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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BEHAVIOR Booey’s always pooping on my bed

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    • laura lindauer
      12 posts Send Private Message

        Ba ba booey is getting much better about keeping her little poopies in her poop box, but shes LOVES jumping onto my bed when she gets the chance, and just pooping on it. As soon as shes up there, she just poops away, so I was wondering if you think that maybe she does this because she knows that I sleep there, or she just plain old likes pooping on beds.

        Help me I’m sleeping with poop!

      • Gina Won
        108 posts Send Private Message

          Same thing happens to me! Well, close. Floppy loooves to jump up on the couch (which my whole family thinks is extremely cute, especially when she starts racing back and forth) but she insists on peeing on it. Luckily our couch is leather so it’s easy to clean up, but because she invariably piddles in two spots and it’s not an optimal place for an additional litter box, we simply have to keep her off the couch. It sucks!

          I’m sorry I don’t have an answer! I just wanted to let you know I’m in the same boat and that I sympathize!

        • Anita Stark
          194 posts Send Private Message

            I’m not sure if this is really what did it, but Sable used to come up on the couch and poop too.  Besides confining him until his litter habits improved, I also tried to make sure that I established the couch as my territory.  When he came up while I was there I would put my hand either on his head or his behind and push down a few times to show him I am the boss on the couch. 

            After a few days he stopped doing it and we’ve enjoyed plenty of cuddle time on the couch ever since.  We don’t have a problem with the bed because he’s not allowed in the bedroom.

          • Gravehearted
            2428 posts Send Private Message

              Generally pooping is a way of marking territory!

              Can you put a spare litterbox by your bed and when needed grab it to put on the bed? I’m not sure it will really help, but it seems worth a try!

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Anistark is right on target.    Bunnies usually do this to mark what they consider their territory.  Especially if there is a place that smells like you.  A bunny will either be feeling like a part of YOUR clan, and so he figures you marked there somehow with your scent and so he will too.   OR they will try to claim your place as theirs, but either way Anistark’s method has worked for my bunnies too.  It ‘s basically telling them that you are the alpha bunny, and in the bunny warren, the top bunny can choose to claim a place as theirs and only theirs.

                 But, if  your bunny still seem to be persisitent, especially if the’s not altered (sorry, can’t remember off the top of my head), then Gravehearted’s advice of keeping a litterbox around is an option.  At least, when they are claiming their territory, they know where to go.  

                I think the best solution if your bunny continues to poop on your bed,  or if you don’t want to have a litterbox near your bed, then to always keep her off your bed.    Shoo her off the moment she goes on.  That will be a strictly YOUR territory, that many bunnies will just learn to stay away from.

                And if ltafter a week of doing that, she still insists, then you may have to ban her from the room entirely. 

              • laura lindauer
                12 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks for the advice
                  The problem is I live in a very small apartment that is basically, a kitchen, bathroom, hallway, and three bedrooms and thats It. Booey lives in my bedroom so i have her litter box in here and let her run around. I started letting her out into the hallway but she just goes crazy pooping next to the front door where we keep our shoes. Also, if she spends too much time out of my room, when she comes back, it seems like she just forgets her litter box habits completely. So keeping her in my room only is what ive been reduced to. I always push her off when i see her jump on my bed, but shes not stopping. So, its a little difficult because I cant lock her out of my bedroom because this is where she lives. Do you think her behavior will get better after shes spayed and reaches adulthood? Shes only 3 months. Is my bunny a little crazy or is it just me?

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    Most bunnies’ destructive and/or territorial behaviors,. which include marking via poop and pee,  do get much better.  (plus their urine doesn’t smell as strong)    She is at that turning point where she gets crazy.  So it’s not you, but it can make you go crazy.

                    However, when you have a new bunny, it is a good idea to confine the bunny more during training. (even before the surgery)   This allows your bunny to understand where HER territory is, and learn that it is not everywhere.

                    Allow short spurts out.   A good way to offer more exercise during this confinement time is to get an x-pen.    You can still give her full freedom even outside of the x-pen, but  again, in short timed doses.

                    Slowly expand more freedom as she masters her area.   

                    Keep us updated! 

                  • redestarrosa
                    14 posts Send Private Message

                      yeah, the buns poops on my bed at times… once i caught one of them peeing on my bed and i pushed him off real quick and cleaned it up .. and he haven’t peed on the bed since… my bed is is basically a mattress set on the floor, so it is pretty low on the floor so no harm comes to the rabbits


                    • Sarah Jones
                      99 posts Send Private Message

                        oh thank GOD someone asked this as i was about to ask! ok, dougal is brilliant at litter training, since i got him, he was a natural. then he started pooing on my bed. going up there speficially to poo! my bed is massively high, but he’s quite the jumper and hops from stool to crate to get there. he now stays out overnight, and after falling asleep stroking him last night i think he fell asleep too. anyway, to cut a short story shorter, i woke up at 4am rolling in his wee. loads of it! EW! and it seeped. horrid. now people will think i’m a bed wetter!!!!!!!! i am trying a litter tray on the chest which sits at end of bed, but i think it’s completely about marking everything near me. he is such a little bugger! suffice to say punishment was going back to his cell for the rest of the night. i’m only two days into new job and i look like a tramp now!

                        will let you know how litter tray goes… dougal is 4 months so still another 2 months potentially til he can get done. i’m trying not to go bald and/or grey in this time…

                      • Gravehearted
                        2428 posts Send Private Message

                          ooo boy sazemoo, that does not sound pleasant!! 🙁

                          Is he neutered?

                          do you think it might be he’s mad that you started the new job and aren’t around as much? Maybe now that you’re out of the house you come home smelling like so many different smells. He wants to make sure everyone knows your his mommy. I think sleeping with him might be out until his litter habits get back on track.

                        • Sarah Jones
                          99 posts Send Private Message

                            ah, i have the same hours as before. he started doing it (the poos) before i went from the old job to the new. but the weeing is a whole new thing. i think it’s to do with not neutering yet, but he’s only just 4 months old (i think. it’s hard to know his exact age) and it’s 6 months til he can be done isn’t it?

                            he wee’d again on me, so now he’s scratching the door down to get into the bedroom and he is in his cage at night. it was going so well! argh!

                          • BinkyBunny
                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                              Sazemoo –  I know for females they typically wait until 6 months, but with males, many rabbit savvy vets do the surgery earlier  – as soon as the testicles drop – so some do it around 4 months.

                              What does your vet feel comfortable with?

                              Here’s a link to HRS in regards to when males are typically done:

                            • Sarah Jones
                              99 posts Send Private Message

                                to be honest, i’m having trouble finding a vet to do him. i was going to get him done at my mums but he got his nails done there and they said 6 months, and i knew it was 4 and half generally if needed. i dont think they really knew…

                                does anyone know a london rabbit vet from personal experience? because the sooner he is done the sooner i can get a lady and maybe get him back in the bedroom as well…

                                please help!

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message
                                  Posted By sazemoo on 09/16/2006 11:25 AM

                                  does anyone know a london rabbit vet from personal experience? because the sooner he is done the sooner i can get a lady and maybe get him back in the bedroom as well…

                                  please help!

                                  Sazemoo – I commend you holding out to find a good vet!   Since we have a good size UK following, I think it would be a good idea to post a brand new post in "Health & Diet asking for recommended vets in London.

                                  Here are some links I found:  

                          You have to scroll down to find the Rabbit Vets in London

                                • qzobevmama
                                  22 posts Send Private Message

                                    booey needs to be neutered!  hopefully you will have good luck in finding a rabbit savvy vet there in london.

                                    for males, as soon as their testicles drop down and you can feel/see them, they can be neutered.  this is usually around 3 months of age.

                                    keep in mind, it takes 4-6 weeks after neutering for all of the testosterone to leave the body. 

                                    lots of booey’s behavior, and the intensity of it, is because he’s hormonally challenged.  boy bunz especially get very territorial and sometimes aggressive when they become teenagers (around 8-10 weeks of age, thereabouts).  males will be very vigorous in marking their territory, and what they want to become their territory (like the bed).  they mark by both leaving those lovely brown marbles all over, but the icky thing they do is to spray urine.  after neutering the spraying usually goes away, and the territory pooping simmers down.  many bunz (both males & females) still territory poop even after being "fixed," but it’s not to the extent that un-neutered/unspayed bunz do.

                                    when booey goes in for his surgery, please do ask the vet for pain meds to give him at home and also for antibiotics.  i don’t know what they use in london, but for boys our rescue group gives tms antibiotic x2/day for 5 days after surgery (starting the night of surgery) and we also give maybe one or 2 doses of metacam (for pain, night of surgery and then 24 hrs later) depending on the bunny.  watch to make sure that he is eating, pooping & peeing within maximum 24 hours postop.  if you give him some of his favorite greens, or especially fresh hay, it might be enticing to him.  my experience has been that once you take care of the pain with medication, the bunny feels well enuf to eat.  a bun in pain generally will not eat.

                                    let us know when booey goes in for his little snip and we’ll send him lots of love & healing energy!   😎

                                  • ea hurse
                                    102 posts Send Private Message

                                      sazemoo, Lollo desperately needed the snip when he was only about 14 weeks, he was precocious and his testicles had decended a couple of weeks before that. the vet i went to simply said that as long as he had all the ‘equipment’ and he was healthy it could only be a positive step to take (and it DEF was!).

                                      i found this link when i was looking (at local practices for myself)


                                      might be worth giving a few a buzz… hope this helps

                                    • Gravehearted
                                      2428 posts Send Private Message

                                        hi Sazemoo – did you see the response I left to your inquiry about a london vet last month?
                                        My friend in London had a few suggestions for you…


                                      • Leslie
                                        1 posts Send Private Message

                                          Hey! Just an idea for this topic. My little boy always “surprise” me while he is mad at me! For example, he don’t realy like the car rides, but sometimes I have to take him, cause I have no one else to take care of him… and when we get home, OMG. Now he was mad at me cause the Kale wasn’t fresh as he normaly get it! When I got home from Work, he just left me a big load of “love” poopoo and peepee all around my room. What can I do, I still love him! Thanks

                                        • Bam
                                          16992 posts Send Private Message

                                            Hi Leslie!

                                            This is a very old thread. Contrary to many other forums, we ask our members to not revive old threads. You’re very welcome to start a thread of your own on this topic 🙂

                                            I’m locking this thread now.


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                                        Forum BEHAVIOR Booey’s always pooping on my bed