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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A BunBun Games

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    • lucygoosey
      42 posts Send Private Message

        So I was wondering, What kind of games do you play with your bun? Lucy likes to play "Follow the Leader" and "Catch me if you can" (She does this when I try to pet her.. she’ll hop away then stop and wait for me to catch up.. then hop again… usually when she stops she looks behind her to make sure I’m still playing lol). Occasionally I play "Peek a Boo" with her.. where I gently place a towel or blankie on her head and she’ll wait for me to lift it up and say "Peek a Boo!".. she seems to really love this one. Haha.

        On a second note, my bun is about to have her teeth pulled out so I was wondering if anyone had any creative ideas for toys and stuff to do. I’ve noticed most toys require the chewing factor and I don’t want my Lucy to feel left out~!

        Pic from Hopscotch (The cutest all-things bunny site EVER!)


      • skunklionshow
        1257 posts Send Private Message

          This may be a little sick & twisted but I love playing hide & seek and tag w/ my bunnies.  I honestly feel like Jessi likes it, when she’s in the mood.  Sometimes the cats play tag w/ her and she is waaaaay faster than my old cats!

          Also Leo like to give "kisses" (little lickies).  He will usually lick your finger if you put it near him and say "kissies"!  If I put my nose up to the cage bars, he’ll even kiss my nose.  Its super cute!

        • BinkyBunny
          8776 posts Send Private Message

            I try to get them to do binkies by shaking my head and wiggling my hands at them. It looks like a really nerdy dance move, but for some reason this gets them all excited. They become more active and start to do binkies. It’s more likely an escape tactic to say “she’s doing that thing thing again, let’s motor before she gets out of hand.”

            Does your bunny like to explore? You can build a little bunny box city of of moving boxes. Cardboard tubes meant for pouring cement are a favorite too. (Usually available at Home Depot & Orchard Supply type places.

          • (dig)x(me)x(now)
            2517 posts Send Private Message
              Posted By BinkyBunny on 08/01/2007 1:46 AM
              I try to get them to do binkies by shaking my head and wiggling my hands at them. It looks like a really nerdy dance move, but for some reason this gets them all excited. They become more active and start to do binkies. It’s more likely an escape tactic to say "she’s doing that thing thing again, let’s motor before she gets out of hand."

              That really made me laugh. Lack of sleep, yes, but still hilarious! I got a mental image! HAHAHAHA

            • wordmonkey
              40 posts Send Private Message

                The head shaking and hand movement work. Ours like it when, and its only the table in the living room, make a drumming sound on the table. Then they’ll start head banging.

              • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                2517 posts Send Private Message

                  very cute also!

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    yeah, it’s not pretty!  And with the houses being so close together around here, I’m sure the neighbors must think I’m a real kook.  Of course they can’t see the bunnies on the ground, they would just see me and my "interesting" dance moves.

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      I play "tag" with my bunnies too – I can tell they aren’t fightened because they do that thing where they run a few steps, then stop, then look at me and wait for me to get just close enough to almost touch them then *ZOOM* a few more feet, then *ZOOM* a few more feet – its a lot of fun My bonded pair Juli and Kramer like to play with each other mostly – which is nice because then when I am gone during the day they can entertain each other.  I’ve even come home to see lil’ Juli hiding in her mini tunnel from Kramer and then usually he runs around tot he back of the tunnel and gives her a bum poke so she runs to the next tunnel…and so on…

                    • wordmonkey
                      40 posts Send Private Message

                        Does anyone else have their rabbit(s) zig zag around and through their legs while they walk??? I can’t go anywhere in the house without him following me and doing this. I almost step on him constantly.

                      • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                        2517 posts Send Private Message

                          Frankie will randomly run/zig zag in front of me when I’m walking around… he gets kicked on accident a lot… this happened with the bun I’m bunny-sitting right now and she snorted and looked at me like “what the hell, biotch?”

                        • MooBunnay
                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                            Thats so cute your buns follow you! I’ve read in a few different places its a kind of sign of affection – they want to hang out with you I feel so bad that my poor little buns have to spend so much time in their ex-pens, I can’t wait until I am no longer a rentor and can let them out all the time!

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              Cassie likes it when I put mu hair in her face, she stands on her back legs and tries to comb it with her paws/groom it (sort of like how bunnies groom their faces.  I always have this feeling she’s thinking "oh my dear, what were you thinking letting your fur be so out of place!"

                              We also play "jump into my lap and get a papaya tablet.  Alexander is just learning how to play but Cassie will keep jumping up and being cute until she gets one.


                            • osprey
                              2065 posts Send Private Message

                                Our two girl bunnies are not big game players, but our boy DJ gets into it sometimes.  Two of his favorite games are soccer and "knock down the tower".  For soccer, if he is in the mood, you roll a jingle ball at him and he picks it up with his teeth or bonks it with his nose to roll it back.  "Knock down the tower" is a game I used to play with my daughters when they were toddlers, and it has come back again with my bunnies.  You stack up all kinds of boxes, tubes, books, etc. as high as you can get it, and then DJ comes over and makes the whole thing come crashing down, impatiently waiting for you to set it up again.

                              • Hedi
                                969 posts Send Private Message

                                  All four of our buns love to try and knock toys over that have a weighted bottom. The cheapest and easiest toy like this to get is a childs "Weeble." (weebles wobble and they dont fall down lol)

                                  My Carrera has a bunny one that she knocks to play with but the weeble is the same concept. They like to bat at it and watch it move around.


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                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A BunBun Games