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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS “Bunny” Cat Tree?

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        So I noticed that my Skipper is a climber.  She loves to jump and climb all over the couch.  I’ve been throwing around the idea of constructing a “bunny” tree.  I’ve already started a few mock drawings.  Any way, what do you guys think?  And should I upholster it with carpet like a regular cat tree?  If I don’t what do you think would be a good to put down, or should I just leave it with the natural wood?

        Here are the cat trees I’m using for inspiration:

      • rexanater
        77 posts Send Private Message

          Would it be possible, to create a prototype of your tree? using cardboard boxes. You don’t want to have spent all that time building the tree, when your bunny doesn’t even like it xD. If you do decide to build it, it depends on your bun, if he has good litter habits and doesn’t chew on carpet, then it depends on your preference. However if he doesn’t have good litter habits, then I suggest wood.

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            I like the one with the stairs – the ramp seems too steep on the 2nd one. If you do ramps, then you need to make the angle less steep and definitely carpeted.

            I think as far as carpet – rabbits need traction and carpet will give traction.

          • bullrider76543
            1288 posts Send Private Message

              That is such a cool Idea, I have often looked at them and wondered if my buns would like them.

            • tanlover14
              3617 posts Send Private Message

                ^ Ditto. But our buns are so spoiled that we haven’t deemed them worthy of spending $200 on one yet. YET! They always get us in the end..

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  Okay thanks guys. =] I’m designing it to be long and not as high. And in lieu of the ramp I was going to put in stairs. If I were not to use carpet is there any other material that would give traction? We don’t have carpet here (all hard wood floors) so she’s never been exposed to it and I’m not sure what here reaction to it would be. I give her towels and blankets in her cage and she seems to not chew on them. Once in a while she’ll bite through when she’s being naughty. So can I assume she’ll be good with carpet?

                  @tanlover  That’s why I want to build one.  Cat trees are just too expensive.  And they can be cheaply made. =p =]

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              Forum HABITATS AND TOYS “Bunny” Cat Tree?