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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Bonding Keelie – the impossible come true?

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    • ScooterandAnnette
      1090 posts Send Private Message

        When we just had 4 bunnies they were all bonded together and everyone was happy.  Then we adopted Keelie and Kylie and thought gosh wouldn’t be it be nice to have all 6 bonded together so that they could be one big happy bunny family?  And then I could make a nice big bunny condo for them all to share.  Well, that didn’t work out.  Keelie and Kylie were already bonded together, but Keelie seemed to hate any other rabbits.  She’s not all that fond of people either actually.  But so far we haven’t been able to have her near any of the other bunnies without the fur flying.  And then, something strange happened last night.

        Last night we had Carbun out (the bunny that joined our family on the weeken), and “the twins” (Keelie and Kylie) out, but they were separated by a baby gate (Carbun in the livingroom, the twins in the dining room).  Except the gate isn’t big enough to cover the entire opening, so we put a large box in there as well between the doorway and the gate.   And suddenly I saw Keelie, sitting on the box, watching Carbun.  And I thought uhoh, not good, she’s going to go after him.  But she didn’t, she just sat there and watched him.  And she’d hop down, and then come back on the box and watch him some more.  And then before I knew it she’d hopped into the livingroom and was loose with Carbun.  And I thought, oh crap, not good.  But they didn’t fight, they just seemed very curious about each other.  They did chase each other around a little bit, but nothing like when Keelie has been out with the others!  I’m totally stunned.  Spontaneous bonding?  Hopefully this means we’ll be able to get Carbun bonded with the twins and house them all together!

        – Annette

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          Cool! Keep us posted on what you end up doing!

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            That happened with one of my foster pairs – one was a Netherland Dwarf (like Carbun) and the other was just a bunny mix. Well Gracie (the Netherland) since she was so small was able to get out of the wires between her pen and go visit Snoopy in his pen. She’d eat his food and hump his head and he was fine with it so I let them stay together. No fighting at all.

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Wonder if because she decided to approach him and wasn’t put with him by you guys has made a differance? Miss Independant!

            • 2lops
              347 posts Send Private Message

                Wow sounds like Keelie is pretty smart. It must be destiny

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message

                  That would be sooo wonderful!! I don’t know what it is but some bunnies do not like certain other bunnies-just right off the bat. And some bunnies just like other bunnies!! (ANd some, like Rupert do not like anyone and have to be forced to love a bunny LOL)

                  Keep us posted!!

                • cbunny
                  3 posts Send Private Message

                    I was kind of hoping they might get along when I noted Keelie did not seem to perturbed that first day when Carbun was right at the cage (with some nudging by the humans as he was too busy exploring) and they nudged noses once or twice.

                    Sounds like at the very least she’s tolerant of him!

                    I hope it works out so that you can have a little more even distribution of bunnies in the condos

                  • ScooterandAnnette
                    1090 posts Send Private Message

                      We are really hoping that they’ll bond. We’re not going to push it at all and let them take things at their own pace but it’s really looking hopeful so far. Now if he’d only learn to try approaching her for grooming!
                      – Annette

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                  Forum BONDING Bonding Keelie – the impossible come true?