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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Bonding Tansy and Kiwi – BONDED

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    • Catalina
      132 posts Send Private Message


        [script removed]


        So, I have a new bunny named Kiwi that I would like to bond to my existing bun Tansy.  If you want to read the whole adventure on how I got Kiwi here…fault.aspx

        Kiwi is living in my basement in an x- pen home.  Tansy lives upstairs and can’t get into the basement.  I gave Kiwi a stuffed bunny that Tansy preloved and Kiwi licked it (groomed?).  I left another stuffed animal in the pen with Kiwi and plan on giving it to Tansy after it smells like Kiwi. 

        Kiwi peed in the litter box right away, but pooed every where in the pen.  I picked up the poos and put them in the litter box.  I didn’t have to train Tansy to use his box, so I hope this works, because I don’t want an untrained bun peeing in my house! 

        Tansy is free range and I would eventually like Kiwi to be bonded and free range too.  That’s the goal!



      • MissKris&Koji
        279 posts Send Private Message

          My rabbit pooed all over his cage and my floor the first day he came home. I think it was new territory marking and nerves. Now 95% of the pellets end up in his box, and all of the pee does too. I read it’s common for most buns to not be 100% in the litter box with the poops, so I don’t worry about it too much and just sweep them into the box when I feed him twice a day. Really those are easy to clean up, so so long as he keeps peeing in the box I’d be happy!

          Good luck with the bonding!

        • Catalina
          132 posts Send Private Message

            Ah ha! That’s what territory marking looks like.

            Kiwi is a little lover boy. He is so affectionate – loves getting pets and isn’t shy at all. I would be terrified if someone picked me out of one place and put me in a totally new one.
            He did a little binky when I put him in his new pen (from out of the bath tub). So sweet!

          • Catalina
            132 posts Send Private Message

              I forgot to mention that Kiwi was neutered on July 13th and they estimated his age at 2 years.

              So should I wait for a month before I try bonding? To let the hormones die down?

            • Monkeybun
              10479 posts Send Private Message

                Definitely wait. Better to be safe than sorry The wait time will be good for you to bond with Kiwi anyway

              • Catalina
                132 posts Send Private Message

                  So here are the future bondees.  I’m waiting at least until the middle or end of next month.  What do you all think about taking them both to my parent’s house and bonding them there?  It would be nuetral territory for both buns.  Would it be easier to bond them like that? 







                  And Catty and Tansy – Kiwi will have to get bonded to Catty too

                • jerseygirl
                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                    I saw catty and Tansy in your other thread. Such a comical pair!
                    For what it worth I say definately try bonding at your parents if you have the opportunity. Especially since Tansy is free range and could be a tad territorial about your place. It’s good to have extra hands on board also.

                    Here’s hopping to a smooth bond when the time comes!

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      Ooooh…. I love REW buns! So cute!

                    • LoveChaCha
                      6634 posts Send Private Message

                        Tansy is so big now! What a big boy

                      • Catalina
                        132 posts Send Private Message

                          Ok I couldn’t wait any longer.

                          So far this is what has happened:
                          I set up a space for them in one of my spare bed rooms. Tansy had never been allowed into this room, so it is neutral. 2 of everything – litter box, water, pile of fresh veggies, hay, phone book, stuffed toy, diggy towels, cardboard boxes.

                          Then I put both buns in a cardboard box with a cover. I shook them up, went outside, went inside, went into the garage, jogged in place, ect.
                          Then I dumped (gently) them both into the new room.
                          They sniffed each other. Hopped around a bit. Then they fought. Lost some fur. I didn’t stop them. Then they hopped around. Then they fought. Tansy hid in a box. Kiwi hid on the other side of the room. Then they fought. Lost some more fur. Then they went to different sides of the room and layed down. They took a 2 hour break where they didn’t do anything.
                          Kiwi got up and ate some hay and used the litter box.
                          Tansy hid in a box.
                          Kiwi ate.
                          Tansy ate.
                          Kiwi came over to sniff Tansy. Tansy thumped at Kiwi. Kiwi went away.
                          Kiwi came back – Tansy thumped. Repeat 50 times.
                          Kiwi chased Tansy – Tansy hid in a box and thumped.
                          Kiwi ate. Tansy ate.
                          Kiwi chased Tansy. Tansy thumped and hid in a box.
                          Then they chased/thumped/ate and are still doing that combination.

                          I check them over once for injuries, but other than that I haven’t touched them. So far it seems to be going pretty well.

                        • Catalina
                          132 posts Send Private Message

                            This is a photo time line of their interactions.









                          • Catalina
                            132 posts Send Private Message

                              The poo wars have begun. I can deal with the poo, it’s the pee that is gross!

                              Kiwi was very frisky with the soccer ball for a while.
                              Now they are lying a few feet away from each other and just looking at each other.

                            • Monkeybun
                              10479 posts Send Private Message

                                … I had to giggle at the personal injury ad on the phone book lol. How appropriate for a bonding session

                                Look at Kiwi flopped! Kiwi is adorable ANd poor Tansy… who is this strange bunny invading his house?

                              • jerseygirl
                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                  That’s exactly right. It might be harder for Tansy to adjust to the change. Kiwi might be becoming an old pro at it. I wonder if he lived with other buns in the past.

                                  Your bonding so far reminds me of what another member did. She cleared 3 days in her schedule and basically did a lock in with herself and the bondees. It worked too!

                                • Catalina
                                  132 posts Send Private Message

                                    This morning there weren’t any more poos outside the litter box. Tansy and Kiwi both took turns eating hay. There are 2 hay racks, but they seem to only like the bigger one.
                                    Tansy let Kiwi get close to him a bunch of times.
                                    Tansy asked for a groom and it looked like Kiwi gave him one lick. Then his body language scared Tansy and Tansy ran away.
                                    Kiwi followed a little and then went over to the soccer ball instead.
                                    That soccer ball is the best thing I have ever bought for them!

                                  • Catalina
                                    132 posts Send Private Message

                                      Day 2 –

                                      In this first pic Tansy was in the litter box eating hay and Kiwi was watching him.  When I took the pic Tansy jumped out of the litter box.




                                    • MissKris&Koji
                                      279 posts Send Private Message

                                        Double flop! Nice work!

                                        Also love that hay rack with the rows of holes – what is that??

                                      • Karla
                                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                                          That is from Ikea for plastic bags. I was just about to comment on it. I love how everybody here has Ikea-stuff.

                                          I love your bunnies, Catalina! And it looks like your bonding is going really well. That is so great,

                                        • LoveChaCha
                                          6634 posts Send Private Message

                                            Aw, they look great together, Catalina

                                            Where did you get that hay rack from? Its quite interesting

                                          • Catalina
                                            132 posts Send Private Message

                                              Yup the hay rack is an Ikea plastic bag holder.

                                              They seem to be bonding pretty well. Kiwi is still Mr. Humpy, but Tansy is like, “I don’t think so buster!” and runs away when Kiwi even gets close to Tansy’s rear end.

                                            • Catalina
                                              132 posts Send Private Message

                                                Will Kiwi eventually stop trying to hump Tansy? I think they could be buddies if Kiwi would just knock it off!

                                              • Lintini
                                                3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I loved your description here of their first meeting

                                                  Tansy hid in a box.
                                                  Kiwi ate.
                                                  Tansy ate.
                                                  Kiwi came over to sniff Tansy. Tansy thumped at Kiwi. Kiwi went away.
                                                  Kiwi came back – Tansy thumped. Repeat 50 times.
                                                  Kiwi chased Tansy – Tansy hid in a box and thumped.
                                                  Kiwi ate. Tansy ate.
                                                  Kiwi chased Tansy. Tansy thumped and hid in a box.
                                                  Then they chased/thumped/ate and are still doing that combination.

                                                  I cracked up!!! Life as a bunny right?

                                                  They are such a good pair and getting along so well already?!!? Nice work!

                                                  Kiwi is a doll, can’t believe you were scared of those eyes!!

                                                • Deleted User
                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                    IKEA has lots of things for rabbit (seriously)

                                                    Beautiful photos, Catalina! Bonding is going great. You are already getting flops, a good sign. Yes, the humping will get less. Keep at it!

                                                  • Catalina
                                                    132 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I’ve had Kiwi for a whole week! It feels like a lot longer.

                                                      Bonding Day 3 – The buns woke me up at 2 am this morning. Their room is right next to mine and they were dashing around and playing. Just normal bunny stuff.
                                                      This morning Kiwi and Tansy shared the litter box for a few seconds and ate some hay together. Then Tansy hopped out. Later Kiwi tried to hump Tansy’s head. >
                                                      Other than that they act very sweet to each other.

                                                    • mrmac
                                                      2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                        They sound like they are doing great! The humping is normal, even mine do that every now and then just to make their dominance known. As long as the humping doesn’t bother Tansy it is a good thing!

                                                      • Catalina
                                                        132 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Kiwi and Tansy were sooooo sweet this morning! They were cuddling together. I have a cute pic of it that I will load later.

                                                        • Deleted User
                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                            You are getting the easy bond… lucky you!

                                                          • Catalina
                                                            132 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Day 5: I think they are 100% bonded. They snuggle all the time and the humping has mostly quit. They are so sweet together!
                                                              For a while I was wondering why I had ever wanted to get Tansy a friend, but now when I see them together I know it was a good idea. Especially when I have to leave them during the day and go to work.
                                                              Today they were both curled up in one of their cardboard houses tail to nose – so cute!

                                                            • mrmac
                                                              2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Congrats! They sound like they love eachother!

                                                              • Catalina
                                                                132 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  They are still having issues with marking. Tansy will pee on the rug and then Kiwi will mark the spot with a few poos.
                                                                  I keep cleaning it up and whenever I catch Tansy peeing on the rug I put him in the nearest litter box.
                                                                  *whine* Will this ever end?!?!?

                                                                  Otherwise things are perfect with the bonded boys.

                                                                • mrmac
                                                                  2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    I dealt with my trio’s poo wars for MONTHS, they never seemed to go away. Kiwi and Tansy’s bond is still new so it will just take some time for them to understand that they no longer have to compete for territory.

                                                                  • mocha200
                                                                    4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      you can leave them alone together when you not home!

                                                                    • mocha200
                                                                      4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        ohhhh i have just read through you thread and i see now. silly me! ( btw your guys are doing great! it took my two, two months!)

                                                                      • LoveChaCha
                                                                        6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Lovely Catalina! You had an easy bond!

                                                                          Now is Kiwi bonded to Kitty?

                                                                        • Deleted User
                                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Congrats! Ditto mrmac on the poowars but with pairs they usually do go away… plus, mrmac’s female rabbit is a bully and they tend to invite long-term stray droppings. (Sorry, mac… it’s Delilah’s fault, IMO)

                                                                          • mrmac
                                                                            2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              TOTALLY her fault. Dex and Dennis have been having more marking lately since their bond is still newer, but since Davey and Delilah have gone back to a pair now, their marking has decreased dramatically, only a few strays now and then.

                                                                            • Catalina
                                                                              132 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                The boys are still doing great! They are 100% with their litter box. I’m gradually letting them get more and more territory – letting them run in the hallway and bathroom.
                                                                                Today I bought them a treat dispenser that they can roll around. Kiwi figured it out right away! He is crazy about it! I used pellets as the treats and it’s not hard to see why he was a little chunker. He has slimmed down a lot – his little dew lap is almost gone.

                                                                              • mrmac
                                                                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  That is great Catalina! I am glad their potty habits returned! Those treat balls are great! I have one for mine also!

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                                                                              Forum BONDING Bonding Tansy and Kiwi – BONDED