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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny making mmm noise?!? good or bad

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    • Bun-Bun
      21 posts Send Private Message

        Sometimes while im playing with my bunny… which i named bunbun… she makes this low MMM noise…. its kindof weird and im worried she might be irritated or maybe just happy? i just got her so i really dont know. any answers?

      • MooBunnay
        3087 posts Send Private Message

          Hello Bun Bun and Welcome to Binky Bunny!

          What are you usually doing with your bunny when she makes this noise? Is it when she is sitting still and you are petting her, or is it when she is running around? Even more important than the noise she is making is what she is doing while making it. If she were unhappy she’d probably be running away from you.

          Sometimes, a noise like that can be an indiciation that the bunny is not feeling well, and sometimes it can be like bunny “purring.” Has she seemed “herself” lately? Has she been eating and pooping regularly? If not, and especially if she is not eating, than your bunny may be in stasis, in which case you need to get her to a vet ASAP. If she HAS been eating and pooping normally, then its likely a bunny “purr” and a sign of contentment.

        • Bun-Bun
          21 posts Send Private Message

            well… shes normally kindof running around… or exploring on the couch… shes been pooping and peeing regularly and she seems herself… but i cant tell if shes irritated because im not petting her at the moment or if its a happy woo hoo kindof noise….

          • Kokaneeandkahlua
            12067 posts Send Private Message

              That’s a tough call! Welcome to binkybunny by the way!!

              I think in this case, what is your gut feeling when she makes the noise? Sometimes that’s a good way to judge how they are feeling…

              here is a link to a website with a recording of a bunnies “happy bunny noise” …Of course bunnies can make different happy noises, but does your bunny sound anything like this?


            • Bun-Bun
              21 posts Send Private Message

                wow thats an odd noise… it sortof sounds like that kindof low part but its a bit quieter and its like a quick mmmmmmm. and then its done.. every once in a while she does it but im leaning more to affectionat because she does that laying on side thing alot… but im just trying to make sure. i luvvies my bunny! lol

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message


                  Yeh, i bet whe is just saying she loves you too! Do you have any pictures of her to put up here? If you need help uploading we can help you figure it out!

                • Bun-Bun
                  21 posts Send Private Message

                    yeah i have to take a picture of her first. this question is way off topic but:
                    Whats up with the bunny signs? like Kokaneeandkahlua has 5 bunny heads, i have 1 , and moobunnay has 6… what do they mean?

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      It has to do with the number of posts you’ve made. I’m not sure the exact ratio of bunny heads to number of posts, but as you’ll see the more posts the more bunny head!

                    • Bun-Bun
                      21 posts Send Private Message

                        oh lol [thanks for being so helpful!] i also have another question… about the site again. how do you manage your area [ like put in a picture and tell about your pet and stuff.] id like to get that in the clear… it feels good to know what your doing instead of wandering aimlessly!

                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                          No problem at all!

                          Just click on the top right side of the page (after forums) it says “my profile” …And then towards the bottom left of that page, it says “edit profile” . Click that and you can add as much or as little info as you like! It’s come up before, so the picture under your name that appears on all your posts is called your ‘avatar” and you can add that in your profile as well!

                        • Bun-Bun
                          21 posts Send Private Message

                            Sweet! Thanks! If i have anymore questions at least i know your on at the moment! your sooooo helpful!

                          • Bun-Bun
                            21 posts Send Private Message

                              Actually i do have another question. when i bought my bunny they said she was spayed… but when i looked it up it said something about four months before you do so… they said she was 7 weeks old, just off their mom. Did they lie to me or can it be possible?

                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                No problem at all!
                                OOOhhh…yes, if she’s young there is no way she was spayed…Also, I would think since they had a litter, it’s doubtful they would spay them anyways…It’s actually a little costly to spay a rabbit (cost’s more then a dog spay/neuter usually!)…Maybe they didn’t mean to lie to you? I’m not sure, but definitely if she is that young she is not fixed….

                              • Bun-Bun
                                21 posts Send Private Message

                                  Now shes older but i thought it was weird… shes really sweet and she wasnt that expensive… like maybe 30 bucks… or was it 20? i dont remember but what will be wrong if i dont spay her? i cant really afford it now so she will be the same just with those stray poos or.. well what?

                                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                                    Well…You can wait to get her spayed if you want..It’s also good to find a really good rabbit vet first. And maybe you can see if they will let you make payments (most vets know that people don’t have tonnes of cash sitting around so they will usally let you )

                                    Basically the long and the short of it is: Besides the territorial marking and maybe some aggressive behavior or humping etc…Females have a super high chance of getting cancer if not fixed. By age 3 85% chance of having ovarian cancer. And that’s just ovarian…Another member on here, I believe her bunny basically had breast cancer not that long ago…her rabbit wasn’t spayed as she didn’t know how important it was, and her vet was inexperienced with rabbits and suggested not spaying.
                                    So, really it is VERY VERY important to spay your bunny, when you can!

                                  • Bun-Bun
                                    21 posts Send Private Message

                                      i should tell my mom that… about how much does it cost?

                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                        It varies but I’m sure you’ll find its around the two to three hundred dollar mark…It’s not that they are trying to rip us off or anything, I believe the medicine they use to put them out for the operation is different then they use with any other animal; Also they are monitored one-on-one when they recover; Meds and stuff are different for bunnies as they are sensitive to the usual stuff…I’m sure people on here can help you find a rabbit vet in your area. It’s very important to find a vet that treats rabbits…They are considered exotic, and like I said alot of stuff for other animals is not OK for buns…

                                      • Bun-Bun
                                        21 posts Send Private Message

                                          i made a new topic with questions about it if youd like to answer them…

                                        • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                          2517 posts Send Private Message

                                            If your bun is at sexual maturity she might be honking… if she circles you when she does it that is probably it. It’s kind of like a sexy bunny dance, hahaha.

                                          • Gravehearted
                                            2428 posts Send Private Message

                                              I would really encourage you to talk to your mom about how important it is to have her spayed. She will live a happier and much healthier life.

                                            • BinkyBunny
                                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                Well you have received some great advice. I also want to ditto that she may be making a "I want to mate" noise. That low humming, sort of little bee noise is typical of that….but…I have only heard that in males. Jack still does this to Rucy and he’s neutered. So, when you do find a rabbit savvy vet, be sure to have them double check the sex of your bunny.

                                                It is important to find the right vet. Here is a great article about how to do just that.

                                              • babybunsmum
                                                3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                  baby bun makes this noise when she’s happy to see me or the dog.   it’s a distinct ‘MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM’ sound and she’s usually running towards or around one of us    she’ll also dribble bits of strong smelling pee some times when doing this.  she’s an old girl (7yrs) so unfortunately it’s too late for her to get spayed to minimize or eliminate this hormonal behaviour.

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                                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny making mmm noise?!? good or bad