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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Bunnies new house

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    • angelicvampyre
      754 posts Send Private Message

        Ok so i started with a basic cube but the carboard on the base was getting horrible to clean up so I upgraded and made a split level house for Bunny

        I need to put a better floor board on this level but did got get that far today so cardboard will have to do,

        I am hoping to add another level later down the track.

        One thing, I put him on the top level and he has stayed there, should I give him a ramp?  All of these that I have seen no one seems to have ramps but if he needs one (as he is small) then I will add one in, any suggestions what to make it out of?


      • RabbitPam
        11002 posts Send Private Message

           Many people recommend coroplast for the bottoms, but it’s a bit hard to find. I found a seller on Ebay that makes pre-cut squares that fit with NIC cubes.

          Also, they have this new ramp you can get. I would check it out, and go to their Ebay store for the coroplast. Many colors.


        • KytKattin
          1195 posts Send Private Message

            That’s a great ebay seller RabbitPam! Normally people overprice those things, but instead this seller has some awesome deals! Their starter cage for $65 (plus $20 for shipping) isn’t so bad if you can’t find coroplast in your area.

          • Adalaide
            433 posts Send Private Message

              Freya doesn’t have a ramp and she has three levels in her condo but she’s also super hyper and a jumper and climber. If I ever see her slow down I’ll add ramps but I don’t frankly think she’d use them right now anyway.

            • MooBunnay
              3087 posts Send Private Message

                Bunny is a little small, so he might need some kind of stairs or ramp. I would also put something down on the ground, like a towel, so that he can get traction trying to jump up to the second level, otherwise he might slip on the floor when jumping and hurt himself. Maybe you could put a cardboard box in that is half the height to the second level and he could hop up on that and then up to the top floor.

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  Yes, that’s what I was thinking to Moobunnay, a cardboard hidey box that he can jump on top of also. Otherwise, if you have another grid or two, join together with cable ties, attach two lengths of dowel underneath them, then cover the top of the grids with carpet or sea grass mats. (also can be cable tied onto the grids.)  If you find a box or ramp take up too much floor space, maybe put a intermediate “step shelf” onto one of the sides perpedicular to where the large shelf is.   The coroplast mentioned can be found at Bunnings in Australia- it’s called Flute board. 

                • angelicvampyre
                  754 posts Send Private Message

                    thanks guys, I added a ramp using two squares and a length og wood to give it some more support, he has been happy going up and down it within 5 mins so i figure he has it sorted now, going to make a better one further down the track but it will do for now. the bottom of his cage has a non slip tile grip with was the closes I could find to that coroplast over here. God sometime i really just want to move back to the states!

                    Also thanks for the link that e-bay has given me some great ideas about how to extended Bugz cage!

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      Don’t know if I’d bother buying that ramp-it’s just two NIC cubes bent!! You can get any boy to help you with that! Then line it with coroplast and voila-same thing

                      I used ‘metal shelving’ for my ramps. In general they don’t need them but for higher heights they do. Also I used carpet on them for traction. I just punched some holes in the carpet and zip tied it to the ramp.

                    • angelicvampyre
                      754 posts Send Private Message

                        hey I am getting some carpet squares but the carpet place only had pink ones in and well I could not do that to Bugz! So they said they would call me when they get other ones in

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                    Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Bunnies new house