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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • "P&B"
      16 posts Send Private Message

         OMG!!!  Our Piggie had her babies this morning August 24th around 2:00am…  Long story on how this all happened, but now its too late.  Let’s just say that we thought our foster bunny was a girl, but of course it turned out to be a flippin BOY!!!  Anyways, we have no idea on what our part in all this should be.  Please help us!!!  We excited and scared at the same time   We’re too scared to reach in her beautifully made den to count them, but we did get to see one of them.  It was soooooooooo cute!!!    We’re also so proud of the way Piggie has prepared herself for this exciting day!!!  She’s a great mother.  I can’t believe that we’re grandparents!!!  Oh, yeah, we have another daughter by the name of Bjorn.  She’s been placed within her cage right now because we’re scared that she’ll pounce on the babies…   Piggie keeps running her off around their room, but then again, she’ll cuddle with her too…   We wonder if Bjorn is even aware of the babies???  This morning as I was leaving for work, Piggie began doing binkies like crazy!!!  Again, any input will be greatly appreicated.  We’ll be sure to keep everyone updated…   

      • osprey
        2065 posts Send Private Message

          Wow, exciting stuff.  I do not know much about raising litters, but I do know that Mom will need lots of calories to recover from the birth and to produce milk.  You should give her free choice alfalfa hay, and extra greens if she’ll take them.  She should nurse the babies once a day for 4 to 6 weeks.

        • kralspace
          2663 posts Send Private Message

            Congratulations to the new mom and grandparents! Hat’s off to Piggie, I know I couldn’t do binkies right after giving birth! It’s going to be fun keeping up with this thread.

          • Floppy
            490 posts Send Private Message

              If you go into the LINKS area, there are helpful links on bunny pregnancies…etc.

              I hope that helps and congrats!

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Yeah, I too am still learning about what to do for suprise litters! I do know the mother should have unlimited pellets, and it’s best to keep other adult bunnies away from the babies (besides the mother of course)  And note the mom can get pregnant again within 24 hours of giving birth, so keep the male away.

                Also important to note that mothers only feed once or twice within 24 hours, and usually it’s for only about five minutes.  The mother’s milk is so rich, that they get alot out of a little.  But you still have to keep an eye on the little ones to make sure their bellies are full, and pay extra special attention to a runt.

                And thanks Floppy! Floppy is right, I gathered up some links just for your situation! Go to the links section on this site and scroll down to "Pregnancy/Babies – Uh Oh, Surprise LItter?:"

                Keep us updated! In this situation, I will be learning from you!

              • "P&B"
                16 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you all for your comments and suggestions…  Boy, I’m not quite sure where to start.  Well, Piggie started off with 5 babies, but is now down to 1.  When we woke up early Saturday morning, the 4th baby had passed away.  With that we packed the whole family up and was off the ER (who were very polite, but very ignorant of baby bunnies as well).  We went sure if Piggie was lactating, but with the reassurence of the little experienced vet we satisfied that at least 3 of her teats were producing milk…  My gosh!!!  We had a terrible time trying to find the proper milk for the baby.  Some said goats milk, while others said KMR mixed with heavy cream, to a bacterial powder.  Being that this is Piggie’s first and last may I add litter, we weren’t sure if she was nursing Baby Eva…  What an exhausting, stressful weekend it has been for us.  We check in on the baby at least a million times a day to be sure that its breathing.  I would not recommend "ANYONE" trying to breed there little ones!!!  May I repeat, it has taken a toll on our family…  Well, I hope that the pics I display appear.  So, here goes…    


                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    Watkins. it sounds like it has been one stressful time! I am so sorry about the loss of most of the babies. Do you have an idea as to why? Not getting enough milk. I know I have heard first litters do have a low survival rate. But then again, I am not an expert in this area. The last one standing must be one real survivor! Do you have a local rabbit rescue or shelter? They also might be able ot offer advice to help with the last one. . And though you are not planning on breeding, a forum that allows breeders may be helpful in this situation.. But be sure to come back and keep us updated! Were the links helpful at all? As far as the milk supplements, what did you end up choosing and why? Or has mama been able to feed her one last baby. I know the mama’s milk is very rich nutrition wise and other stuff that helps fight off illnesses.

                    How is the little one doing today?

                  • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                    2517 posts Send Private Message

                      Aww poor little bunnies! I hope mommy and the one baby are doing well!

                    • "P&B"
                      16 posts Send Private Message



                        Thank you guys…

                        I know…, Baby Eva is definitely a survivor!!!  I hope that she continues to want to live amongst the "living."   Anyways, yes I have also read numerous articles stating that first litters are typically unsuccessful.  High mortality rates are prevalent due to inexperienced mothers.  We do have a local rescue society, which I have called and gotten "no" response back.  Sad isn’t it…?  I will probably be checking back with them again today.  I did check with breeding sites, but most were about rabbits that lived outside.  Their lifestyles are very different…  But, the links that you guys advised were very, very helpful to us and we thank you.  Although a women told us that she has risen bunnies on mere goat’s milk alone (purchased from the organic section at Kroger’s), various sites suggested that KMR (kitten formula) along with an acidophilus (micro flora that also helps with digestion) was best suited for the growing baby.  So…, we chose both!!!    1 part KMR and 1 part goat’s milk.  Oh yes, the vet instructed us to feed Baby Eva 4 ml of formula, but I chose to feed her 2.5 ml.  This I too obtained from various sites that you guys presented.  The number one cause of death with babies is humans overfeeding.  I felt that 4ml would have burst her little tummy…    The best most flattering news I have is that early Sunday morning while checking on the baby Piggie, Baby Eva’s Mom, gave me three kisses and began nursing right in front of me!!!  What a relief that was to see the two of them interact…  As of today, the baby is doing great.  Her little tummy is protruding, her body temp. is warm, and she is as pink as a "PIG."  These are great signs of a healthy baby bunny.    You are correct on the mother’s milk.  It is "the" very best food for the baby.  Very rich, highly caloric, and lines the baby’s gut with good micro flora that she will need for a successful adult life…  The mother also helps the babies to defecate and urinate because they can not do this on their own.  It’s very tough trying to raise a litter without the mother’s help.  BTW the mother is doing great and as for us, well, we’re very exhausted…


                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          Well, Watkins, sounds like you have done very well and care very much! Thank you for keeping us updated with the details as this post I will look back on as reference when someone else comes to the board with a similar issue. I bet you’ll be able to hand out advice now!
                          Well, hopefully now that mama is nursing, and there is just one last left, you’ll be able to relax a bit and get some rest. Sounds like Piggie has fully appreciated what you’ve done! I am sending healthy vibes Baby Eva’s way! Keep us updated with her progress and keep those pictures coming!

                          And finally –  GOOD JOB!!

                        • MooBunnay
                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                            Hello Watkins – I am glad that your mom is getting better with the nursing! I am late to this posting unfortunately – but good job on taking such good care of the bunny family it sounds like you have learned a lot in the past few days…I can’t wait too see pics as your lil’ bun grows up to make sure it really IS the lasr litter make sure to keep dad away until he and mom are fixed!

                          • Scarlet_Rose
                            4293 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh my, so sad, but I am glad that Binky Bunny here was able to help you. God bless and I’ll keep Eva in my thoughts.

                            • "P&B"
                              16 posts Send Private Message

                                Wow!!!  What an adventure we’ve been on…  Well, here are the pics of BeeBee (new name).  This is Beebee at 9 days old: 


                              • "P&B"
                                16 posts Send Private Message

                                • "P&B"
                                  16 posts Send Private Message

                                    And, Beebee and the Gang at 4 weeks and 4 days old.  She’s apart of the bunch now!!!


                                  • robertherrington
                                    18 posts Send Private Message

                                      nice looking bunnies

                                    • MooBunnay
                                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                                        How cute that she is part of the family now!! You did such a good job taking care of her, she looks super happy and healthy

                                        Were you able to get Mom Bunny spayed so you don’t have any more surprises? Just as a note of caution, you’ll want to make sure to get little Beebee separated from Dad when she reaches about 3 months because sometimes buns don’t really have a concept of he father daughter relationship and can get their daughters pregnant. Also, the Mom can become pregnant again very quickly too, and I’m thinking you probably don’t need to add to the family any more!

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          So now you have three bunnies? The daddy was a foster right? Are you going to keep her. I hope so she is very cute. Did you know mama was preggers or was it suprise here are my babies?

                                        • BinkyBunny
                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                            Awe, BeeBee, how funny, that is Bailey’s toy bunny’s name! You can spot BeeBee hanging out in Bailey’s cage 24/7.
                                            I am so glad she survived and all is going well! Congrats!

                                          • MooBunnay
                                            3087 posts Send Private Message

                                              I was just looking at the pics again and I love the one where she is 12 days old and grooming the bottom of her foot! How cute!

                                            • "P&B"
                                              16 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thank you soooo much!!!  We’ve done our best and now it’s all up to Beebee…  No, we haven’t gotten Piggie spayed because it’s not a good time to separate mom and baby just yet.  Dad was a foster rabbit that we were told was a girl, but unfortunately turned out to be a boy…  He’s within another local foster home at this time.  You’re right!!!  No more babies for our family LOL!!!  

                                              • "P&B"
                                                16 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Yes, now we have 3 rabbits, which is a funny thing…  We were thinking of getting another addition and was at the pet store looking at a bunny that we could rescue.  Yes, "dad" was a foster bunny.  "He" should have been "she."  OOOHHHH, yes, she is definitely apart of the family.  It’s neat seeing her interact with her mom (Piggie).   It was a total surprise about her preg, but now we’re happy about it.  She a bundle of pure joy…

                                                • "P&B"
                                                  16 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Thank you sooooo much!!!  Proud parents… 

                                                  • "P&B"
                                                    16 posts Send Private Message

                                                      OMG!!!  That’s funny because my boyfriend (dad) started calling her that name!!!  How funny is that!!!  I’ll have to inform him of this.  I know, I’ve seen Bailey on the webcam.  She is soooo beautiful!!!  Thank you!!! 

                                                    • "P&B"
                                                      16 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I know…  I love that one too!!!

                                                      • skunklionshow
                                                        1257 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I’m so happy for you!  Unfortunately, my surprise litter had no survivors.  I hate to admit it, but I was a bit relieved that none of them survived—-I don’t know how I could have found them all good homes.  BeBe is abssolutely adorable!  She reminds me of the baby from Cottontail’s (childhood bunny) surprise litter, little Elliot.  He was the only survivor out of 10 babies.

                                                          I believe that FLO had good fortune w/ her surprise litter, but I haven’t seen posts from her in a while.  Anyway, best of luck and thanks for the awesome pics.  There’s nothing cuter than baby animals!

                                                        • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                          2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Thanks for keeping us up to date! I’m glad little Beebee made it to become part of the family!

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                                                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A BUNNY BABIES…HELP!!! MY BUNNY HAS JUST HAD BABIES!!!