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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Bun philosophy

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    • muffinandmunchbunny
      85 posts Send Private Message

        I’m sure most of you have many questions you want to ask your bun that simply may never be answered. This is the place where we can share our theories or answers for our questions! I’ll start off by asking a list of questions/answers:

        Do bunnies know whether a binky/zoomie is coming on, like we have sneezes?I’m simply asking because of the look of confusion mixed with fear on muffins face after a zoomie

        Why buns can handle throwing themselves on the floor but can’t handle someone touching their back paws

        Why do they have to pull so violently on food being hand fed to them??

        As apparently all mammals dream, do buns have dreams of us saying random words as they don’t understand us?

        Leave your questions

      • sarahthegemini
        5584 posts Send Private Message

          Haha! What excellent questions If buns could talk I’d definitely ask Buttercup why she boops me and then immediately turns her back to me lol. Another question aimed at Buttercup is “why must you jump out of the litter tray so violently and thus fling poop all over the place?”

        • joea64
          1423 posts Send Private Message

            Why do some buns quietly and elegantly share food served to them in bowls with banquet-quality manners, but tussle in a most undignified fashion for treats with one another in the manner of street hooligans?

          • Wick & Fable
            5812 posts Send Private Message

              How do rabbits not realize it’s kinda gross for them to eat a cecotrope, then go right to grooming your owner’s face…..?

              The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

            • joea64
              1423 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By Wick on 8/28/2017 3:02 PM
                How do rabbits not realize it’s kinda gross for them to eat a cecotrope, then go right to grooming your owner’s face…..?

                The corollary to that is: How do you know they’re not doing that on purpose?

              • DanaNM
                9050 posts Send Private Message

                  Why does Moose think the BEST time to ask for grooms is while Bertha is getting a cecatrope directly from her bum…? 

                  What is Bertha they dreaming about when her mouth goes all twitchy and she lists over to one side? 

                  I imagine she is eating the most delicious pile of veggies…. 

                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Wick on 8/28/2017 3:02 PM

                    How do rabbits not realize it’s kinda gross for them to eat a cecotrope, then go right to grooming your owner’s face…..?

                    This question, more than any others, I would love to know the answer to!

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      I love this!

                      I know bunnies like to have things their own way, but why when you clean their area and something is not placed exactly where they want it do they have to so loudly and dramatically put it back where they want it? There’s such a thing called discretion. It’s like cooking for someone and them putting salt on it before they’ve even tried it

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        What a fun topic!

                        I often wonder the purpose, rather the LOGIC, behind chinning. *sniff sniff* *chins* “mine now” *hops away* ….

                      • joea64
                        1423 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By BunNoob on 8/29/2017 11:19 AM

                          What a fun topic!

                          I often wonder the purpose behind chinning. *sniff sniff* *chins* “mine now” *hops away* ….

                          I actually tried chinning my tablet last evening while I was in the X-pen with Panda and Fernando. The only thing that happened was that they favored me with mildly incredulous looks, as in, “What does this preposterous human think he’s doing?!”

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By joea64 on 8/29/2017 11:22 AM

                            Posted By BunNoob on 8/29/2017 11:19 AM

                            What a fun topic!

                            I often wonder the purpose behind chinning. *sniff sniff* *chins* “mine now” *hops away* ….

                            I actually tried chinning my tablet last evening while I was in the X-pen with Panda and Fernando. The only thing that happened was that they favored me with mildly incredulous looks, as in, “What does this preposterous human think he’s doing?!”

                            I read somewhere about trying to communicate with your bun using their body language…. I tried a head binky once. Not sure if bun understood but my husband thought I might need to be sent somewhere for mental help

                          • joea64
                            1423 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By BunNoob on 8/29/2017 11:50 AM

                              Posted By joea64 on 8/29/2017 11:22 AM

                              Posted By BunNoob on 8/29/2017 11:19 AM

                              What a fun topic!

                              I often wonder the purpose behind chinning. *sniff sniff* *chins* “mine now” *hops away* ….

                              I actually tried chinning my tablet last evening while I was in the X-pen with Panda and Fernando. The only thing that happened was that they favored me with mildly incredulous looks, as in, “What does this preposterous human think he’s doing?!”

                              I read somewhere about trying to communicate with your bun using their body language…. I tried a head binky once. Not sure if bun understood but my husband thought I might need to be sent somewhere for mental help

                              At my age (53) and with bum knees – I had to buy a stool for my X-pen sessions with my pair – I wouldn’t care to try a full binky, I tell you that!

                            • GeorgieTheBunny
                              212 posts Send Private Message

                                Fridge noise + plastic crinkle + tap running = sheer excitement!

                                B/c that could ONLY mean lettuce time; right?

                              • DanaNM
                                9050 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By GeorgieTheBunny on 8/29/2017 9:36 PM
                                  Fridge noise + plastic crinkle + tap running = sheer excitement!

                                  B/c that could ONLY mean lettuce time; right?

                                  Hahaha yes! So much this!

                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                • Bianca
                                  375 posts Send Private Message

                                    Why will Greebo only start eating his dinner instantly if you dump it on his head?

                                    Actually I think I half know. When he was on the other side of the barrier in the study it was easier to tip the food over. Husband thought it was funny to gently pour it on Greebo. Greebo started losing it with excitement at dinner time. But now he is on the other side of the barrier, so we can gently place food direct in the litter tray. Nope! Runs away and comes back later when I’m gone to eat. But if we pour it on his face – instant noms! Why do you still use that logic Greebo? 😮

                                  • Theo&Mickey
                                    129 posts Send Private Message

                                      Haha – love this topic
                                      great questions, all!
                                      I second sarahthegemini, “Theo why must you fling your poops everywhere when you jump out of the litter box as soon as you see me?”
                                      Also, “Why do you always throw your bowl and all its contents when I put your pellets in it?? Why is it so annoying to eat pellets in a bowl??”

                                    • MissGabbster
                                      718 posts Send Private Message

                                        What do bunnies see when they look at each other? Because all I see is a bundle of cute that needs love and snuggles but apparently when they look at each other they see something much different. If they saw what I do then bonding would be much easier!

                                      • Beeskerlady
                                        54 posts Send Private Message

                                          What does Sassy see when she sees a book?? Does she see it as a source of knowledge or a yummy snack??? Is she digesting knowledge or a tasty snack????

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By MissGabbster on 8/30/2017 4:40 PM

                                            What do bunnies see when they look at each other? Because all I see is a bundle of cute that needs love and snuggles but apparently when they look at each other they see something much different. If they saw what I do then bonding would be much easier!

                                            Hi MissGabbster!  *waving*

                                            I haven’t seen you posting here is so long!  I hope life is good.

                                          • Q8bunny
                                            6345 posts Send Private Message

                                              Posted By BunNoob on 8/29/2017 11:19 AM

                                              What a fun topic!

                                              I often wonder the purpose, rather the LOGIC, behind chinning. *sniff sniff* *chins* “mine now” *hops away* ….

                                              LOL This topic is, indeed, fabulous!
                                              First, to just say that buns chin to leave their scent (they have scent glands under their chins). So they’re tagging stuff like a kid with a can of spray paint. Albeit a cute, fuzzy kid, without pants falling down etc.

                                              As for questions… the ones asked so far are amazing, and I would dearly love to know the answers, but what I particularly burn to find out is why, if Chewie doesn’t like to be picked up due to his fear of heights, he’s totally ok with navigating the ridge of a tall sofa to scramble onto my shoulder and lean forward enough to shove his booplesnoot in my mouth in the hopes of a half-chewed treat.

                                            • MissGabbster
                                              718 posts Send Private Message

                                                Hiya Jersey! Life has been hectic, there’s been many changes since I was last here. I’ll do an update in the September chat There’s so many new faces on here.

                                                It’s all about control and their fuzzy reputation, Q8. What would other bunnies think if they saw Chewie being willingly manhandled??? The shock! The scandal!

                                              • Q8bunny
                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                  And this is why we’re here: to figure out what bunnies think.

                                                • sarahthegemini
                                                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Something I ask the buns every day…WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?!?!

                                                    Peanut, why does rubber look so tasty and appetising? 

                                                    Why do you move an item (plastic cup, plant pot, lego etc) and then immediately move it back?

                                                  • muffinandmunchbunny
                                                    85 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Why does muffin only eat veggies completely dry? When even slightly wet she hesitates

                                                    • GeorgieTheBunny
                                                      212 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Why does the foot stool need to be groomed daily when mommy never gets to be groomed?

                                                      • OldBunter
                                                        33 posts Send Private Message

                                                          What did my stuffed animals ever do to you?

                                                        • OldBunter
                                                          33 posts Send Private Message

                                                            What did my stuffed animals ever do to you?

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                                                        Forum THE LOUNGE Bun philosophy