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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Bonding Session Video

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    • skibunny8503
      1338 posts Send Private Message

        Here’s bonding session #3.  We never did get video of the first time because we were too busy trying to stop him from mounting her.  He was a little bit better this time but still no responce out of her.  What do you guys think?  Let us know if we’re doing anything wrong.


      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          WOW – he’s actually grooming her that is GREAT! Mounting should be okay until she gets annoyed so I wouldn’t stop that from happening right away.

        • LilynJestersMama
          258 posts Send Private Message

            I am just starting this process myself and I’d LOVE to see all that grooming going on!!! Jester did just a little of that on the first day they met, nothing since then (Saturday). I may try the banana smear technique

            I have no experience with bonding, but this sure looks good to me!!! Congrats on the good progress!

          • skibunny8503
            1338 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks!  I think he’s in love, I go to let him out and he usually just stays by his cage, it’s like he doesn’t want to leave her!  I just hope she starts feeling that for him too

            • LilynJestersMama
              258 posts Send Private Message

                I think both yours and my arranged bun marriages are going to happen! They are just testing us………..hehehe

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  How big is the space they’re in? I wouldn’t go any bigger than xpen size (about 4×4 feet). You want them in somewhat close quarters. This video looks fantastic! You’re not even in foreign territory (like a tub) and they seem to be getting along pretty well.

                • KatnipCrzy
                  2981 posts Send Private Message

                    Wow, in the beginning of the video Archie reminds me of Pepe LePew (Looney Toones skunk) chasing the black and white cat (I think the cats name is Fabette). They look like they are getting along great and Gracie is the girl of Archie’s dreams- but she is not as enthustically in love with him yet.  It looks like an awesome promising start!  How can she not fall madly in love with handsome Archie who grooms her so nicely???

                  • skibunny8503
                    1338 posts Send Private Message
                      Posted By Beka27 on 03/11/2009 12:59 PM
                      How big is the space they’re in? I wouldn’t go any bigger than xpen size (about 4×4 feet). You want them in somewhat close quarters. This video looks fantastic! You’re not even in foreign territory (like a tub) and they seem to be getting along pretty well.

                      It’s about xpen size, we made it out of the NIC grids and zip tied them together.  It seems they do better in a semi neutral territory because we tried the bathtub and he mounted her like crazy, we tried our spare bedroom (which he always wants to go in and sit under the bed) and he was still mounting but not as much.  We went out to the living room where he always goes and he did a lot better. 


                    • jerseygirl
                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks for posting a video! Seeing him groom her at the end makes me think it is all worth it – the less desirable events of bonding. Remember, Archie is used to grooming 2 unresponsive stunt bunny slippers, so he’s likely not too upset at her lack response. Also, remembering her past, it may take her a little time to trust him. She doesn’t act aggressive at all! I don’t know how much their pasts come into it with bonding – I think it counts some.

                      • skibunny8503
                        1338 posts Send Private Message

                          I did a bonding session without my husband today because Archie started digging at his cardboard upstairs and she was sitting up like she wanted to help him.  So I put them both in the pen and he didn’t mount her!  Ok he didn’t immediately mount her.  I think I figured out something…he started to mount her after she sprayed her territory a second time.  It didn’t last long though and he went back to grooming her.  He flopped over once and she even started grooming herself which seems like a comfortable sign.  I left them over 15 min….I should have just seperated them there but I thought to go a little longer.  I don’t know if she was in her way or what, but he nudged at her and then he dug at her stomach!    As much as I wanted to end it on a happy note, I was pretty upset at him for doing that and took him out because he had done that before.  I might try again once my husband gets home, I dunno.  But someone isn’t getting a treat tonight.    Maybe I’ll go back to the bathtub without a blanket.  I thought she would have been upset after that but she ran around the living room a few times, which I guess is a good sign.  

                        • MarkBun
                          2842 posts Send Private Message

                            The only thing I’d suggest is not to interrupt the mounting too much. It is something that has to be done and worked out. Now, if he starts biting her too hard or is nipping her flank instead of trying to mount her, then I’d interrupt. But so far, it’s looking really good.

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                        Forum BONDING Bonding Session Video