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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING bonding rant

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        Please list your bonding woes here! Your complaints, your hardship, your personal bonding rant — it can all go here. Don’t hold back, I won’t!

        I hate about rabbit bonding

        that it eats up all my free time and more

        that it makes SUCH a mess in the house because of setting up temporary pens and sessions… not to mention hay in the bathtub, who needs that?

        being bit by rabbits which is a given in many sessions.

        poowars and skunky marking stench.

        worrying about rabbits taking ill from stress put on them during sessions or getting injured

        that it never goes as planned





      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          The humping! I know it shouldn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother them and it’s part of the bonding but I still don’t like it.

          Also the circling.

        • kralspace
          2663 posts Send Private Message

            the never knowing when the ‘looks like they’re getting along’ turns nasty and one of them gets shredded

          • mrmac
            2156 posts Send Private Message

              The nipping, and big fights (Delilah attacking Dennis), HUGE boo boo’s!
              The chasing and circling.
              The endless set-ups and struggle for more ‘new’ space.
              Finding a big enough area for the ‘final’ set up, which usually involves rearranging entire rooms in my case!
              The “COME ON! PLEASE LIKE EACH OTHER ALREADY!” phase. When you are riiiiiight there and it is just that last little conflict to get over.
              Sitting with them for HOURS watching nothing. This is not particularly awful, just annoying when you have things that you need/want to do.
              Worrying about their first overnight together.

              Oh bonding! I will add to my list as I think of more things!

            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                I like the rant! It brings out the truth, the ugly face of rabbit bonding, LOL

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  another one:
                  when you had an easy bond and get another rabbit thinking it will be easy again and then all hell breaks loose

                • mrmac
                  2156 posts Send Private Message

                    The bonding can be hard but it is SO worth it in the end!

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Bonding is nasty…
                      the other thing I’d like to complain about is that on the internet you hardly see bonding sessions with biting etc. so everyone thinks this is the exception when I think it’s pretty standard.

                    • mrmac
                      2156 posts Send Private Message

                        Biting and nipping is in almost every bonding, it is kind of unavoidable unless you have and instant bond. I hate it how other bonding ‘help’ never shows or talk about this aspect.

                      • Karla
                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By Petzy on 10/29/2010 10:53 AM
                          another one:
                          when you had an easy bond and get another rabbit thinking it will be easy again and then all hell breaks loose

                          That’s me! Oh, I could go on forever in here.

                          Worst part:

                          • The obvious continious stress you put your bunnies through that make them avoid you and run off as soon as they see you
                          • The worry that the stress might make them sick
                          • The fact that the concept free-roaming bunnies is no longer existing in one’s household
                          • The biting
                          • That worry that they will never get along
                          • The endless frustration and feeling of not getting closer to the goal
                          • The smell of territorial marking
                          • The fact that no one understands why you spend so much time on bonding bunnies
                          • The frustration that there is no one right guideline you can find on the internet to help you through it

                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            Karla, I agree with the no right guideline – I think some there are lots of suggestions that have worked for different people and so they do work but no magic guideline which makes it frustrating. It’s always worth trying – what works for one person may work for another – then again, it may not.

                            I think also, the idea of bonding rabbits as pets – heck even have rabbits as pets – is still fairly new. It’s like rabbit medicine and illnesses – still alot for vets and owners to learn.

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              the fact that nobody gets why you spend so much time doing this — excellent ranting point Karla!

                            • Karla
                              1624 posts Send Private Message

                                I have been looking at cat forums lately and I can see that it is completely normal to have bonding sessions that last about 6 months for cats. And all the cat owners were prepared for it and fine with it. It is acceptable. Somehow, I think it is not okay to talk openly about the trouble with rabbit bonding because so many people still have the idea of bunnies as solitary animals that must not be kept together with other rabbits or they will fight each other to the death. And nobody wants to encourage these people. I cannot share my trouble with other bunny owners here where I live, because I will then just encourage the group of people who want bunnies to live as solitary hutch animals.

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  What techniques are used in cat bonding?

                                • Sarita
                                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                                    I never realized you actually had to bond cats like you do rabbits. I suppose it makes sense since they are territorial animals as well. What do those owners do that have 2 unbonded cats…doesn’t seem like you can contain a cat as easily as a rabbit.

                                    Interested in their techniques as well.

                                  • Karla
                                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                                      They cheat They use different calming remedies like Zylkene and Feliway (which I have copied, so mine are fed large doses of dried chamomille and will soon be given some homeopathic calming remedies for pets), and then basically, they seem to let them fight it out to a certain degree. I know a lot of them use a distracting approach, so if one is about to go at the other, they throw a ball or a play with a feather. Actually, I have not been studying it that closely but maybe I should and I will get back to you

                                    • Sarita
                                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                                        So what happens when the drugs wear off?

                                      • Karla
                                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                                          Feliway is something that is used all the time – it is an adaptor you plug in. As far as I know they do like we do – keep the cats away from each other, when they cannot be supervised. They try to let the cats meet for short positive encounters with play or nice food.

                                        • kralspace
                                          2663 posts Send Private Message

                                            Regarding the online videos not showing the possible viciousness of bonding—-Markus should post that one of MaryAnne snakebiting poor Dono when he was trying to bond them, it still scares me!

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22353 posts Send Private Message

                                              – the monotony and discomfort of spending hours on the floor rabbit sitting etc
                                              – the endless set up and dismantling of bonding areas
                                              – WITHOUT A DOUBT TERRITORIAL MARKING (and the fact it never did cease 18 months down the track. *cries*)

                                              But we continue to bond rabbits as the end result is worth it. I want to do it again someday. Remind me of this thread if that ever eventuates will you? ;o)

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                Ooh, those cat bonding techniques reminded me of a novel rabbit one I came across recently. It doesn’t involve chickens Karla, sorry. :p

                                                It’s to rub garlic over the non bonding rabbits, particularly near their scent glands. It’s supposed to make them smell the same.

                                                I can’t help but think that all you’d end up with stinky and more stressed, fighting rabbits!

                                              • Karla
                                                1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I’m desperate enough to try it out! If I had space for chicken, I would get those as well.

                                                  JG: You don’t think it would work? When I got Molly, the owner told me that she had been told you had to rub perfume or perfumed oil on both bunnies, so they smelled the same. Just not sure if I know exactly where all scent glands are – and won’t it sting? Perhaps just ffeeding them garlic?? So they smell the same. Why is garlic considered bad for bunnies?

                                                • jerseygirl
                                                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I can’t vouch for whether it would work or not. I just thought it’d be just my luck to end up with garlic scented rabbits and nothing more!
                                                    There was mention of doing this with vanilla also. I think I could handle that more. I like garlic but I don’t exactly want garlicky bunnies.  Jerseys poop already smells reminiscent of garlic already!

                                                  • Karla
                                                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                      As I wrote yesterday : “The fact that no one understands why you spend so much time on bonding bunnies”…that was just so nicely proved by my boyfriend who in an argument decided that he did not want any bunnies outside the bunny room, so he THREW all their stuff back into the room and let Karl into the room as well. I honestly thought he was bluffing until I could hear Karl and Freddie fighting.

                                                      Afterwards, he said that he had no idea that they would fight?! Sorry, but have you not paid any attention to what I have talked about for the past 5 months and the sessions I do with them?! People just don’t get the seriousness in it.

                                                      Not in a good mood right now!

                                                    • Karla
                                                      1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Vanilla? Hmm, just the powder? Because that sounds easy. I just turn them upside down and pour some vanilla over the private parts and that should be it? I am willing to do anything. Heck, if you say that there is a special dance I can do which will bond them instantly, I will dance it

                                                      • jerseygirl
                                                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Lol! No don’t do that! I might cause a skin irritation or something. You can go ahead and dance though of course.

                                                          Better yet, get a chicken. Put vanilla on it’s beak and garlic on it’s tail feathers. Put chicken in front of bf and proceed to dance with the chicken around bf.  In 2 days your rabbits will be bonded.

                                                          I’m not going to suggest anything further…I don’t want to be held responsible. :p

                                                        • Karla
                                                          1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I’m going to google it now that you won’t help me I like the ideas.

                                                          • jerseygirl
                                                            22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                              But I gave you the solution.^ heh heh. I was editing my post when you posted.

                                                            • Karla
                                                              1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                According to House Rabbit Society, if we struggle with bonding, we should just add another bunny:

                                                                “The More the Merrier?
                                                                Will adding a third (or fourth) bunny help a rocky relationship? We have found it does, if the added rabbit is the right individual. Ideally the peacemaker would be a calm adult rabbit who has been with other rabbits. This rabbit may set an example, and/or deflect the intensity between two conflicting spirits.”

                                                                Interesting. And if that doesn’t work out because it was the wrong bunny, you can always add another one…and another Hey, and I remember somebody in here who said that the larger the group, the easier it is to bond them. So problem solved. Get 8!

                                                                By the way, here is what House Rabbit Society says about vanilla in regard to bonding:
                                                                To mask a strange smell, dab both bunnies with a scent such as vanilla.

                                                                There is vanilla perfume. But do you think that the scent they produce when they are not getting along really has an influence on how they see each other? I mean, would they actually be friendlier towards each other, if they could not smell the scent the other produces?

                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  What I’d give to see your bf’s face if you annouce the solution to your bonding woes is to get another rabbit! lol

                                                                  I have actually heard something like that before though. I suppose if all else failed you could try bond the 2 new rabbits together and have 2 pairs. But what if you end up with the original pair plus 2 new rabbits not bonded to anybun?! !!

                                                                • Karla
                                                                  1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    It could be an interesting experiement…to see if another bunny would help, that is. Not how my boyfriend would react! That does not sound fun at all :S

                                                                    Imagine if that would be the solution to all my troubles.

                                                                  • kralspace
                                                                    2663 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      oooooooo, I live in a small town where rabbit is very much on the menu, I think mine hopping around already garlic scented might be too much a temptation for some neighbors

                                                                      instead of scenting their bodies though, with horses you can put a dab of vicks vaporub under the nose so the studs can’t smell the mares. I wonder if a tiny dot under the bunnies nose would work the same?

                                                                      My poo/pee marking has been so bad since Charlie arrived that I’m ready to put the vicks under MY nose! and NEVER walk barefoot in the house

                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        You already have that ‘other’ rabbit to help with your hard pair, Karla. Once your boys stop fighting, Molly will really help things along between the boys because they are bonded to her already. Can you imagine bonding Freddie and Karl just to be a pair? It would be an even more daunting task, just like I would have taken much longer if I had had to cement Neigey and Duffy as a pair. The reason for this is that in a pair situation the rabbits are solely focused on each other. I saw this too with Deirdra and Lint last year, when Lint hated her so. The fact that Mops was there helped mediate their bond.

                                                                        This only works though if both rabbits are bonded well to that third.

                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I really think for me the hardest part in bonding rabbits is the space sacrifices I have to make: gates here and there and everywhere, rabbit clutter blocking my way.

                                                                        • Deleted User
                                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Did anyone mention bonding injuries on humans yet? If yes, I will point it out again. It just stinks when you get bit by a rabbit in a bonding session. I was bit on my leg as well as on my back on separate occasions. It bled and bruised. A friend of mine had her figer nail bit clean off in a rabbit introduction session.

                                                                            Here is a new item idea for the BB store: Rabbit Bonding Protective Gear Kit: consisting of long heavy gloves, thick rubber boots, bite-proof gaitors, a steel colander…– please list your ideas, folks!

                                                                          • mrmac
                                                                            2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              don’t forget the squirt bottle! Most rabbits aren’t like Dennis and actually attack the squirt and the squirter! *eyeroll*

                                                                            • Deleted User
                                                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                a mini rex thing maybe? Duffy did too!

                                                                                So we should have a squirt bottle with shield, yes?

                                                                              • Karla
                                                                                1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  I’d just like a whole bonding outfit, please. I have bite marks all over my body. Today I was putting my head down to Karl when Freddie approached and I just remember thinking “Oh, will I go blind now” – so I think we should wear glasses as well!

                                                                                  By the way, I was thinking today. Someone on the forum asked a question about chlorofyl and how it removes the smell of hormones. SO… I thought it might work in bonding IF in fact the smell of the other sets off some of the fights. I guess the smell does matter and that is why the bunnies lift their tails when they are looking for trouble. Isn’t it to spread their scent? Do you think it would make a difference if we could reduce the hormonel smell? Though in my case, I think it is personality and not hormones that causes the fights.

                                                                                • Deleted User
                                                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I don’t know… but I bet it woud not help much because rabbits are so smart too, they just know the other bunny by the faintest scent.
                                                                                    Have you tried a stunt double with their scent on it? That’s something you could do now while you take the bonding break.

                                                                                  • mrmac
                                                                                    2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Yes a squirt bottle with a shield!

                                                                                    • Heather&BabsyBooboo
                                                                                      120 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        We used the same sort of thing as Feliway for our 2 male dogs (both neutered- AAAARRRGH) and I wouldn’t be without it! As far as I know it’s a pheromone that calms them for dogs at least in the UK it’s called DAB it’s like a plug in diffuser

                                                                                      • Karla
                                                                                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          I need to vent…I hate the fact that bonding stresses out the bunnies so much. This week, after the fights between Karl and Freddie, Karl has had poop problems and he refuses to leave the cage. He is out in the early mornings (he jumps in my the bed and wakes me up) and if I sit by the cage, but otherwise he is living his whole life in the litterbox now. Whenever Molly is let into the living room to him, he humps and chases her and she doesn’t want to be near him.

                                                                                          Aaargh, and I hate the fact that I am so desperate that I have spent $150 now on all kinds of herbal remedies which should be good for nervous and aggressive pets and I have no confidence that they will work..but I am desperate!!

                                                                                        • Deleted User
                                                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            Karl needs some serious TLC. I would spoil him and shower with one-on-one human-to-rabbit attention. He will recover and getting closer to you may help him feel safer in the future during the sessions at your new place. At least, this worked with Neigey.
                                                                                            Can you put Karl in your bedroom away from everybunny else?

                                                                                          • Heather&BabsyBooboo
                                                                                            120 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              As to gear what about chain mail and a shark cage rofl hehe

                                                                                            • FluffyBunny
                                                                                              1263 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                Posted By Petzy on 11/02/2010 12:51 PM
                                                                                                Did anyone mention bonding injuries on humans yet? If yes, I will point it out again. It just stinks when you get bit by a rabbit in a bonding session. I was bit on my leg as well as on my back on separate occasions. It bled and bruised. A friend of mine had her figer nail bit clean off in a rabbit introduction session.

                                                                                                Here is a new item idea for the BB store: Rabbit Bonding Protective Gear Kit: consisting of long heavy gloves, thick rubber boots, bite-proof gaitors, a steel colander…– please list your ideas, folks!



                                                                                                I still have fresh scars on my hands and legs from a rabbit fight that happened over a month ago. I was sitting between the bunnies when they had a fight, and Mr. Bunny latched onto my leg. I could tell that he realized that he had made a mistake, but the fight came on so fast, nobody/bunny could think straight. I started screaming at the top of my lungs while madly trying to pull him off my leg – it hurt too much to try standing up! I had to bandage that cut for 3 days, and because of its placement, walking was mildly painful for a week. I had bruises there for about 2.5 weeks.

                                                                                                For all those who’ve never been bitten…

                                                                                                BUNNY TEETH ARE SHARP!

                                                                                                (Reminds me of a bonding story I read on the national HRS site about a year ago. Some lady got bitten on the hand so hard in a bonding session, it damaged some nerves – she had to be in the hospital for a few days!)

                                                                                              • Deleted User
                                                                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  Rabbit bites are nothing to sneeze at.
                                                                                                  I saw a pair of chain mail gloves to buy at a beads store once and they might just be a good addition to the bonding kit we were talking about

                                                                                                • kralspace
                                                                                                  2663 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    that’s not a bad idea, Petzy. or maybe include links to the youtube videos that show bunnies in full yawn and you get a look at those really big sharp teeth!

                                                                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      Oh hey. i could make my own chain mail gloves. lol. i know how to make chains

                                                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        You could make Monkey a chain mail suit and then cement her with Moose! She should feel safe that way (I am kidding)

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                                                                                                    Forum BONDING bonding rant