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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS bun disinterested in toys??

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    • katie, max & penny
      956 posts Send Private Message

        My bunny could care less about toys. I’ve tried balls with bells in them, plush toys, tossing toys. The only thing he likes to do is shred newspaper. Does anyone have any ideas for good toys for him?? Or is my little guy just weird?

      • princessangrypeppers
        61 posts Send Private Message

          For buns that like to shred, I’d recommend getting them toys that have parts that are easily shreddable, like this hanging spoon toy with one of those bird toy shredders around it:

          While Bamber likes balls and other toys, this toy is his favorite and he will bite it and rip apart the shredder a lot. The shredder is almost completely gone now.

          You can also try cardboard boxes and playhouse, as rabbits will like to shred the floors of those, as well as explore them, and just hang out.

        • sibley
          305 posts Send Private Message

            That looks like a chinese finger trap.

            pap, is that a baby tub that’s bamber’s litter box?

          • princessangrypeppers
            61 posts Send Private Message

              Posted By sibley on 06/09/2009 07:46 PM
              That looks like a chinese finger trap.

              pap, is that a baby tub that’s bamber’s litter box?


              Oh, I thought it was just a cylindrical shredder…lol. 

              The litter box is just a weird looking litter box I got at Petco. Bamber was having problems keeping his pee in his old litter box, so I got this one because the sides are super high. Haven’t had a pee problem since, so I easily overlook the odd appearance


            • jerseygirl
              22353 posts Send Private Message

                Alot of rabbits ignore the conventional type of toys. I agree, if he likes to shred and destroy, give him phone books or empty boxes. I find mine like to get their jaws into something that is fixed whether it is intended to be for them or not. I have a few boxes around that store heavy crockery or pots but I let them have at it. Because it doesn’t move, they really seem to go for those things. My doe has ignored most toys but I’ve just found she’ll play with a treat ball that I put pellets in. There’s a thread here in the Toy forum on those.

                The toys are to relieve boredom so if your bunny is not really being destructive (of things you haven’t given him) maybe he is just content.  Also, there might be certain times when he is being more playful.

              • Hedi
                969 posts Send Private Message

                  What about empty toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls? Most buns love to play with these and then shred them.

                  Many buns love jingle cat balls to push around w/ their noses and even pick up w/ their teeth and throw around- just make sure the holes arent too big for teeth/nails to get stuck in.

                  My buns all seem to luv baby toys-find a freind whose baby has outgrown them or scout garage sales or buy them if you can- those nesting cups are a huge hit with my babies, baby keys, any type of hard plastic rattles that buns can pick up and throw around…

                  Buns can make anything into a toy. Just use your imagination.

                  A great idea if your bun likes to shred is Willow Balls from Busy Bunny!!!! They have all kinds of sizes and BinkyBunny has willow stuff for sale on her store on HERE!!!

                  WIllow is safe and edible and your bun can spend hours playing, shredding and chewing on the willow. Oh, and the Yucca Wheel here on BB is something my buns like as well. The yucca has a weird texture to it and is shreddable so my buns take their time with these as well.

                • katie, max & penny
                  956 posts Send Private Message

                    these are all great ideas! i will definitely try them i just gave him a cut up toilet paper roll and he seems to be enjoying throwing it around. and i did make him a cardboard box/house and he loves to chew on the “windows”. i will definitely try the plastic baby toys as well.

                    i’m so glad i found this site- i’m a first time bunny parent and its a great resource!!

                  • bunnycutie
                    549 posts Send Private Message

                      toilet paper tubes
                      cardboard boxes
                      and newspaper strips hung from a peice of card board!

                      my bun likes boxes filled with topsoil for digging and old phone books to shred! get creative! a bun w/o toys gets depressed!

                    • WoWo
                      24 posts Send Private Message

                        Try a plastic Slinky! i thought my bun will never play with toys. After some research, and digging for my old slinky, WoWo loves it!

                      • tabalab
                        309 posts Send Private Message

                          My 2 lil trouble makers LOVE This cat toy I got if someone tells me how to attach pictures Ill post it. MY bunnies don’t really play with toys either but they loved this!

                        • tabalab
                          309 posts Send Private Message

                            Its spins and is like a see saw

                          • tabalab
                            309 posts Send Private Message

                              less then $20 @ Petsmart

                            • MissPinUp
                              151 posts Send Private Message

                                Mine didn’t even like newspaper I took a cardboard box, made an exit and entry way on either end, poked a bazillion holes in the top, strung up newspaper AND put some on the floor. I set it down, she looked at it, and left. I came back a few hours later and the cat was sitting on top of it. I guess as long as someone is using it, right? I’ve spent at least $100 and countless hours trying to find things for this picky bunny to play with, and she’s having none of it.

                              • Karla
                                1624 posts Send Private Message

                                  I had given up on Karl as well – but eventually I found out that he loves cardboard boxes. But not shoe boxes or small cardboard boxes. It has to be a huge cardboard box with a small hole in it, so that he has a nice and dark place in which he can lie and spend a whole day…Some days I don’t see him at all. He just sits inside the cardbox and chews and chews and making alternate exits for no apparent reason.

                                  Also, he really likes the feeding ball which I found inspiration to use in here. Have you tried this? It is the same you use with cats (a ball with a adjustable hole, so you can put pellets inside). He is always pushing that ball around, so sometimes I have to remove it to get some peace and quite

                                  At the moment a sisal ‘carrot field’ is a hit. It is strange to explain, but it is a small box with hay glued to it and which is for digging. On top of the box there are 4 holes with removable sisal carrots and then some sisal ‘grass’. He doesn’t care about the carrots, but he likes digging on top of the box. I have been unable to find a picture of it.

                                  So just keep looking – ’cause eventually you will succeed in finding the right toy

                                • tabalab
                                  309 posts Send Private Message

                                    My buns are the same they rather run around and hide then play with toys. This makes for a very long game of hide and seek as I am trying to herd them back into their cage but all the same they seem happy. My 2 boys love newspaper but wanted nothing to do with the jellyfish or the digg box but when outside they dig like crazy. So i jsut give them their newspaper and tp rolls and they are fine with that.

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                                Forum HABITATS AND TOYS bun disinterested in toys??