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Forum BONDING Bonding Jack & Vivian Part 2

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    • BinkyBunny
      8776 posts Send Private Message

        Okay – so now that Jack has healed, I’ve been doing what I can to keep him happy and calm, and Spring is over, he is much less frantic.  He has  been with Vivian here and there, but no “official bonding” has started.   He just comes out to the living room to wait for her to come out of her area, but he is at least no longer a nutcase about it.  So I decided now yesterday was the right time to start again.

        He definitely still has his mount desire (that’s just Jack), but as y ou will see he is less persistent (at least for the FIRST official day).  Now if he gets too buggy, Vivian has the freedom to leave and go back to her area, and he doesn’t get whacky when she does.  So even if this is the best it will EVER get – I’m okay with that.

        So here’s the video of Part 2 Day 1 (excuse the poopwars in the bunnyroom – at least they make that their poop battle ground and they leave the rest of the house alone)



      • Balefulregards
        715 posts Send Private Message

          There is SO much progress in that video BB – Really. Jack IS less frantic, Vivian seems more confident of her place/space – and that option for her to cross the chasm of Hardwood to indicate to him that ENOUGH is really great.

          He is clearly feeling better too – that manic edge doesn’t seem to be front and center with his pursuit.

        • mrmac
          2156 posts Send Private Message

            That is quite a difference in his humping! He doesnt seem as ‘fixated’ on her and the humping, and Vivian does seem much more confident and comfortable knowing that she can escape when she needs to.

          • RabbitPam
            11002 posts Send Private Message

              Jack looks so sad at times.
              It’s like he’s kind of tired, but would like to be with Vivian, and she just keeps moving.
              I wish he’d just approach her from the front for a little snuggle time for a change.

              LOVE your captions, BTW.

            • KytKattin
              1195 posts Send Private Message

                Wow. That video was like a huge sigh of relief compared to the previous ones. Jack seems SOOOOOOOOOOO much more like a normal rabbit (or a normal Jack anyways). To me it seems like you’ve started at day one again and this is how it should have been. I really hope things go super smooth from here, I really feel like they will.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Very enjoyable video. Things looking good. Almost like Jack can’t believe Vivian stuck around! He’s really good at sucking you in with those faces though!! I felt so sorry for him!!!!

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    Jack is very disappointed he can’t get his groove on that’s for sure, and I think he really wants Vivian to know he is the boss, and she is just not complying fully with that thought. Today, when he faced her, he almost pushed her over with his groom demand, and so she rejected that and went off to groom the stunt double. He didn’t like that and really was on the hump path then. But don’t let him make you feel too sad – He’s been very active and binkying around even when Vivian decides to take a break. He is happier than he looks with those puppy dog eyes. I have a new video of today but haven’t put it together yet.

                    Vivian decided to go visit him around noon, and didn’t choose to take a break until about 6pm, then she went back to Jack’s area from 8pm – 11pm.   In the evening, I saw her being more stern about facing him – like she was saying “WOULD YOU JUST SNUGGLE!!”.

                    I would catch them just hanging out, but he is more annoying in the evening, and so she was done after a couple of hours. He’ll give her a groom or two, but then he can’t help himself and he’s gotta hump. The good thing now is  he does finally hump the stunt double when he can’t take it it anymore. He’s still humpy – just not psychotic stalker humpy and Vivian can choose to deal with it or leave. So i am hoping that in a few weeks time he’ll continue to settle. We’ll see

                    I think his main form of communication is humping.    I love you – I hump you.   I am stressed out – I hump you.   I’m in pain – I hump you.  I want you to get out of my litterbox – I hump you.    If you then poo or pee anywhere outside of the box – I hump you.    I want you to get out of my eating space – I hump you.   I want you to groom me – I hump you.   I groom you, you smell good – I hump you.

                    Vivian has been very patient with this, though I do catch her doing things that I know he’ll hump her for. Like she’ll do the ‘ol “I’ll groom your stunt-double instead of you, and I’ll poo all over your territory so you know that there will be a queen in this Kingdom”

                  • Moonlight_Wolf
                    1155 posts Send Private Message

                      Haha I loved the video, Jack’s ‘new moves’ he was trying so hard, it was really funny! I love how you have a trail of carpets in your hallway for the bunnies.

                      It does really look like you are making progress, Jack seems less frantic and I like that Vivian can just get away if she wants to.

                    • RabbitPam
                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                        LOL BB.

                        It’s Saturday, I hump you. It’s Wednesday, I hump you. It’s 6:53, I hump you. The moon is in Virgo, I hump you. Michael Jackson died, I hump you.
                        The mail came. I hump you.

                        Or not.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          ^ Lol !
                          Copulare, ergo sum?             I hump, therefore I am.

                          ((((Part 2 Bonding Vibes for J&V))))

                        • MooBunnay
                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                            Hahaha – Copulare, ergo sum should be the new motto for binkybunny!

                          • MooBunnay
                            3087 posts Send Private Message

                              Thats so funny I love Jack’s new moves! I’m glad you figured out how to give Vivian her alone time if she needs it. She seems to really want to hang out with Jack, to bad he’s not on his best behavior yet.

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                This was so much fun to watch! The slippery floor chasm — that’s a great solution. The best part is where you show Jack from a distance watching into ‘Vivian’s world beyond’.

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message


                                  We are actually, in reality,  around session 4 & 5 right now and things are going REALLY well – Jack is much less humpy and today they have been together for 12 hours just lounging a few feet away from each other(between the occasionaly humpfest).  I’m finishing up the rest of the videos so you can see the progression in such a short time, but for now, here’s what happened earlier on in Session 2

                                   I’m now seeing the mounting more isolated to dominance move.   No more stress or horndoggler issues for  the most part which is good because NOW they can finally get down to business of bonding and work on establishing their hierarchy roles and their friendship.

                                  Oh,and sorry if I faded out of the text parts before you had a chance to read it - just pause if you need to finish reading.

                                • Miyuki
                                  240 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’m glad things are going better for you this time BB! Definitely a good sign that Vivian is going to find Jack on her own. Good luck!

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                      Ha! That’s it! Vivian is just a tease!

                                    • MooBunnay
                                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                                        That is so cute that she wants to hang out with him and that she was kissing his bunny!!!

                                      • Balefulregards
                                        715 posts Send Private Message

                                          I really loved this second video – Vivian is quite the personality – she is a great match for Jack. He reminds me of the High School Football Quarterback who has suddenly run into a woman he is quite smitten with, but who could care less who he “Is” – and is making clear to him that she has some rules too.

                                        • Deleted User
                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                            I see what you’re doing. You bonded them into a trio: Jack, Vivian and StuntDouble.

                                          • bunnytowne
                                            7537 posts Send Private Message

                                              How funny.  His stuffie. 

                                              How did you make that cardboard thing they run thru?

                                            • tabalab
                                              309 posts Send Private Message

                                                Those videos are so funny I was literally LOL

                                              • BinkyBunny
                                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Update – Well since I have been gone for a few weeks, I just left instructions for my husband which was basically open up Vivian’s cage up in the a.m. and she will come and go to the bunnyroom as she pleases and come back when she pleases.

                                                  As of today, she does leave the bunnyroom at night around 11pm when Jack gets too frisky. We then lock her in around 1am and then she is normally chewing on her cage by 7am and so it’s reopened to allow her to go back and be with Jack. Right now I still can’t leave her locked in the bunnyroom in the evening hours because…well…Jack will always get that “lovin” feeling in the evening…that’s just Jack. I should have called him “Barry W” instead of Jack.

                                                  The good thing though that we are noticing is that they are beginning to lie near each other much more often and groom each other more. This is not the great instant connection that Rucy and Jack shared, but Jack and Vivian are working slowly on their relationship.

                                                  OH, and Jack also got a good report on his latest urinalysis – the extra water with 10% juice intake and eliminating pellets (I still give a tiny bit maybe once a week as a treat) has made his urine dilute enough that the vet feels a reoccurance of stones will be much less likely! So that is good and if the stone had anything to do with the overly humpy problems he had before, then hopefully that obsession will also never return.

                                                • jerseygirl
                                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Good news re bladder stones.
                                                    It is sounding like the bond is ever so close….
                                                    BB, now I’m imaging a Barry White sountrack on the next bonding video. Lol 

                                                  • KatnipCrzy
                                                    2981 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I am glad to hear that things are working out well.  I know that you did not want to have to have separate bunny zones again but it sounds as though it is very manageable.  It is probably just Vivian’s way of taking over one more area of your home to be deemed for rabbit use- having their own room wasn’t enough she needs your other area too. 

                                                    • MimzMum
                                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                        GAH! Dontcha just hate it when the hubby has more luck with training or otherwise tending to the pets than you do when normally you spend so much of your day fussing and worrying over them? 0_o
                                                        Does sound like things are settling down for you though Jen. I am very happy to hear it!

                                                      • Lintini
                                                        3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I love these videos, those two are little characters. I am glad things are working out between them!

                                                        • BinkyBunny
                                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Thanks! Things do seem to be going well! I don’t mind the separate pen because Vivian is absolutely perfect with her habits. Her pen is always very clean, even if she decides to spend the day in there, so I don’t have to do much to it.   it’s not at all like it was when I had Bailey separated. (poopwars galore).

                                                            I made the pen a ittle smaller, since the cage door is open about 18 hours out of the day. We also moved it to a corner, and and adding throw blankets on the floor that match the color of the foyer/sunroom colors, so it’s not really much of an eyesore, and it’s her cozy little getaway. so even if this is ends up having to be a permanent solution it’s just fine.

                                                            There are still some poopwars in the bunnyroom near the litterboxes now, but that is lessening. We should have the webcams up tomorrow (Wednesday), so you will finally be able to see Vivian and Jack soon.

                                                            I’ll try and get some updated photos of Vivian’s hideaway since that won’t be on webcam.

                                                          • BinkyBunny
                                                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Things have just continued to improve slowly at their own pace.   Especially in the last 7 days, Jack is learning that  if he persists on mounting, Vivian leaves.  He doesn’t like her to leave, and will just go out in the living room and wait for her. So he is becoming less persistent, and she is leaving less.  Maybe three times a week, she’ll head back to her hideaway for a few hours, but that’s it.

                                                              Also with the cams on, I was able  observe more even while I was working and I was noticing Jack was trying to snuggle more, mount less, but Vivian would still split out of fear of the mount.  Then Jack would think he was getting rejected and tried to mount for dominance to force her to groom and snuggle.  So I decided to pet them more during this interaction in the evenings.  As soon as I would see Jack’s request, I would pet Vivian to keep her calm and they would start to groom each other.    Vivian would then stay with him and I think that may have helped build trust. (I have a feeling though these two would have worked it out on their own and really who knows for sure if my “help” really helped.  Bunnies are very confusing.  

                                                              Jack can still be Jack, but Vivian is strong-willed too, and Jack would rather have her “platonic” company than not have her around so I think he’s learning to compromise too. Plus, Vivian can really give Jack a great grooming.    

                                                              Jack can still get bossy about the food sometimes and  will insist on eating without Vivian, or just  literally take the food from her mouth.   But I always make sure there is enough for both.  

                                                              I ended up taking the stunt double away when they started cuddling with each other more. Plus, another member, in another unrelated thread (can’t remember who) was worried about her stunt double hindering any of her bonding progress.   I didn’t related it at the time, but I started to think, well now that Jack and Vivian spend more time together in the bunnyroom, then I’ll take out BeeBee (The stunt Double name) and see if that  helps.   It sure didn’t hurt anything for it to be gone, and who knows, maybe that also played a part in Jack and Vivian cuddling more with each other now. 

                                                              All and all things are going well.  Jack still sprays poor Vivian, but like Rucy, she just cleans herself up and snuggles with Jack.

                                                              Here is a screenshot of today’s webcam shots when they were hanging out for about 20 minutes  together. 


                                                                     Snuggle Buns                                                                                              Jack  giving Vivian a little head groom


                                                              Earlier, I got a photo of them sleepy snuggling off camera (under a table that’s not easily seen on cam unless it’s turned there)

                                                              It’s kind of dark because he’s so white and she’s in the shadow so it’s hard to balance the brightness out, but you get the gist.

                                                              It’s not like they are doing this all the time….just alot more than they were.  A few times a day and last night they stayed together in their  indoor hutch-house.  I

                                                            • Alicia
                                                              120 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Aww they’re so cute together

                                                                 I love the side by side snuggles, I’m still waiting to really see Drue and Tucker like that..they like to snuggle face to face with their legs sprawled out behind them in different directions..not quite sure what that means or if it’s just their preference.

                                                                It was me who had the stunt bun worry, and I’ve since taken out the brown bunny and handed him down to Thumper who lives alone and since then Tucker and Drue have been cuddling more.  I actually see Drue iniate the cuddling more now then when he did when he had the stunt bun, I guess it’s easier to just approach a stufed rabbit then it is Tucker LOL

                                                              • Monkeybun
                                                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I can’t wait to get Monkey anotehr bun to snuggle with Your 2 are so adorabunny together

                                                                • jerseygirl
                                                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    I ended up taking the stunt double away when they started cuddling with each other more.

                                                                    Yay! No offense BeeBee. There was a potential love triangle forming there for sure. lol

                                                                  • Balefulregards
                                                                    715 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Well, Viv WAS seen grooming BeeBee, after all.

                                                                      Seriously though – your videos have been SUCH a help watching Jackson and Coco – He does so many of the “Hopeful Jack” stances that I know what he is doing is normal, and what Coco is doing is normal too ( running one step ahead like Viv) It was you who gave me the idea of having them in separate rooms and having them control the “visiting” between rooms – it was Vivians need to flee the ever amorous Jack!

                                                                      ( But really now that we think about it – don’t we all need a room of our own to flee to once in a while? I know I do)

                                                                    • BinkyBunny
                                                                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        And this shot from the webcam is just for you jerseygirl so you can see that Jack is being loved on too!

                                                                        Balefulregards – LOL!  I’m so glad the videos were helpful. Bonding can be really stressful especially since it rarely works exactly the same for each pair. You always have to watch and figure out what will work and what won’t.    Not always easy! 

                                                                        Alicia - yes, thank you for inspiring the removal of BeeBee.  sounds like your bonding is going along well, just still in the “who’s groomin’ who” power lounge.

                                                                        Thanks everyone for all the support that you have given during these last few months.  It’s been a real learning experience with these two and obviously having a separate place for Vivian to escape to has been very helpful. (though she really rarely leaves now).  Before this happened, this would not be something I would have ever normally ever recommended to someone.  (May not be ideal or could even hinder some bonding pairs), but it’s definitely something I can add to my experiences and have in my bag of tricks now. 

                                                                      • MimzMum
                                                                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Posted By BinkyBunny on 08/18/2009 09:10 PM

                                                                          Alicia - yes, thank you for inspiring the removal of BeeBee.  sounds like your bonding is going along well, just still in the “who’s groomin’ who” power lounge.

                                                                          lolz…Now I’ve got that old Aretha Franklin song, “Who’s Zoomin’ Who?” going through my head. xD I’ll have to tweak the lyrics to it a bit in honor of Jack and Vivian’s successful bonding. ^_^

                                                                          Jen, props to you for sticking this out. Jack really does look so happy (Vivan too) and it’s so nice to know that all this hard work (from all of you) paid off so well.

                                                                          Poor BeeBee though. She must feel kind of left out now.


                                                                        • BinkyBunny
                                                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Thanks Mimz! And yes, Aretha Franklin was going through my head too. It’s stuck there now.
                                                                            And don’t worry about BeeBee, she is now sitting up on the hutch top/ramp/Lookout window thingamabob that Steve built. She is helping the Jack and Vivian feel safe enough to explore this new structure (I’ll post pictures in another thread later). And then after that, she’ll keep another toy bunny company (one that has been sitting in the closet waiting for her return.

                                                                          • jerseygirl
                                                                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              I’m convinced – plus I saw them together on webcam today. So BeeBee is now Sentinel Bun? Not a bad idea that.

                                                                            • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                                              617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Oh I love the cuddle pictures!! I can’t wait for Chubs to bond with someone so I can see him so happy and snugly!! Pics like that make me want to stick out this bonding thing! Also, your posts and videos are so helpful! Thanks

                                                                              • RabbitPam
                                                                                11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Thanks for posting webcam pix.

                                                                                  Been missing your two. I just flashed on Vivian’s first week when you weren’t sure it was going to work out. Now Jack is healed of something we never suspected was wrong, and they are a happy couple. And I’m sure BeeBee had her bath and is feeling quite comfy now.

                                                                                • MarkBun
                                                                                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I’m seeing Jack and Viv snuggling in the indoor hutch right now. I’d say that you’re done.

                                                                                  • BinkyBunny
                                                                                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Thanks for posting that Mark because today they were more apart, so I was worried I jinxed it!  I’m so glad you caught that because today we didn’t have the cams on as much in the am and evening.

                                                                                      Rabbitpam – I don’t know why you can’t see the cams. We’ll have to schedule a chat and see if we can figure this out.  I do remember being so stressed out that  it wasn’t going to work. I am so relieved!  Everyday, when i get up, I think….THANK YOU!!!!  Jack still loves to spray her and the bunnyroom  to “confirm” it all.  Ech.  But the poopwars are down to about 5 – 10 poops by the litterboxes – they are  not ones that fly out in transition – they are more like..”little reminders”. 

                                                                                      Vivian, even  though she is older, has a very  young curious spunk about her that will keep Jack on his toes.  Turning out to be a good match. WHEW.  (knocking on wood)


                                                                                    • tabalab
                                                                                      309 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        I miss all the good times. When i seet he cams I only every see jack when i did see viv she was sleeping.

                                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Binky, when did you start their bonding?

                                                                                          psst! does Jack know he has been replaced by her in your avatar???

                                                                                        • BinkyBunny
                                                                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            Petzy – shhhhhhh…. Jack would not be happy. But Vivian deserves a turn. Actually I was testing out the avatar feature because it wasn’t working properly, and I used Viv’s photo to test, but she looked so cute, I decided to keep her up there for a bit.

                                                                                            As far as when I start bonding them – The third week in April. But then I had to stop the bonding(which was fine, because he was nutty humpy) because he had to go into surgery to get a large bladder stone removed. So they had about a month break, and then when bonding happened again, they did well much better.

                                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Yes, Vivian struck a perfect avatar pose.

                                                                                              So that makes about three months of bonding for your pair. I’m doing the math: 1 pair, 3 months, 1 quartett, 6 months?! My bf will have a fit..

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                                                                                          Forum BONDING Bonding Jack & Vivian Part 2