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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A bunny gender

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    • lilmizzsnickerz
      318 posts Send Private Message

      • x liddo bunny x
        314 posts Send Private Message

          i think that the female is harder to care for becasue when u spay them…. that will be one of the worse times in ur bunnie life. it will kill u worrying…. – -" i wish i had a male… well except for the spraying…. but id rather take care of that than worry so much… think i got gray hair now… =P

        • Gravehearted
          2428 posts Send Private Message

            i love them both the same and it can highly depend on the bunny’s personality and breed. I think boy bunnies tend to be a bit more mellow.

          • x liddo bunny x
            314 posts Send Private Message

              i like them both though. each has a personality on their own and i dont regret getting my buns but boy, it would have been less stressful for me around that time, thank god it passed.

            • lilmizzsnickerz
              318 posts Send Private Message

                yea i have a little boy and hes sweet and i not sure about female rabbits but i recon they are both the same

              • cookie627
                387 posts Send Private Message

                  i agree with xliddobunnyx it can be really gard for the female if you get it spayed. I have heard the sugery is in the chest. Pain. . . . and . . . . Agony. . . . . .

                • Hedi
                  969 posts Send Private Message

                    I have two girls and one boy. Both my girls are a little more hyper than Cooper. As far as getting them fixed it can be more stressful with girls because their surgery is much more involved. They dont operate in the chest- they have an incision line from their belly all the way down. Since it is so invasive it takes a lot more anesthesia and more care to fix a girl than a boy. And it can be a lot more painful on the girl.

                    But it is just all in the personality not in the sex of the rabbit. I dont think one is easier than the other. I think some breeds are known to be more laid back than others and then the larger the bun the more calm they are.

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      I love BOTH of course – though I do find in rescue that there are more boys than girls dumped…maybe because boys spray? 

                    • cookie627
                      387 posts Send Private Message

                        that could be and maybe their aggression? (i’m not sure)

                      • x liddo bunny x
                        314 posts Send Private Message

                          i came up to this question at work and i remember my co worker talking about how she would want a girl and not a boy (hamster though). and she absolutely didn’t want a boy. i thought that was kinda sad. because she was not giving the others a chance to find a loving home and she didnt even want to give their personalities a try. she said it was cuz of an incident back then but i couldnt take that as an answer because not all pets are the same….. u will never find the same pet ever again….

                          oh, as an announcement, my parents are now forced to adopt out their baby hamsters. =( my poor mom.

                        • MooBunnay
                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                            I just have to mention that though I think both are similar, me and my girl bunny like to loaf together and lament about how weird boy bunnies are (and sometimes we also lament about how weird boy humans are too) so I think AS a girl, its always good to have a girl bun around for a female perspective!

                          • skunklionshow
                            1257 posts Send Private Message

                              I think they are both the same….but if the bunnies are NOT fixed:

                              Boys spray…which is a mess.  Plus the aggression from unfixed boys.

                              Girls have a significantly decreased life expectancy when unspayed due to mammary tumors. 

                              W/ my cats (2 spay/ 2 neuters), I really can’t tell much of a difference.  My sister has a male neutered cat that due to excessive UTI, he had to get a penilectomy (not the real medical term)!  He’s now asexual.  Is that a transgendered cat?

                            • wendyzski
                              1312 posts Send Private Message

                                Oddly enough, my local rescue is overrun with girls at the moment – there are only 4 boys at Red Door, and one is not fixed, one Pepper hated, one is still poor Frisco, and one is new.  What is a poor bunny-mom to do?

                              • Hedi
                                969 posts Send Private Message

                                  In the 5 weeks or so at my shelter I have seen just as many boys as girls. Ironically the only set of buns we have ever had that came in fixed were from a neglect case and our humane officer removed them from their home.

                                  Girls can be very aggressive when they arent fixed and then the spraying and humping with a boy gets old. It seems like these owners would have at least had the idea that their buns could be fixed and it may fix these issues? I just dont understand people. They are in a rush to fix cats and dogs but think buns cant be fixed?

                                  My little boy Cooper has to be THE sweetest bun I have ever met! When he is out he makes sure he knows where I am at all the time. If I go someplace thats blocked (kitchen) then he sits and waits for me to come back. Today we had a friend come over and he was surprised to see him lounging on my lap with his little eyes closed because he loves to be loved on. He was from the shelter. Do the people who gave him up realize what they had in him? No matter what he is in a much better place with me because he is horribly spoiled and luvs Pookie but it makes me want to find out who dumped him to call him and tell them how crazy they were to give him up!

                                • BinkyBunny
                                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                                    After dealing with soooo many bunnies with my volunteer work, I have found that it really is on an individual basis. I’ve had a nervous hyper male, I”ve had a easy-going male. Rucy is easy-going when it comes to the whole dominance issues, while Bailey, well she wants everyone to follow it to a T.

                                    I am more apt to generalize when it comes to the size of a rabbit. Like larger rabbits may be relaxed than small bunnies which I associate with being higher strung. But usually any generalization I make ends up going out the window when I see just the opposite.

                                    That’s why I really think anyone who is thinking about getting a bunny would benefit from a shelter because most of the time the bunnies are grown, and their personalities have emerged more, and you can choose a bunny based on the personality, more than the size, breed, or sex.

                                  • lilmizzsnickerz
                                    318 posts Send Private Message

                                      i have never had a female but my roommate is thinkin of getting a rabbit and well i think female wud be better seeing as i have a male

                                    • Spacehopper
                                      540 posts Send Private Message

                                        I had a female lop eared rab when i was younger, and i wouldnt say she was any harder/easier than a male.  However I was younger then and of course had my mum who helped out with things.  Having said that, Brian has never been any hassle, and has never been vicious or sprayed, apart from the once when we were bonding with our new rabbit and it went all up the side of ME!, so behaviour wise he has never been a problem, and since he was done a couple of weeks back he has just been even more chilled out (if such a thing is possible).  As for the new edition, i’m still 50/50 as to Bettie or Bert so couldn’t comment there.

                                      • bobbles
                                        15 posts Send Private Message

                                          Bobbles is my first rabbit and I couldn’t have asked for a better mannered one. She just lays around the house. She comes to me for some lovin a lot, which at first I was afraid she’d never do that. She’s become extra friendly since the new cat arrived. It’s funny though to see the cat run away from her. She just looks hurt that Bella(cat) wont stay around. Bobbles hops right up to her. It’s so cute. Seeing everyones rabbits makes me want another one, but I now what the fiance will say. 

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                                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A bunny gender