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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Brighton 8/3/03-05/10/11

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    • melbunny
      87 posts Send Private Message



        I’ve lost my little boy. Brighton passed away today. He’s been having a weight struggle for the last couple months. Yesterday i took him to the vet and he had lost more. Dr. Jeanne was short on techs and told me to bring him in the morning.Thanks goodness for that. When i went to get him he was so lethargic. I gave him gas medicine and he grounded his teeth so loud. I rushed to the vet as fast as i could. Surely breaking more than a few speed limit laws. By then i was already crying and crying when i walked in the door. Brighton was rushed back to Dr. Jeanne while i was crying the office. The vet techs and receptions were very nice. They were gone forever. Finally the one tech came out and moved me to a room where Dr. Jeanne could talk to me. She told me had a he was very cold. His temperature was badly down. He had a mass in his tummy that she believes wasn’t food. He was in a lot of pain. It was decided between the two of us that he should be put down. I went back and forth between whether i would stay with him. Dr. Jeanne finally made the decision for me after talking with me. She let me hold him and love him for as long as i liked and said that Erica ( a tech who also has bunnies) would be with him with he goes. I held him for so long telling him i loved him, that i was sorry, that the rest of the bunnies loved him. I kept kissing his face. He was in so much pain he could barely keep his eyes open. When he finally started grinding his teeth badly i finally handed him over.

        It hurts so bad. I’ve lost my baby boy. I wasn’t ready to let him go. The nurses and Dr. Jeanne were so kind to me. I just miss him so much. My quirky like boy.I’m going to get him creamated. I’ve already found the box where i can put his picture on it. I miss him so badly….  I nearly died cleaning the rest of the buns pen and not having him tip tap around and come running when i said it was time to eat….

        I got him for Rachel when he was 4 and was later joined by Essy after Taby passed. He was always so quirky and fun to watch. His personality was so distinct from the other buns everyone who met him loved him. He used to walk like a dog instead of hop. He was so particular and cuddly… He is going to be missed by so many bunnies and people alike. 

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          I am so so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful boy. I must admit I have teared up a bit reading this. It must be such a difficult decision but you made it because you love him so dearly. My thoughts are with you.
          *Binky Free Brighton*

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Hugs to you. So sorry – he sounds like he was so loved and I can see how you will miss him. He was adorable.

          • LoveChaCha
            6634 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so sorry.. what a cutie *Hugs*

            • Tate
              734 posts Send Private Message

                So sad. I remember your other post(s) on him. It sounds like you gave him the best life anyone could ask for though! It’s hard to lost any member of the family, but I’m sure Brighton knew how much you cared about him. Hugs!

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  I am so sorry. You made the right decision to let him go. And the vet and her staff sound incredibly kind and compassionate. He was a lucky boy to have such a pampered life with you!

                  (((Binky free Brighton!)))

                • melbunny
                  87 posts Send Private Message

                     Thanks. I actually spent all yesterday crying and took off from work. It feels so unreal. He was not 100% a couple days ago, but was still chipper. Then yesterday morning the rain came down. It still doesn’t seem real. Poor Rachel and Essy seems to be taking it really hard as well. Rachel even stopped and was looking around for him when it was time to eat this morning.

                  • melbunny
                    87 posts Send Private Message

                       Thanks x2 and Hugs back. He was adorable and he knew it. It was one of his quirks he used to use get out of trouble. 

                    • melbunny
                      87 posts Send Private Message

                         Thanks *hugs back*

                      • melbunny
                        87 posts Send Private Message

                           Thanks.  *hugs back* Losing Brighton seems worse than when i’ve lost my dog two years ago. Suki was very old and i knew it was her time to go, but Brighton seemed to still have years on him. It was also so sudden. It just feels he should still be here with me. 

                        • melbunny
                          87 posts Send Private Message

                             Thanks! Dr. Jeanne and the rest of the Best Friend’s Animal Hosptial was more than i could have expected. I was alone and they kept checking on me to make sure i was alright and giving me hugs.  Brighton was admittedly very spoiled. I’m just so sad he missed spending time on his “castle” that i had just ordered the week before for him. He would have made it his little kingdom….

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m so sorry for your loss of Brighton. He was absolutely adorable, and he looks like he was well loved and knew it. Bunnies are very delicate creatures, really, and while they can live a long time, they are so prone to the least little thing, especially in their digestive tract, that we can lose them quite suddenly. You did what you could to end his suffering. He will binky free over the Rainbow Bridge now. He knows all of you loved him.

                              Be extra cuddly with the other two buns, who are confused that he is gone and will grieve along with you. You all can bring comfort to each other.

                            • melbunny
                              87 posts Send Private Message

                                 Thanks. ^^ I’m sure Brighton is binking and stuffing himself silly. He would always eat as much as he could in his healthier days. ^^ I tried to cuddle with Essy tonight, but she wasn’t having it. She’s always been a wabbit girl and i think she is really missing her cuddle partner. It’s the second she’s lost now. 

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  My sincere condolences on the loss of Brighton. It’s obvious to us all how much you loved and cherished him and I’m sure he knew that best of all. He was a very beautiful little guy. It sounds like you have a wonderful, caring vet.

                                  ***Hugs*** I know how heart wrenching it is to say goodbye to a bunny friend.

                                  ((((Binky Free Brighton)))))

                                • melbunny
                                  87 posts Send Private Message

                                     Thanks *hugs back*  Dr. Jeanne was more than i could have asked for. She and her staff were so kind and friendly.  It’s only been a few days, but it still seems unreal. I feel like i should go to see the girls and Brighton would still be in there with them. It’s like nothing has changed, but everything has…..

                                  • lashkay
                                    1548 posts Send Private Message

                                      Brighton sounds like he was a Bright One. I miss him too, just from having read your bittersweet post. I hope you heal soon from his loss and take comfort in the other bunnies. He was an adorable bunny. You did every thing possible for him, especially your final act of kindness. He knew he was loved and loved you and the other buns. HEALING VIBES and HUGS

                                    • melbunny
                                      87 posts Send Private Message

                                         Thanks ^^ Brighton’s name actually means in hebrew “He will be loved” and he was very much. I had the girls up in my room today for some play time. Something that was very bittersweet since the last time they were in here Brighton was with them. Something that made me cry a bit. 

                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                          Brighton’s name actually means in hebrew “He will be loved” and he was very much.

                                          That’s so sweet. What a wonderful name for a bunny.

                                        • melbunny
                                          87 posts Send Private Message

                                              I’ve finally made it. I cried throughout the whole making of Brighton’s memorial video, but i got it done. It’s been so hard without Brighton around. I keep finding myself crying at odd times. I’m angry, sad, depressed, and all over the place. As bad as it sounds losing him has been the hardest of all my pets. I think because of the other ones i had time to say goodbye a few days before. I knew it was coming. Brighton’s passing came without warning. All i can think of is that i wish i spent more time with him. Got more photos. Loved him more. Held him more. He was my baby…..Then poor Essy and Rachel. Both of them have been incredibly depressed. I can’t even imagine what it must be like for them. All i can think of is that if bunnies could cry their tears would fill the room….

                                            Anyways thanks to everyone for your condolences. I really really appreciate it. It’s been a comfort. Here is my tribute to the best little boy bunny (in my opinion) ever….



                                            Link if the video isn’t showing:…morial.mp4

                                          • lashkay
                                            1548 posts Send Private Message

                                              Gosh, your choice of music for the memorial signals me just how deeply affected you are by Brighton’s passing. It’s heartwrenching music and I hope one day in the not too distant future you’ll be able to change it to something less sad. Your memorial for Brighton is a beautiful video and captures his memories in so many lovely ways. I especially loved seeing him nestling with his other bunny companions. I love to see bunnies appreciating their bunny companionship – and human companionship. Those are lovely photos of you holding Brighton. Once again, HUGS to you and HEALING VIBES to your heartaching soul. I know, I’ve been there too. Your memorial video of Brighton is just beautiful.

                                            • melbunny
                                              87 posts Send Private Message

                                                 Thanks ^^ Ever since i heard that song i knew it was going to be Brighton’s song. Making the video has made it easier. Course i say this now, but i’m picking up Brighton this saturday…..

                                              • lashkay
                                                1548 posts Send Private Message

                                                  When it came time for me to pick up Buddie’s urn, I got cold feet. I didn’t want to see him that way yet, and told them I wouldn’t have the money to pay for his cremation for another 2 weeks which they said would be fine. Then, I made myself go. Death of a beloved pet is really heartwrenching. I understand why you chose the music you did for your video memorial. I hope in time, your grief will fade and be replaced by happy memories of when Brighton was at his best. I’m sure your lovely videos will help you make that transition.

                                                • melbunny
                                                  87 posts Send Private Message

                                                     Thanks ^^ I ended up having my sister come with me to pick up Brighton’s urn. I had Essy and Rachel in for a check up on the same day and it really only seemed fiting that his companions would be with me when he came home. My vet made things easier since they didn’t give me Brighton till i was ready to leave. Dr. Jeanne just looked over it and said it looked nice. I got one with a picture frame and i have him and his other memorial frame sitting on my one book shelf. I can now look at it without crying, but i start to tear up when i talk about him…..

                                                    The attendants at this one gas station must think i’m nutz though. I had a sixth sense something was wrong the day before he passed and was crying getting gas. Then i was crying getting it again after i got him. 



                                                  • lashkay
                                                    1548 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Grief over a lost beloved pet takes a while to run its course…you will heal in time, though and I hope the other two buns are a comfort to you. You all need each other now.

                                                      Maybe instead of thinking you were nutz, the gas station attendants felt warm-hearted toward you and felt sorry to see you grieving over something. And maybe a little embarassed feeling helpless to help you. Crying is a personal thing and others don’t know what’s going on when they see it, so don’t feel self-conscious if others see you crying. I’m sending HEALING VIBES your way, though you will probably need to grieve for a while. HUGS

                                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I missed this-I’m sorry. How tragic *Big Hugs* It can really take some time…in fact, I still tear up speaking of any of my bridge pets and some have been gone for a long time -I think we all grieve in our own way and you take the time you need to heal-don’t feel that you have to ‘get over it’ in some sort of timeline. It’s really a personal thing *HUGS* Binky Free Brighton

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                                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Brighton 8/3/03-05/10/11