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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bonding Question

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    • Carolyn
      95 posts Send Private Message

        I’m trying to bond my two bunnies together and I know it’s not going to be easy because they are two boys.  Yes they are both neutered, and for the past two months when the boys have been out for their individual runs they had access to visit each other through the bars. Other then Scamper growling once in a blue moon when Olly got to close to his litter box, there have been no signs of any aggression.  When Scamper is loose he didn’t really pay any attention to Olly. When Olly was out Scamper and Olly would lay side by side with the bars in between each other.  So they get along if there are bars between them.

        Anyways this morning we allowed them their first face to face run in the hallway today, and they started to fight, fur flew. Scamper as predicted, seemed to be the instigator/aggressor.  I held Scamper and petted him to calm him down. Olly would come over to see Scamper then he go away then come back. I’d say one out of three times Scamper would nip at him but for the most part just sniff each other.  We had them together for about 10mins this morning before I put Scamper away to allow Olly in the living room for his morning run a not even a half hour after the meet. Olly and scamper were laying side by side like nothing happened.

        So I moved Olly’s cage right in front of Scamper’s cage so they can get use to being around each other all the time since there is no aggression that way… Will that help with bonding as long as they don’t get too upset with each other?????

        Any other sugestions that I can do to make things go any easier or better for them???? or as my boyfriend says easier for us??? lol

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Yes, that should not at all be a problem.

          Have you tried any car rides? Stress is good to help get them together.

          I would try longer periods of time too if they are getting along alright. It does sound like you are rolling right along too. Have you tried an x-pen? If you have room, put them together in a pen (w/you in the beginning) to see how they act. Just sit in the middle with them and let interact together w/you there to start with. Add some places for them to hide too if you get out to let them on their own.

        • Carolyn
          95 posts Send Private Message

            I know I have only tired to bond my boys twice now but  I’m having second thoughs. So I have moved them away  from each other to relax,  Its so quck that scamper gets Olly on his back and he just keeps going and hair just flyes, I’m afraid that scampers is going to hurt Olly. I seprated them pretty quick I’m not afraid of getting bitten. Then I hold scamper until the meet nose to nose with him relaxed a bit to leave it on a good note.

            We tried the vacume thing Olly dosn’t mind it, he keeps hopping around like there is nothing wrong, Scamper runs….lol…well a couple of  times. I think my boyfriend should of moved it around…but never thought of telling him that until we sperated the bunnies.

            So I’m going to take a fews steps backwards with the boys and start swiching cages around, and place them side by side in the cages after a couple of weeks of wind down time and  maybe I’ll try it again.

            But then again maybe scampers just one of those bunnies who dosen’t have a running friend, but cage buddies where they live side by side.

          • Gravehearted
            2428 posts Send Private Message

              well bonding can be tough, especially when it’s a harder bond like two boys. Since the vacuum doesn’t freak Olly out, its not going to work for stress bonding. the first couple sessions can be tough for sure and very discouraging. I always get freaked out when I think the bunnies might really hurt each other.

              Is Scampers pinning him down and thumping Olly’s belly with his back paws? If so – that’s very dangerous and can lead to serious damage. That needs to be broken up immediately. You might want to keep a boot or splatter guard on hand to break them up.

              It’s perfectly ok to take some time off and then start again.
              I think things like swapping cages and litterboxes is a good place to start. I would agree with Sarita – that stress bonding – like car rides are a good idea too, especially for a more challenging bond like this one.

              hang in there and keep us updated on how things are going

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Though some bunnies seem find and relaxed when they are separated by a cage or pen, but then as soon as they see each other without the bars, all hell breaks loose. My Rucy and Bailey are like that. They will even lie next to each other, sniff each other without aggression most of the time, but the moment that they would meet face to face they will try and kill each other.

                So, I think what you have decided to do – switch litterboxes and cages is a good start. I think do that for a a week or two before re-introducing them. You also might try petting them both while they are both near each other in their cages. But then when you have them meet, try a very neutral territory – someplace they have never been so that they don’t have territory to fight over. A bathroom, an empty bathtub. A backseat of a car – even if your not moving. Just any place they have never been before.

                Then when you do actually introduce them again, use a thin netted kitchen strainer to stick between them when they first meet each other. This way they can smell each other and you can see how they will react without them getting hurt. The strainer can also be used to block lunges. Make sure you have gloves on so you can break up fights without getting bit.

                Right now, it’s very important for you to check your bunnies thoroughly everyday this week to make sure that any bites that they have received are healing properly. Bunnies can grow abscesses from bite wounds, and the sooner you catch it and get vet treatment, the better.

              • Carolyn
                95 posts Send Private Message

                  I think I lucked out, there are no signs of any  bite marks on either rabbit. Of course we are keeping an eye on the both of thme cause I don’t want them to be hurt or sick.

                  Maybe it could be cause my boys are still young yet????….they are both about 7 months of age, so being teanagers they are a hand ful at times. We are hoping to buy a house in the next year, so maybe I’ll try again there. The boys well be older and it well be a new place all together for them.

                  Is heart breaking though cause I know all Olly wants is a friend. Maybe when our little one cookie is old enogh maybe her and  Olly well fall in love….lol…time well tell….


                • MarkBun
                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                    I have had similiar experiences with taking my rabbit on dates. If a bunny either hops fast (as in more than the hop crawl) near her or tries to sniff her rump, she turns aggressively towards them. She may nip or she may lunge/box. Even the ones she seemed to be doing well with last week were targets – as well as a 10 pounder we brought in to see if she wouldn’t attack something twice her size.

                    Then we tried having my rabbit in the x-pen and the other on the outside. There, there were no issues. They even did binkes to each other while seperated. We then opened up the x-pen to let my bunny out freely and when they passed this time, there were no aggressive moves on either bun’s part.

                    We tried the same thing with a much smaller bun and although she tried to lunge at him, he, unlike all the other males, stood his ground and boxed her back. After that, it was a chase game with him after her but he never struck again when he got her. Just liked chasing her.

                    I am going back next week to try some more cage seperation to free roaming bonding. I think it is easier on my bunny if she sees that the thing zooming around is just another bun.

                  • Carolyn
                    95 posts Send Private Message

                      I have a Question.  I have three bunnie’s in total, Scamper who is about 7 months. Olly who is 6 months and Cookie who is now about 6 weeks old, We had her for two weeks now she was taken anyway from her mom too young, as seen in the forum under the  baby bunny thread.

                      Anyways I want to still try and bond Scamper to my other bunnies but I think I may wait and allow him to mature a little bit or maybe in the next year or so maybe I’ll take him on some bunny dates.

                      Anyways my new question is, can I allow Olly and Cookie to play with each other???…or should I wait until Cookie is older???….I allowed them to play with each other in the hallway this morning for about 15 mins.  Olly sniffed her and did the circle thing (yes he is fixed and I stopped it before it went any further), and Cookie would go to Olly as low to the ground to show him she means no harm. Then after 5 mins or so, cookie was cleaning Olly, and they were running up and down the hallway together.

                      I understand once Cookies hormones kick in it could change things, But I’ll get her into the vet as soon as she old enough to hopefully not break any bonds.

                    • Gravehearted
                      2428 posts Send Private Message

                        silvanesti19 – I’d recommend waiting until after Cookie’s been spayed to let them play.

                        I’m not sure waiting a few months is going to really change the situation, since it can be a few years before bunnies start to mellow.  And with regards to bonding, my very mellow girl was two and a total tyrant when it came to trying to bond!

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          When you said Cookie would go to Olly low to the ground, was she doing that while she was still at least a few inches away or did she do that much closer to his face? The reason I ask is if she did it more than a few inches a way, then it could have been a passive move, but if she did it close to him, then that could have actually been a dominant move. (but being that she is so young, I am thinking it most likely was a the the first one) But this is good to know though for the future when she may ge changing her tune and become dominant.

                          How are things going now?

                        • Carolyn
                          95 posts Send Private Message

                            Things are going ok. I haven’t tried Scamper and Olly together again, guess is beginners jitters that stopping me.  I think I’m going to try them in the bath tub, or on the bathroom floor. Slippery surfaces seem to upset them both. I’ve been thinking of the car ride thing too but I live in Canada and it’s starting to get cold outside and I’m worried it’s too cold for them since they are use to being inside all the time.

                            As for Cookie, she get low about an about 5 or 6 inches away from Olly then she slowly move towards his head. I know a lot well change  for her in the next couple of months but I thought maybe socializing her with Olly at such young age may give her some bunny edicet since she was taking from her mom as such an early age.  Even though I was told not to allow them to play again until she was older, I allowed them to hope around the hallway again. This time they seem to act like they knew each other forever, Cook and Olly follow each other up and down the hallway. She go under or over some tunnels we made for them from boxes and Olly would look confused because he didn’t know where she went and he look at me then go on looking for his paper bag to rip up, then she come find him again.  The only thing is Olly would circle her a little but I’d stop him and tell him to play nice with the baby and he would  stop. I only let them play for about 15 mins supervised of course.

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bonding Question