So this is my first post–I’ve consulted this forum through google a bunch and have always found it extremely helpful and I scoured the internet trying to find a topic close enough to the issue I’m having, but so far I haven’t found one. Also, the forum search is down right now so I apologize if this question has already been asked before but I’m really worried something may be wrong.
My fiance and I raised my 8-month-old Dutch rabbit, Toast, from birth. He was raised in the back studio room of my house where I work on art projects and schoolwork and he’s a very active and happy rabbit. I’m kinda meticulous about his diet though–he is very picky about fruit (he’ll only eat strawberries and the occasional banana) and I make sure he gets a lot of kale (his favorite) and hay. Recently, we left for a month to complete a study abroad program. We were gone all of January and we left our Toasty in the more-than-capable hands of my friend–she has two bunnies, a male and female. Toast grew up with 5 other litter-mates and he gets along fine with other bunnies. From her reports, he got along very well except for one instance where he fought the older male. No one was hurt but when I came to pick him up, he seemed very different. He’s definitely gained some weight and gotten bigger, but he’s not as affectionate. He used to lick my hand and come up to me through the cage when I’d come in the room to feed him and let him out, and he used to jump onto the chair next to me while I was working and sit right in my lap. Could he be really upset at me? Or is it just him being a teenager?
I feel exceptionally guilty for leaving him with my friend for so long and I’m worried he doesn’t like me now because of it
What really troubles me the most though is that he won’t eat hay or drink from his bottle anymore. I gave my friend the exact list of things he’ll eat and she helped get him to eat more veggies he used to ignore, like zucchini and radishes, but he won’t touch his Timothy hay (which is strange because I’m pretty sure that’s what she was feeding all of them). When he was little he’d drink water out of a crock, but then he got used to the bottle. Now he won’t drink out of the bottle unless I hold it up to him in his cage and, if I give him water in a crock, he’ll barely drink any. If someone could help me out, I’d really appreciate it–I’m just really scared that I may have really messed up by leaving him for that long with someone else ![](