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Forum BONDING bunny #2!!

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    • Meg
      560 posts Send Private Message

         last Thursday night I got bunny #2!!  he is a 3-month-old Lionhead boy named Teddy (pictured below) for my 1-year-old Lionhead/Dutch girl, Athena.  They got along well on their bunny date (he’s very friendly and fearless; she’s a lot shyer but has a crush on him), and bonding has been going great since then; I just wanted to check in with you experts and make sure I’m not missing anything.  

        I’ve been following the House Rabbit Handbook guidelines, but these two are proceeding very quickly.  They’re already spending all day together (though I do separate them at night or if I go out).  There’s no aggression whatsoever.  Athena keeps “presenting,” trying to get Teddy to groom her, but he doesn’t really get it – he maybe sniffs her a little, but never grooms her - and he sometimes chases her around trying to sniff her in impolite places.  (;  She always hops away, and neither of them runs very far (just a foot or two) or very fast, so it doesn’t seem to be bothering either of them much. Mostly they just hang out or play peacefully, and/or spend time separately chilling, or enthusiastically eating each other’s food and using each other’s litter boxes.  (Though Teddy is poop-marking *everywhere* in Athena’s condo – poor girl!  I know I wouldn’t appreciate that from a new boyfriend.   But he doesn’t do it elsewhere in the house, just her territory.)  They’re not snuggling yet, but I hope that’s coming soon.  They do lay down near each other (one or two feet away) sometimes.  

        So – am I giving them too much freedom?  If I keep them separate too long in the morning they keep sniffing at each other through the pen bars and seem so sad.  Am I giving little Teddy too much freedom, letting him run around my little apartment in the morning and then again in the evening?  I read you should increase run time and space gradually so that you don’t end up with a “wild” bunny who doesn’t want a lot of human interaction, and I guess I haven’t been doing that.  Any suggestions?

        Thanks so much,


      • bunnytowne
        7537 posts Send Private Message

          Oh wow lucky you lucky them.   They seem to be doing fine.   Usually it takes quite a while for them to accept each other.,

          I am no expert on bonding tho.  I am sure someone who is will gladly reply about whether or not to leave them together when you aren’t home.

          IF only all bondings went this good

        • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
          617 posts Send Private Message

            I am no bonding expert either as I am just starting my little adventure with it, but I would think that as long as they are getting along and the interactions are positive, it’s good for them to be together so much (supervised like you are). It sounds like it’s going great and what a cute little guy! I love lionheads! :o)

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              (Though Teddy is poop-marking *everywhere* in Athena’s condo – poor girl! I know I wouldn’t appreciate that from a new boyfriend.


              It all sounds positive. Allowing them to be together for as long as possible is heading in the right direction. It does sound like they haven’t quite established their heirachy but the lack of aggression is really good. Athenas presenting is a dominant move but Teddy is not compling, claiming the space and chasing (possibly to mount) can also be viewed as dominant.
              When they are together, are they just out about in the house or in a bonding space?

              Is Athena the Grey lionhead dutch with the 5 story condo?

            • Meg
              560 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks, everyone! Yes, Jerseygirl, I think you’re right about the dominance – it’s not clear. Athena keeps presenting and yesterday Teddy did start grooming her (! ), and she doesn’t groom him back. But because he is the braver of the two, he usually chases her, rather than v.v., and they’ll both try to steal food from each other. I’ve seen him try to mount her only once, a few days ago, and she just kept hopping away. Now he seems to mostly just want to sniff her, but she doesn’t go for that either. Hence the chasing – but it’s very slow, half-hearted chasing.

                Yeah, the first one or two really good days I just let them run around wherever. I do live in a 2-room apartment so that is not saying much… but then the past day or two I realized it might be better for bonding and for keeping the newcomer tame to keep them in the exercise pen more, so I’ve been doing that (although I have kept its doors to Athena’s condo and Teddy’s pen open… is that bad? It upsets Athena if her condo door gets closed with her outside), and just letting them have a quick run around the apartment in the morning and then a little longer one in the evening. Should I confine them more?

                I’m not sure if Athena’s the one you’re thinking about, but I’d say Athena’s agouti (with white) – she’s the bun on the right in the picture – but she does have a 5-storey condo. ?

                thanks again!

              • sdrabbitlvr
                9 posts Send Private Message

                  Wow! This is the easiest bonding I’ve ever seen. You’re lucky!

                • Meg
                  560 posts Send Private Message

                    I *am* lucky!! Athena has even started grooming Teddy sometimes (I think she’s just more social, and he’s more rambunctious). I bet next time I try to bond bunnies I’ll be in for a surprise!

                  • bunnymama
                    161 posts Send Private Message

                      So I’m wondering at what age will you get the male fixed? I assume you will. You are lucky with the bond. I’m jealous.

                    • Meg
                      560 posts Send Private Message

                        of course! he was actually fixed 2 weeks ago, by the shelter, before I met him. (I know I should have maybe waited longer to bond them, but they were doing so well…) Athena was fixed in December.

                        but just this evening Teddy started circling Athena and making these little cooing noises like a cross between a dove and a guinea pig. (;

                        I know I’m lucky with these two; I know this is anomalous. (And who knows how it might be different in a few more weeks once Teddy has fewer hormones in his system?)

                        thanks again!

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh whew! That was my next question about when he was going to get neutered because I was worried that this easy bond would be short-lived when his hormones kicked in and he wanted to mount her all the time…but…YEAH…he’s already neutered and it sounds like before his hormones got too crazy in the first place.

                          This really does sound like a very easy bond! I had that happen only once – a three day bond. Never got THAT lucky again. I am very happy for you that things are going so well, and I’m continuing to send easy bonding vibes your way. !

                          I think you will have to be very careful though when one rabbit goes in the other’s pen. Many times this is when aggression can happen. Have you seen any warning signs yet if and when they do enter each other’s space. Normally sticking to a neutral space is adviced, but you said you lived inja very small place and so far this arrangement seems to be fine.

                          How are his litter habits outside of his area (besides the normal poop wars and territorial marking during bonding)? I mean does he urinate and/ or leave piles outside of his pen? If so, that would be something obviously to stop from happening so bad habits to set in.

                        • Meg
                          560 posts Send Private Message

                            Thanks for this, BinkyBunny!

                            So actually they’ve been going in and out of each other’s pens for about a week now with no signs of aggression. I found this out by accident on day 2 – I had a friend come over to meet Teddy and she was holding him (this was back in the old days when he like to be held and then put him down on the floor before I could stop her – and he hopped right over into Athena’s condo, where she was!! I was afraid because I knew this was a big no-no, especially for a new male to go into an established female’s territory… but she wasn’t aggressive at all, just hopped away from him a little (like, “who is this stinky boy?”) but didn’t go far. I did get him out after half a minute or so.

                            But a day or two after that I let them hang out in the x-pen with the doors to each of their (adjoining) pens open to it, and they’ve been just going back and forth, playing in one and then the other, using each other’s litterboxes and eating each other’s food, etc. And then yesterday after Teddy started really courting Athena (circling, cooing, snuggling, grooming), they really kind of fell in love and spend much of the evening snuggling and grooming. So I (wince… I know this was very soon) let them spend their first night together in Athena’s condo last night. (It is very large, so plenty of space to avoid fighting…). I checked on them an hour or so after bedtime and they were snuggling together with Teddy sort of sleeping on Athena’s shoulder. I was sleeping in the very next room (there’s not even a door) and I didn’t hear any commotion in the night, and this morning they were just as usual (playing together, didn’t seem upset, didn’t even leave their condo right away when I opened the door). I’ll be sure to keep an eye on things, though, and not leave them together when I can’t be home.

                            I’m so glad you asked about Teddy’s litter habits!! They are *atrocious*, but with a pattern: he doesn’t poop just anywhere – never outside their pen areas, and he’s easing up on pooping in the x-pen – but he does poop just all over Athena’s condo and his pen (though I’m thinking of taking down his pen now). He *also* uses his litterboxes, and I think that now for the *most* part he does use them to urinate (though until a few days ago, at least, he would pee in Athena’s condo to mark!)… But what can I do to encourage him to get better about all this? Athena has been quite the little lady about litter habits from the start, so this is unfamiliar territory for me.

                            Thanks again!! I sooo appreciate all the help and advice.

                          • RachelB
                            237 posts Send Private Message

                              Meg- It sounds like your bond was very similar to my two boys. Pretty uneventful and easy going–Congrats to the new love-buns!!!

                              As for litter habbits….. I would recommend either:
                              1) getting a new huge litter box that they both can comfortably use at the same time or
                              2) if one of their boxes is large enough for this purpose clean it with lots of vinegar so that it smells new again (make sure to do the outside as well bc the bunnies tend rub their chins here to claim it as theirs).
                              After you have a “new” clean box I would combine both of their litterboxes (with as much of the poo on the floor as you can get up) into the one big new box. Add some new litter to the top so that its not too yucky… but make sure that they can see/smell their stuff. I found that by mixing up their two scents in the new box they got the idea that this was “their” box and they needed to share it. I think its important to make the litterbox a “safe” place that they both feel comfortable using. I made sure there wasn’t any humping in the box and I did some rough petting so that they sat next to eachother in there for a bit. The first day they would take turns in the box and after one jumped out the other usually jumped in and would poo or pee right where the other one would go (Im sure to mark it as theirs). But this was all happening in the box so no compaints from me!! By the second day they were using the box together a lot.

                              Hope this helps!!

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                          Forum BONDING bunny #2!!