send Private Message

                                          My rabbit sleeps in a little sister’s baby doll crib!

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                                      Forum BEHAVIOR Bunny moments, whats yours?