Hi all
I have read many of the posts which have all been helpful. I’m now looking at help with the next step in bonding these two. I’ve filled the bonding template below.
Are your bunnies spayed/neutered? Yes
If so, for how long (for each)? Rodders has been neutered 4 months. Lily 2 months.
Please describe your bunnies’ current housing set-up (living together, as neighbors, etc.).
We have had Rodders for over a year. He is now 2 years old. He was a show / breeding rabbit. He is an extremely chilled rabbit. Timid and nervy of most things. Will sleep under our bed in the day, but joins us when we’re home from work in the lounge to chill and enjoy strokes on the floor.
Lily is 3 years old, arrived mid August and settled well, she is very curious, comes to the cage when you come in the room. Loves cuddles and strokes from both of us. She is quite lively compared to Rodders.
Rodders has free roam of the home. Lily is in a pen in the living room. We couldn’t set up next to Rodders house due to space.
Bonding background
Did you allow the bunnies to “settle-in”?
Lily stayed in her pen for around 2 weeks whilst Rodders remained free roam. They had a scuffle through the bars the first night but since then nothing. Just laying by each other, attempted grooming through the bars (mainly of a night).
How would you describe your bunnies reactions towards each other (answer for each bunny): shy, scared, curious, calm, aggressive, excited, affectionate, etc.?
As above the first night they had a go at each other. Rodders has been aggressive, curious, shy. He often lays by or near the pen Lily is kept in. Mostly of an evening. During the day he sleeps under the bed or in a box which is opposite Lily’s pen where he can see her.
Lily has been curious of Rodders and has often gone to groom him through the bars when he’s laying close enough (Rodders will often move being caught unaware).
Over the past two weeks we have been taking them into a fenced off section of the garden daily for bonding sessions. Starting at 15 minutes have worked to 30mins. Throughout they have mainly ignored each other. On occasion they will approach one another. Rodders appears aggressive in his approach and Lily runs scared. When Lily approaches Rodders he lunges at her.
Other occasions they have chased each other, binkying and hopping over each other. Both have tried to mount one another too. But no grooming each other when together.
Lily has managed to get into the main living space of which Rodders chased her out of his box grunting at her.
When out in the garden today there was a good 15 minutes of ignoring but near each other until Rodders decided to chase Lily again grunting at her. Yet when inside moments later lays next to her when she’s back in her pen.
There has been accidental stressing where a cat with a bell walked behind the fence and they both went in a hidey space together.
I know things aren’t too bad as no true aggression has been shown since the first evening. But wondering where we can go next to get Rodders accustomed to sharing his space?
Being our first bonding any tips and what to expect would be great. 😃