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Forum BEHAVIOR Bunnies & Music

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    • wendyzski
      1312 posts Send Private Message

        I always thought that Pepper liked music.  She really doesn’t pay attention to any TV or radio music, but when I have my band over for rehearsal, she often stays in the room with is – even more so than her usual "yay visitors – do you have food?" routine, and she has always seemed to like it when I sang quietly to her.

        Well tonight, my guitarist came over so we could run through some stuff for an arts fest we’re playing this weekend up in Wilmette.  After the usual laps and nose nudges, she settled down on the floor between our chairs and stretched out to listen.

        Now, she NEVER stretches out when I’m less than 3 ft from her – she’s a skittish little fuzzball sometimes.  Who knows what she had to deal with before Animal Care found her in that park.

        But there she was chillin out to the music.  Yay!  Good to know that SOMEONE appreciates our work.

        Does your bunny like music?

      • Scarlet_Rose
        4293 posts Send Private Message

          Oh that’s wonderful she’s comfortable and jelling with you! Maybe just the particular tune was mellowing her out? My two seem to really slounge out to a particular CD I got called “Spirit Flutes” of Native American pieces. I’ve tried the classical music and they used to like it but their bunny music preference is definately the flutes.

        • wendyzski
          1312 posts Send Private Message

            I sing and play pennywhistle and bowed psaltery.  She likes both, but the high notes on the psaltery make her shake her head sometimes.

          • skunklionshow
            1257 posts Send Private Message

              Wendynski…I’m from Chgo.  I used to work at the World Folk Music Co. on the southside of Chgo.  They have their own performance space and do regular folk music concerts.  Check them out.  Its not hard to get their from the N Side (sorry I’m assuming that’s where you live).  I lived in Ravenswood and worked there for several years.  They are in the Beverly area.  I believe that they’re better than the Olde Town Sch of Folk Music.

              PS…I frequently leave classical music on for my pets when I go to work.  When my stray had kittens,  I played Mozart and Beethoven constantly for them.  I named one of her babies Wolfgang.  Well I swear that’s why he’s sooooo smart…the "mozart effect"  get it?  HE HE HE!

            • Scarlet_Rose
              4293 posts Send Private Message

                Oh Mozart, that is a great tongue-in-cheek! LOL Oh my, our bunnies, the music buffs. It sounds like you both have a great time with your music too and your bunnies partake in it as well. That is just so sweet.

              • Gravehearted
                2428 posts Send Private Message

                  sounds like you’ll have to have rehersals at your house more often 🙂

                  oo yes – my bunnies like music too, but they all seem to like different things. Niklaus was a cultured rabbit who looooved big band – but also liked industrial and punk. Hareiette likes ebm – so it’s pretty electronic. Pandora will do the binky ballet to pretty much anything melodic. My parents bunny Truffles loved anything you could play on one hand at the piano, so nursey kinds of songs and she’d be a little racing binky queen. I have discovered that universally all bunnies like David Bowie, maybe he was a rabbit in a previous life!

                • MSBOND
                  8 posts Send Private Message

                    My partner listerns to metal and heavy metal etc, I hate it but bunny seems to like it, so chills out next to the speakers. Funny wee girl.

                  • MSBOND
                    8 posts Send Private Message

                      It may just be the tingle sensation she gets, hahaha

                    • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                      2517 posts Send Private Message

                        My friend’s bunny likes metal too! Crazy critters.

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          What a great story.

                          I don’t know if my buns like music or not – I have a very quiet house LOL except for a crazy cockatiel and I don’t think the rabbits appreciate his music (he’s usually calling for me and he can get loud and annoying).

                          I do think though that they think I’m talking to them when I talk on the phone.

                        • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                          2517 posts Send Private Message

                            All my cockatiel does is scream, but she loves attention (from anyone but me). I found her on the rabbit cage hanging out with Frankie when I came home today.

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                        Forum BEHAVIOR Bunnies & Music