The top rabbit is named Jayjay (Holland Lop, 2 yrs, Male, fixed) he is the Excitable one and newest rabbit to the household.
The bottom rabbit is named Touka (Netherland dwarf, 5 yrs, female, spayed) and she has been with us since a couple weeks old and is extremely attached to me, however as our personalities bleed into our pets a bit, I’m an extremely anxious person and I feel she is very jumpy because of that as well.
No fight has happened so far in bonding but the last time (~a week ago) jayjay’s excitement scared touka and she made a growl and about to lunge but I was able to get my hand between them and separate before she could bite him. Whenever jayjay runs around and binkies because he sees Touka, Touka always immediately runs away and from what I’ve learned if jayjay gets excited and touka can’t run away she will get scared and feel cornered then agressive. I’m likely exaggerating through my anxiety filter on how bad they are as before that they had many sessions where they had no troubles (in a very small area) were able to pet the both of them side by side. Another positive of the process so far is that touka follows me downstairs which she used to never before we got jayjay and seems to try and always come back to a spot where she can observe him after she runs away.
Outside of the physical bonding of the rabbits I’ve been swapping their food and water bowls daily for about a week now as well as daily swapping of their toys.
Some extra info on their living conditions is jayjay stays in the kitchen in a 2mx2m play area during the day then at night he has an xpen in my brothers room which touka never goes into to stay at night. Jayjay is the most passive rabbit I’ve encountered, no agression with food or territory that we can see and will try to play with anyone. Touka has been a free roam rabbit with the entirety of upstairs minus my brothers room for her entire life, to add on top she gets very territorial over food and her hidey spots unless it’s me, however I mostly attribute this to the lack of delicate footsteps from the other members of my household.
I would greatly appreciate anything I’m missing when introducing a new friend to a timid and anxious rabbit, touka and jayjay are both very sweet on their own and will groom most people who live in the household frequently, however touka is a little more picky with her grooming. Both have no severe or permanent health conditions and are perfectly healthy rabbits. I can provide further info on anything if need be.
I’d especially appreciate help with how to manage Touka’s anxiety to Jayjay’s excitement. Thank you for reading this much!