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Forum THE LOUNGE Breed Identification, Just for fun~ **updated with more pics last page. :)

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    • lynnbunn
      46 posts Send Private Message

        I don’t know about you guys, but I like to identify rabbit breeds. :’D

        It’s just a lot of fun. Haha.


        Anyways, here’s my two rabbits:


        Romeo– From previous identifications people have said that he’s mixed. We don’t know with what. His fur is still changing colors. It will periodically have more fawn coloring. He’s mainly gray with a brown nose, tan under ears, around feet, around belly, and a white under belly, eye circle, and paws.


        Tigerlily– Apparently she’s partially Creme d’Argent. I’m not too sure anymore though because American Creme d’Argents are 8-11 lbs, and she’s a measly 4.5. She’s fawn colored with a slightly gray forehead. White underbelly. She used to have a huge orange patch on her forehead but it’s turning more and more gray. Her coloring changes a lot!

        (these are back when we first got her. She’s in the shower for bonding lol. Do you see the orange patch? I’ll take pictures without later.)




        So yes. There they are!

        If you have bunnies out for identification, I would love to look!!

        Thanks guys~

      • Elrohwen
        7318 posts Send Private Message

          Hmmm … both are tricky! They’re both agouti colors (both look chestnut to me, though I’m not good at identifying agouti) because they have “tipped fur” (multiple colors on one hair) and the telltale white tummies, white around the eyes, etc. Unfortunately, they’re very common colors, so tough to make any breed distinction based on that.

          As for breed, I see a little rex in Romeo, but not sure. He definitely doesn’t have rex fur, but his had shape seems a bit rexy to me. I could be totally off though.

          Your girl looks like she might be part mini lop. Her ears are very rounded on the ends and don’t stand up quite straight. Once again, I could be completely off though! I don’t see a lot of obviously characteristics in either of them that points to one breed over another.

        • lynnbunn
          46 posts Send Private Message

            Ohh. I totally see what you mean, but I read that Chestnut agouti was black.

            Before when I first got Romeo I thought he was a mini rex but his fur and whiskers soon gave way, haha. But then again, I also thought he was a Flem at one point. I know he’s way too small but he has a flemish looking head. His body, you’re right, looks very mini rexy.

            I think you’re definitely right about Tigerlily though. I’ve noticed that her ears are kind of tilted to either side as oppose to Romeo’s super-straight standing ears.

            Do you think Creme d’Argent is a possibility or do all rabbit’s fur change colors?



            Edit// I was looking at random rabbit stuff (yes, I do this all day) and Tigerlily looks exactly like a lynx Palomino except with a little gray!!!!!

          • Elrohwen
            7318 posts Send Private Message

              Chestnut agouti has the black gene in it, which makes the tips of the fur black. Because of another gene that controls the extension of color along the hairs, other colors show besides the black.

              A “chinchilla” color, for example, would be grey with black tips. Chestnut is brown with black tips. Romeo might be a sable chinchilla – my mini lop is the broken version of this color, but has a lot of white on her so it’s hard to tell if she’s the same as him. She’s definitely grey, but has kind of a beige undertone to her coat, while standard chinchilla is just grey, white, and black on the hairs. All are in the agouti family and have the same gene that codes for the pattern of the coat (white tummy, etc) but you can get different colors in the bands of the hair. I find them very tricky to identify because you’re looking at the base color of the hair, the middle band, and the tip color which is especially hard to tell from pics. Palomino is also an agouti color, so it’s possible that’s what she is, and not chestnut.

              See, I told you I was bad at telling the difference between the agoutis 😉

              Here are some good links. In the second link you want to look for all colors with the A- gene (either AA or Aa). Agouti is a dominant color, so there are a lot of them! Even more confusing, if they have differences in the E/e gene, it can make the color appear different by not carrying color through the whole length of the hair, though it is a standard agouti color at heart.

              I don’t think creme d’argent is much of a possibility for your girl. She doesn’t seem to have the body type, the unique color (not sure what that color is genetically and it’s not something you typically see in other breeds). Plus, they’re a very rare breed. Most mixes tend to be some combination of the basic lops, rexes, new zealand, etc etc that are commonly found. Not saying it’s not possible, but especially considering her size I don’t think it’s likely.

              I like playing this game though! I think it’s fun to try guessing breeds and identifying colors.

            • lynnbunn
              46 posts Send Private Message

                Oh I see what you’re saying. I’m looking at pictures of sable chinchilla coloring and it’s not quite it. I’m gonna go and identify his bands and tell in a moment.

                The people at the rescue assumed her mom was a Creme d’Argent. I know that their colors change as they mature from orange-y to fawn and eventually silver. That’s what’s happening to Tigerlily, or so it seems. Here’s a baby picture. Next to her isn’t Romeo but he looks exactly like baby Romeo.

                I don’t know. I’m probably wrong. I read that Creme d’Argents from France are smaller though, typically 5 lbs (it made me laugh. Everything in America is bigger.)

                This is so much fun.


                Edit// I took a look at Romeo’s fur. He was asleep so he’s grumpy now. I had to give him a treat and he ate it after I offered it three times like he was saying “Fine. I’ll eat it, but that doesn’t mean I forgive you!” Haha.

                Anyways, it appeared to have three colors: white, beige, gray, and black. Most of them were white, beige, then gray, then black. Some were white, then black, or any other combinations. The only thing was that he always has white first.

                Tigerlily also got forced out by me. I didn’t mean to though. I glanced at her fur. It’s not agouti-looking like Romeo’s.

              • Elrohwen
                7318 posts Send Private Message

                  Orange is an agouti color, but doesn’t have the extension gene so you don’t get the black tips. Could she be that? Just based on where she has white fur, I think she must be some sort of agouti. I don’t think the term “palomino” is used for all breeds, but I’m not sure what the more generic term for the color is (could be orange, or fawn).

                  Hannah also has white, beige, grey, and black fur. Here’s a couple pictures of her that show her coloring. She seems a bit lighter than Romeo, but otherwise they seem to have pretty similar coloring to me. There a couple varieties of chinchilla though, so he could be something completely different.

                  eta: When I tried to google “sable chinchilla” I pretty much just got pictures of siamese sables – dark brown with darker points – instead of sable chinchillas.


                • lynnbunn
                  46 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh my. Hannah and her buddy there are so cute.
                    Romeo is way darker and he has less white in his fur because it’s mainly the roots. He also has much more tan– almost like an otter coloring.

                    My rabbits are so difficult to determine colorings and fur because they’re soooo mixed. Haha.

                    I will take a better picture of Tigerlily soon so you can see how she looks now.

                  • MissPinUp
                    151 posts Send Private Message

                      Mid flop!!


                      Disapproving bunny disapproves!


                      I’ve been told part New Zealand, but I don’t really see it.  She was white as snow as a baby, she keeps getting greyer and greyer! Anyone have ideas?  I’ve been told a few others I can’t remember…my mom thinks snowshoe because of how huge her back feet are 



                    • Joyfull_music
                      506 posts Send Private Message

                        I am a dog breed encyclopedia. I can look at a dog and tell you what it is. If it is a mix, I can usually pick out the mixes easily. What is funny is how I am better at it then most vets and dog trainers.

                        What amuses me is how often people claim they have an English Spot rabbit like mine. Turns out the breed is not very common. Lucky me to have one of the most strung out, high energy rabbits you could possibly get as my first bun. But she fits in with this crazy family. I just got her because of the gorgeous color and curious disposition. I learned about the breed afterwards.

                      • MissPinUp
                        151 posts Send Private Message

                          Joy, I send you a message!

                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            I love Lucy’s ears!  I remember some of the earlier pics of her. She has slight bit of grey on her ears and nose?
                            I think her colouring is chinchilla but maybe with that whole extension gene thing going on. I only say chinchilla colour because or this pic I found with chinchilla rabbit breed description. 

                             I think it’s possible she could even be a mix of that breed as I think it’s common. She obviously has some lop in her too.  I notice both the lops and chinchilla breed have those gorgeous chunky ears.



                            What amuses me is how often people claim they have an English Spot rabbit like mine. Turns out the breed is not very common.


                            True. I did this when I got my 1st rabbit Jersey and started searching pics on the net. Turns out she’s just broken colouring. From what I can tell, the English Spot is not common here (Aus) so it’s unlikely it makes up her breed mix.  I think some of the Charlie patterned rabbit get mistaken for E Spots also.  The more hare like body shape is very defined in the E spots and some young rabbits (mix breeds) have that lean look so that’s probably another area where people may see E Spot in their rabbit when it’s not.

                          • MissPinUp
                            151 posts Send Private Message

                              She’s definitely a little mutt, and I’ve heard Chinchilla coloring before, which makes total sense. I can still remember when I got her, she fit in the palm of my hand. “Oh she’s a dwarf”. OH IS SHE NOW. I love how big she is though haha.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                I’ve just been reading about ghost chinchilla colours. She might even be that colour…or a pointed something. I get so confused. lol

                                Elrohwen, that’s interesting what you posted about chestnut agouti and the extensions. At first when you suggested that’s what Romeo and Tiger Lily might be I was confused because Rumball is chestnut agouti with the black tip and their colours look entirely different. I learn something new every day.
                                I must post pic of the bandings TimTim has. I cant upload from my camera though (Thanks to TimTim!) He’s also chinchilla colour of some variety. He has tiny bit of white at base near the skin, then a blue-grey band, a pearl gray band, a bright white band which is 1/2 width of the other 2 bands and almost like different fur texture, then a tiny black tip. Sometimes though these tips appear brown, similar to that in Hannahs pics and the 3rd pic of Lucy.

                              • Elrohwen
                                7318 posts Send Private Message

                                  Jersey, orange and chestnut are the same genetic color except for the extension gene, so I’m wondering if that’s what Tigerlily is. She has all of the other agouit characteristics. Fawn is the dilute variety of orange, so she could be that too. I think palominos are actually one of these colors (or a similarly related color).

                                  I think Lucy is a frosty – it’s one gene expression different from orange (the chinchilla gene, actually, which makes the orange appear pearly). You can have pointed agoutis as well, but she does seem like a frosty to me or one of the similar colors.

                                  As far as Romeo goes, now I’m thinking opal, which is the blue version of the basic chestnut.

                                  This site has some decent color pictures:


                                • jerseygirl
                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                    I was wondering about opal but i wasn’t aware that an agouti colouration. I thought Mr Bill’s Benji was opal, he has that grey look but you can see beige underneath. But I dont think he has agouti pattern i.e. white belly etc. So I’m probably confusing that with ANOTHER colour. Lol

                                    OK, “frosty”, “pointed”. Can you give laymans definition on those terms? I had thought frost is a colour tip (like white with a grey tip) and is pointed when it’s shading on the nose & ears, tail?Or is that siamese?  Isn’t there a ”frosted point” too?

                                    A lady told me she thought Tim Tim was a frosty when she saw early pics of him but I’m not sure exactly what that is. Please help

                                    I am going to bed and in the morning I shall understand it all!

                                  • Elrohwen
                                    7318 posts Send Private Message

                                      Pointed is shading on nose and ears, like a siamese cat.

                                      Frosty is a specific color. I think it’s also called ermine maybe? Frost point and frosted pearl are also terms for it, but frosty seems to be a popular term. The bunnies are usually white with grey or brownish hair sprinkled throughout. I think they start out fairly white and develop the “ticking” color as they age, like Lucy has, though some stay whiter than others.

                                      Genetically, frosties have the non-extension gene as well as the chinchilla gene. The “pointed” aspect of the frosty color comes from the non-extension gene – this is the same gene that causes tort bunnies to have darker noses and some shading. It’s a different gene than the one that causes the siamese coloring of a siamese sable or something. There’s also a gene that causes the himalayan “points”. So there’s basically three ways to get bunnies with “points”

                                      This bunny is a tort:

                                      This bunny is a siamese sable:

                                      Baby frosty:…p-male.jpg

                                      Adult frosties:…ty%202.JPG




                                      From the last pictures I saw of Tim Tim I don’t think he was a frosty, but it’s possible. I remember him being more like a chinchilla or something.

                                    • Sam and Lady's Human
                                      2001 posts Send Private Message

                                        Ooh cool thread!!

                                      • LoveChaCha
                                        6634 posts Send Private Message

                                          Wow, so interesting! To me, the breed is: DA CUTE!

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                            Thanks Elrohwen!

                                            From the last pictures I saw of Tim Tim I don’t think he was a frosty, but it’s possible. I remember him being more like a chinchilla or something.

                                            I think so too. He has the black ear lacings and black tail like chinchilla colourations.

                                            @lynnbunn, from your blog and other posts you mentioned your 2 were from a litter of a large scale rescue intake. Was that the Martinez rabbits? Maybe if you look over the rabbits all taken in at that time you might be able to pick more of the breed mix.  I can see the mini rex in them also (especially Romeo).

                                          • lynnbunn
                                            46 posts Send Private Message

                                              This is so interesting! 8D
                                              I think Lucy looks like a frosty-chinchilla. Either way, he’s too cute for words.
                                              I can’t help but see a little dwarf in him. His body shape when sitting looks really compact. I dunno.

                                              @Elrohwen; Hmm. Romeo doesn’t look that opal. With the website you provided (really nice, btw), he looks really Cinnamon colored. In fact, his coloring is almost EXACTLY like the picture!

                                              Yep! They’re both from the Martinez rabbits. In the litters there were white rabbits, black rabbits, fawn, grey, etc. None of them are lops though!
                                              Here’s a link:

                                              Most of them are agouti-colored except for maybe the white and black ones.
                                              They’re all looking quite mini-rexy, haha. The thing is though, each new litter has been getting smaller and smaller. I wonder why. The original ones are around 5-6 lbs, or even more. I saw a litter of them. They look like standard rexes, almost, but with wider faces, like a netherland dwarf.

                                              Thanks everyone!

                                            • Elrohwen
                                              7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                Interesting that you think he looks cinnamon! His colors looks bluish on my monitor, but it’s so hard to tell sometimes – every monitor is different. Do you have more pictures of him? He has a very pretty color.

                                              • Brittany-and-Freddie
                                                26 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I have many years of experience with purebred and mixed bunnies. I would say they are just a mix of some dwarf and others. It is not likely they would be part rare breed such as Creme D’argent. The majority of bunnies are just that, mixes. I used to have a ton like that but after getting Holland Lops I will never go back, they are so calm and adorable!

                                                • lynnbunn
                                                  46 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Sorry for not posting sooner! I had finals this week and I was busy last week.

                                                    Anyways a few weeks back I took billions of pictures of Romeo and Tigerlily outside. These are more accurate colors .





                                                    There’s more on my blog.



                                                    Thanks guys~

                                                  • Elrohwen
                                                    7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                      They’re beautiful! They really are unusual colors – I just can’t place specifically what they are. I think I’m seeing a little mini rex in there though -they seem to have the rex head.

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                                                  Forum THE LOUNGE Breed Identification, Just for fun~ **updated with more pics last page. :)