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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Bonding Quest: baby to adult, and then the spay (Bee and Indy)[BONDED]

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    • Lintini
      3329 posts Send Private Message

        As Petzy mentioned, this would be interesting to document. So I would like to go through how the bond of Bee and Indy started and then how it will go through her spay which is coming up soon – and then to their “official” bond.

        The Bunnies:

        Indiana Jones – my feedstore bunny rescue. Some old man randomly dumped around 10 babies on this feedstore. I wish I could have taken them all. He has been well worth the 10$ he cost me

        BumbleBee (Born December 16th, 2009)  – She came from a local petstore – It wasn’t a good idea that I got her, but I saw her and couldn’t let her go. I had to have her. I know I didn’t help the rabbit in petstores situation, but I don’t have much self control.



        Where to begin. Well, I have pretty much done everything wrong from a good bunny owners standard. I got my rabbits almost randomly and did no dating at all. I already had Indiana Jones and was going to bond him with Bun, but then I acted on a whim and was at a petstore and saw Bee. I couldn’t leave without her. It was very irrisponsable of me, but that’s how I act sometimes. I just do something that isn’t so smart and then deal with the consequences later. I didn’t have Indy neutered at that time either, which was extremely dumb because his hormones were starting to come and he really really wanted to meet Bee if you know what I mean.

        After Indy’s neuter I could relax a tiny bit. I didn’t have to worry about anyone escaping and getting pregnant. That was a few edgy weeks though. What I was dealing with now was poopwars. Indy would do hundreds of poops all day in front of Bee’s cage. It was extremely irritating to clean up everyday, but I did it to myself. I brought home the new bunny and Indy wanted to meet her so badly. They were constantly grooming through the cage and Indy would alwyas be near her cage. At this point in time Indy is free ranging my room, Bee had the converted closet pen and Bun was in the store bought cage (3 1/2 feet by 2 1/2 but still too small.) I wasn’t dealing with poop wars with Bun because that cage sat on top of my dresser. The poopwars were wearing me down. I was tired of cleaning up so much poop and he was also pee’ing on her towels that I use for the bottom of the pen. After about a month of this, one day I was cleaning and she hoped over me to meet Indy, who was already frantically climbing all over me to try to get into her open pen.

        The first meeting:

        So they finally meet when I clean Bee’s cage, and I at first go to grab her then I just watch. It was advised for me to just wait to let them hang out after her spay but I figured as long as they didn’t fight or hump they could groom or play with eachother. I do run the risk of them not getting along after her spay because she will then smell different because her hormones will change. I feel at this point though, that they do really enjoy eachothers company and Indy is so laid back I don’t think it will bother him. Of course I will not know this until her spay is over but from his personality and how easy going he is, I think it will be okay. They get along great together, lots of flops, binkies, and lots of grooming. Apparently Bee has very dirty floppy ears! Indy didn’t try to hump her, infact I thought I saw him thinking about it ONCE and I shooed him away. But he has never humped her, and she has never humped him. I am constantly in my room when they are together and the only thing they do is snuggle and groom. They are “BFF’s”  haha.

        My thoughts:

        I log into facebook and tell MonkeyBun about their meeting and how well they are getting along! I was so estatic at how lucky I am. Like I said before, I have really done everything wrong. Smart owners take their rabbits on dates and find the right match, I have 2 random bunnies that have never met before and they get along like they were made for eachother. Now, I was worried that maybe because she was so little and that babies do like the company of adults this won’t last. But we’re at 4 months still and Bee throws a fit if I try to seperate them when I go out. She wants no part of it and neither does Indy. Members have told stories where the bond falls apart after the spay or they start fighting because hormones kicked in and then the bond wasn’t the same. I just hope my luck continues and that I will spay her at 5 months and everything will continue to be great.


        These are photos from the first night they hung out. I took tons because I couldnt believe my eyes.



        Their behaviors to eachother:

        They share everything together. They sit in the same literbox and potty together, they share the same food dish and drink from the same water dish together. It’s funny after they drink together, because Bee’s ears get wet on the ends from being dipped into the water dish, but Indy happily grooms them after for her. I have never seen them hump or fight over anything. When I feed them treats, they both maul me and try to take the raisins from eachothers mouth but that doesn’t upset either of them. I try to cup my hand around the buns mouth so the other bun can’t steal it. Even if I don’t do that, neither are bothered from attempts of raisin stealing. Indy was very sniffy of her at first, and always tried to sniff her bum, but she wouldn’t have any part of it and that was it. That would be the closet thing to any dominance I saw from either of them. They both equally groom eachother and they constantly are spooning and flopping for eachother. It’s very adorable to watch. I have even caught them with a parsley bunch before, doing the whole lady and the tramp spaghetti deal where they eat it and then they kiss…well in the bunnies case they go nose to nose .  The both enjoy jumping on my bed every morning to wake me up for their veggies and pellets. That is the newest thing they do together. Indy runs me over doing laps and Bee digs in my hair and pillow. They tag team me! lol!  They are quite the little pair.

        Videos of their first times together:

        Don’t mind the messy room and the pile of clothing   I have cronic messy college student syndome

        Newer photos of them together:


        Today: April 15, 2010

        My plans for now are to watch closely and be ready to seperate if Bee starts showing signs of agression. What I have done when I am gone for a few hours is give her the 3 story cage and Indy still gets my bedroom. I would like to get her spayed next month – May 16th she will be 5 months. I will be in contact with the vets to make sure 5 months is okay with them. I have high hopes that I will not have any problems with them even after her spay. *fingers and bunny ears crossed* They are a blast to have and I don’t have any regrets getting them and going through this even though it is pretty risky.



        To Readers:

        Again, I would like to stress that this has been a less than ideal situation, but it has worked out for me. I don’t reccomend at all for anyone to do what I have done because it was careless, risky and I could very well end up with cleaning separate bunny cages for the rest of my rabbits time with me – which is their entire life. I am ready and prepared to do what is needed if something does go wrong and they don’t get along anymore. But, I do know there are probably other people like me who couldn’t leave without taking a cute bunny home and then thought about it later and said “ohhhh crud!!! what have I done?!” I believe this has only gone so smoothly because of how Indiana Jones is. He is very laid back and loves attention so getting a friend was ideal for him. Adopting a rabbit from a shelter would have been great, because then I wouldn’t have had to deal with stresses of them healing after the ‘speuters’, or taking time off work and ditching class to care for them. But again, I messed up and just acted on a whim – BUT….I wouldn’t trade my bunnies in for anything. I don’t know why I feel guilty when two of my three are basically rescues but it’s still not the same as getting from a shelter. So, please don’t think that because this is working out well for me so far, that it’s a good idea to go and get a baby rabbit to bond to your adult – because remember kits want to be with an adult because it’s comforting to them. But for me, Bee and Indy still get along very well at 4months and it could all change. It really depends on your rabbits. Remember that bonding rabbits can be very tough and some people are really lucky and get an instant bond – but always be prepared for the worst and to accept it if it doesn’t work out and you do have more food dishes to feed, more water bottles to fill, and more literboxes to change.



        I will update this as new things happen, and then with the spay coming soon and see how this journey goes from there!



      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          I love that you took the time to post this. Thank you. This is very interesting. Their bond may not break — fingers crossed.

          I also would like to add that you have not done everything wrong because you have a job and so you can pay for things like spay and neuter. You also didn’t give up when things got a little hard to deal with (Indy spraying at you, bunny destruction, the poowars etc) I like though that you pointed out which things made it harder. By the way, none of my rabbits dated either.

          Keep us posted!

        • LoveChaCha
          6634 posts Send Private Message


            Sometimes, we have to be take chances!! You made a good one

            I love your videos! how you prevent them from not chewing your stuff?

          • Lintini
            3329 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you Petzy!


              They leave the furniture alone surprisingly. Grids pretty much line my bedroom to keep them away from the cords. I have stuffed animals squished between my aquarium stand and the wall so they can’t go into the stand and get into chemicals. They ruin clothing I leave on the ground…if it’s on my bed they just lick it. Strange. I have lost 2 phone chargers, a blackberry pearl roller ball that Indy pulled out and I guess he ate it, and many many shoes have been “tasted” to the point that I can’t wear them anymore. There are a few holes in my comforter…oh and Indy did get on my desk before and dump a glass of water onto my keyboard and fried it. But you know if I leave it out then it’s fair game. I am the one in control of putting things away where they can’t get it. It only was out of hand before Indy was neutered when he would spray my bed. That was where I had to draw the line, but he doesn’t do that anymore after being neutered. I just give them plenty of toys, plenty of baskets and cardboard things to chew and they leave my things alone unless I put it where they can get it.

            • Monkeybun
              10479 posts Send Private Message

                They’re so cute together I do hope they stay best buddies after bee’s spay, would make things much easier

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  Those videos are super-cute. I can’t get over how gentle Indy has been right from the beginning with Bee. My rabbits were nasty to Neigey when I showed him to them individually.
                  If Bee’s spay is not an overnight affair, I wonder if you’d want to take Indy to the vet’s office that day just to hang out, and get exposed to the strange scents there himself. Maybe the vet tech would place their carriers side-by-side for you. It depneds on the clinic though.

                • Elrohwen
                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                    Indy is such a lover bun!

                  • Lintini
                    3329 posts Send Private Message

                      The vet’s office I went to actually has an “office” bunny so they were in tune with what I needed for the most part. I really wanted to buy pain meds for Indy when he was neutered but they insisted that his 3 day pain shot would be enough. Bun got meds because of the more extensive spay. When I dropped my buns off it was at 9am and I picked them up at 4:30pm. I don’t know if I want him there all day to stress him out as well, or like you said they might keep her overnight. It would be something to look into.

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        That would be too long a time for Indy to sit there at the vet’s; maybe you could just bring him there for a few hours in the morning and pick him up by noon.
                        My vet is very cool about my bunnies. They don’t see rabbits very much, which is not a good thing but on the other hand, they give them V.I.B. treatment. When I had Lint there for his neuter, they let him have an entire room while he waited for his neuter. Plus, they released him early.

                        But spays never go home early as far as I know.

                      • Elrohwen
                        7318 posts Send Private Message

                          My vet kept Otto overnight as a matter of policy. He wasn’t eating or pooping well until mid-day the second day, so I’m very glad he was in their hands instead of mine! Personally I would prefer an overnight, especially for a spay.

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            I would only do an overnight if someone was available ALL night. If they lock the door and everyone goes home at 6pm… what’s the point in keeping them over? That’s a possible 12+ hours with no one there. I brought Meadow home after the surgery and I have to admit, I woke up several times thru the night to check on her. I was more comforted knowing she was with me than in a strange place.

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              There aren’t too many vet clinics with nightshifts. I would avoid the overnight also, after all, in the city you can always go to the emergency vet clinic if something were to go wrong.

                            • Lara
                              311 posts Send Private Message

                                I think they’ll be fine. Calypso and Echo fell in love when she was a baby. After Echo’s spay and recovery time, I just watched them for a few days, but they were fine. Calypso is pretty easy going, too, so I don’t think you’ll have any problems with Indy. Good luck!

                              • jerseygirl
                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                  Lin, you can always try take a “scented” towel in with Bee. Rub it over her once she’s home to make her smell more familiar to Indy.

                                • Moonlight_Wolf
                                  1155 posts Send Private Message

                                    Is it just me or does everyone who has lops find that they love to lounge? I find Fern loves to lounge a lot more than thistle does, she is just such a lazy butt.

                                  • Lintini
                                    3329 posts Send Private Message

                                      Okay, we’ve had an update.

                                      I’ve said before I have never seen any humping, well….last night we had a humpfest.

                                      Bee and Indy were both binking all over my bed at around midnight and then all of a sudden Bee mounted Indy! Indy looked very confused but let her. Then they were just switching off humping eachother. I stayed close and made sure no one was biting or humping in the wrong direction. It didn’t turn into a fight, after it turned into a snuggle and groom session. So, I am going to set up her appointment, hopefully I can get her in soon. This is sooner than I thought but I don’t want to see her be so frustrated. Bun just told them to “get a room” 

                                    • Beka27
                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                        This is to be expected at her age. Good you’re going to get her in soon.

                                      • usagi
                                        216 posts Send Private Message

                                          I don’t know one way or the other if overnight stays are best. Lemony stayed overnight – the vet has 12-hr shifts, with someone there throughout the night. But he also chewed open his neuter wound, and had to get it sewn back up and put under again in the morning, so who can really say. Would that have happened if he was at home with us and where he is most comfortable? It’s impossible to say, but maybe not…

                                        • Beka27
                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By usagi on 05/01/2010 12:26 PM

                                            I don’t know one way or the other if overnight stays are best. Lemony stayed overnight – the vet has 12-hr shifts, with someone there throughout the night. But he also chewed open his neuter wound, and had to get it sewn back up and put under again in the morning, so who can really say. Would that have happened if he was at home with us and where he is most comfortable? It’s impossible to say, but maybe not…


                                            I would just ask if there is someone (trained!) there overnight with the animals.  If they say, “No”, ask what benefit there would be to having her stay overnight?  I’ve heard of vets saying they “have to” keep them overnight just so they can pad the bill and add-on “boarding” charges.  If no one will be there, you are better off taking her home and having the number of an ER vet, just in case.

                                          • Lintini
                                            3329 posts Send Private Message

                                              This isn’t a vet with an overnight shift. The emergency vet is about 15min away if I have any problems, which I don’t think I will. Bun’s went fine. I just have a higher stress level about it since Indy is depending on her to come home and be with him. I had a nightmare that she died and then Indy died of a broken heart. It was terrible I woke up crying. What a mental case I am with my rabbits! The vet said they never had a rabbit die because of a spay/neuter. The only thing I hate about doing it is how they feel/look after and you feel like such a total jerk because you made them feel so terrible but it’s the best thing to do ever. I’ll just have to read a good book while she recovers to get my mind off it. All 3 bunnies live in my bedroom with me so it’s not like I won’t be awake all night checking on her. I fell asleep next to Bun’s cage the first night she was home. They better know how much I love them!

                                            • Beka27
                                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                They know. Just remember… you’re doing it for her health and longevity and for her and Indy’s relationship.

                                              • Lintini
                                                3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Exactly Beka! It’s just hard the first few days with the girl buns recovery!

                                                • Lintini
                                                  3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Bee is getting spayed June 9th. Then it will be official

                                                  • Lintini
                                                    3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Well. Indy and Bee are doing great. Nothing exciting happened at all. They act like nothing even happened at all. So….


                                                      This went too well…the trio will surely do me in :p

                                                    • Karla
                                                      1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Hehe, you know sometimes it is supposed to be easy

                                                        I have had 3 easy bondings so far, but my fourth now will probably be a tricky one. But hey, they might surprise me! Congrats. And I’m looking forward for you next bonding thread

                                                      • Deleted User
                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                          That’s fantastic Lintini. What a nice match they are. Congrats!

                                                        • Lintini
                                                          3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Thanks !

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                                                        Forum BONDING Bonding Quest: baby to adult, and then the spay (Bee and Indy)[BONDED]