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Forum BONDING Bonding Hammer and Lucy! ***BONDED***

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    • BunnyLiz
      1212 posts Send Private Message

        Cross your fingers it works out for me this time around!  Its been almost 4 weeks since Lucy’s spay so Im giving it a try.  Lucy’s hormones arent completely in check yet but im trying to accept that thats just who lucy is.  So they had a date on the dryer tonight, for roughly 30 minutes.  I was way nervous, because Lucy toke a nip at me while I was trying to shoo her it a carrier to get her downstairs.  But she was still herself when she got in the laundry basket, curious and jumpy.  Hammer was terrified, flashing back to old memories maybe lol, he’s been there done that.  But they both did awesome, no thumping honking growling nipping biting lunging or humping.  Which was extremely surprising to me because thats pretty much normal behavior for Lucy even when nothing is really happening.  But they both moved around some without the other getting too nervous or angry, snuggled a bit.  Hammer was very persistent about grooms though. He was under Lucy up past his shoulders at one point.  Im thinking this could be trouble, Hammer wants to be dominate, but Lucy has to big a ego to let that happen im guessing.  Hammer has a “tough manly name”  (though I just thought it was cute at the time) but is a total whimp, he had to sleep in my bed last night while I petted him ALL night because he was crazy terrified of the storm.  But they have been switching cages for about a week and Lucy’s marking poo has slowed drastically, from like 100000 to 10, which I can live with.  So without farther ado, pictures!

        AWW!  Look at my babies behaving so nicely

        I snapped a picture because it looks like Lucy is chinning Hammer, and chinning is her hobby.

        Dont they look like an old couple watching tv?!

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          They’re so cute! Take it one day at a time. You’ve been thru this with Hammer and Rose of course, so you have some experience and you know some things to look for. I bet they’ll do great.

        • RabbitPam
          11002 posts Send Private Message

            They look great together!
            I think you’re off to a grand start. Lucy is well named. Maybe Hammer should be Charlie Brown?

          • BunnyLiz
            1212 posts Send Private Message

              Pam- Thats so funny, they are like Lucy and Charlie!

              I think they are off to a good start too.  Im not sure why, but im much less nervous this time around, my heart doesnt jump every time one of them moves unexpectedly.  Maybe just because I have more confidence with this then before, but I like to think its a sign for the bonding to come.

              So i know what your thinking- and no I did not bond yesterday.  But I have a good excuse lol, drunken family fist fight went down last night at my 6 year old brothers birthday party!  Oh boy, my family.  Anyways, I did today for 30 minutes- same thing as yesterday.  Hammer was more persistant with hopes of a groom, and his head never came up.  Question #1- Should I be letting him do that?  Or should I try and snap him out of it?  Because Lucy has spunk and I have fear for Hammer if she gets ticked at him lol.  Im thinking leave him be, but just want to reassure myself.  Lucy has more alert, noisey, outgoing, whatever you want to call it, she was more herself.  Darn bunny kept trying to look over, but no worries they have my attention so she isnt getting out.  Lucy sat on Hammer in one way or another the whole time because Hammers face was in the way, but at one point Lucy laid her head on top of Hammers for a minute, just resting it there.  Question #2- whats that mean?  Any body lingo to read into or was it probably just something unimportant that im trying to analyze?  So they seem good, nothing agressive.  They have their pens pushed together, and they have always lounged together side by side in them.  Not the same set up as with Hammer and Rose, they spilt a 3×4 nic pen, but now they each have there own 3×4 pen next to each other, they really like laying on their shelves beside each other.  Hammer would on rare occasions lounge up against Lucys pen, but Lucy would never react well, gradually she didnt care but would never join him.  Well Hammer is in his pen, lounging up against Lucy on the other side, who is out for playtime.  First time, hopefully not the last.  Question #3- Do you think a car ride would help?  I know it cant hurt, but theres no way ill drive them because I want to be able to break anything up.  So id have to bug my mom, so want to know if its worth it.  Im thinking it might scare them enough to get Hammers mind off grooms and Lucys off of every single dust partical that she apparently sees floating around lol.   

              Sample of Lucy being bored with this and wanting bigger and more exciting things

              Sample of Hammers one track mind

              And sample of me being bored.  Wouldnt she be cute as an uppity ear?

            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                I think resting her chin on Hammer might well mean affection since you said she rested it there for a time. That’s good because he is wanting to be ‘worshipped’ (i.e. groomed) by her… if there is no aggression now you might want to try putting the basket with them inside into a larger area where they can hop out and explore a little together. This will give more clues on how to proceed (car ride if you find basket sessions getting too monotonous or if larger area results in belligerence)

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  That was my thoughts too Petzy. Give them the washer ride then put them in neutral space to interact. Also think her resting on him would be like her taking comfort. If they’re together and not overly aggresive, just continue giving time together. Good you’re less nervous this time round.

                • BunnyLiz
                  1212 posts Send Private Message

                    EEK!  Awesome date!  They did great!  30 min car ride followed by an hour in the tub.  They did good in the car, snuggled a little and Hammer rested his chin on lucy’s, as she did yesterday.  Then the tub, both were scared to come out of the carrier so I ended up having to take the top of the carrier and they both came out together side by side.  They moved around and nobody was nervous about the other.  Hammer was lounging when Lucy laid down beside him and stayed for 20 minutes.  She moved a bit to get comfy and eventually flopped next to him, then Hammer groomed.  Later lucy flopped with him, only it was head to butt, and Hammer sat up to groom himself then was going to groom Lucy’s feet that were in front of him but she got scared jumped up and almost nipped.  So I jumped in and settled them down and they snuggled again and Hammer groomed!  Then he groomed agian!  That was about the hour mark so it ended there.

                    Hammer and Lucy trying to decide if this is a good idea.

                    Aww!  Lucys flop!

                    And how could I not share this one too?!

                  • MimzMum
                    8029 posts Send Private Message

                      They’re looking pretty happy there, Liz! ^_^
                      *sigh* I do hope I have this kind of luck when I try to get my three bonded together, eventually!
                      Lovely pictures too! I know Hammer’s your cuddle bug…but I just LOVE Lucy! ^_^

                    • mrmac
                      2156 posts Send Private Message

                        Aww They look so good together!!! They seem to be doing well and making huge progress!

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          Wow! Seems you’ve catapulted forward a great deal! Fingers crossed this’ll be a swift bond.

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            Uh. Wow. They look wonderful together, Liz. You might try doing a date without the stressing beforehand. See how they react and if they can just be put together and coexist. You might have a pair sooner than you think.

                          • BunnyLiz
                            1212 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Beka27 on 06/30/2009 05:19 AM
                              You might have a pair sooner than you think.

                              Im hoping!  But I think im going to start doing more then one date a day, it couldnt hurt and they are doing so well.  I’ll try just the tub today with no stress.  It toke Hammer and Rose forever to get this far, I think I got super lucky with just picking a bun without dating (which I shouldnt have done).  Another plus is Lucy seems calmer and less destructive then before this started, could just be her hormones still calming down but Hammer could have something to do with it too.  But she isnt less aggressive to me sadly, I did a no no yesterday trying to get her out of her cage and got in it, then she charged my face.  But Lucy doesnt like any treat or veggies so its not like I can get her out with those, no oxbow simple rewards, no papaya tablet, no bunny cookies, usually no raisins no herbs.  Fingers crossed that Hammer can teach her to eat.

                            • BunnyLiz
                              1212 posts Send Private Message

                                They had a two hour session in the tub last night with no stressing before. They did okay, no nips or fights. Hammer groomed a ton, but tired to mount a few times but he always got it backwards so I had to stop him. I think he is just so desperate to have a friend, “ill groom you and I love you, now will you groom me? No? Well Ill hump you and make you groom me. Hey listen im really sorry about that, here let me groom you.” He just goes back and forth, he cant decide because he wants to do whatever will make her love him. He groomed so much last night, and after a few minutes would politely put his head down and ask for kisses in return but Lucy wouldnt even glance his way, so he would groom again and agian or eventually try something else and mount. It seemed more tense then before but nothing bad happened. Lucy did two full on flops, showing her belly and everything. And I just remembered, a few times when I was petting Hammer (because Lucy wont groom, i will because he looks so sad) She honked and charged either my hand or hammers face, I always acted to quickly to find out what her intent was. So she hates me and wants me dead (true!), or she was jealous (very unlikely), or she wants Hammer all to herself (possible). What do you think? Whatever it is she better get over it fast. And any suggestions in what to do when that happens? Since its Lucy ive learn when she charges my hand, I charge my hand right back and once I have her head I push it to the ground and say “NO!” When she charges my face Ive learned that screaming like a baby and moving as fast as possible works most of the time unless im stuck lol.

                              • MarkBun
                                2842 posts Send Private Message

                                  You could introducing them both in a larger area – maybe the entire bathroom floor – giving Lucy a place to turn and run if hammer begins to mount her.

                                • RabbitPam
                                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                                    They seem to be doing so well. I was going to suggest having a spray water bottle next to your hand, because I worry about their faces being close to delicate parts for nipping. With a spray, you can stop something before you need time to reach them with your own hand.

                                  • bunnytowne
                                    7537 posts Send Private Message

                                      When you take them on car rides do you put them both in the same carrier?  or are they seperate?

                                      Looks like they are doing so well.

                                    • BunnyLiz
                                      1212 posts Send Private Message

                                        Well we are back to regular bonding. Ive been busy, so they did not have long regular sessions. But ive used my being busy as an excuse, I know I could have made more time. But I think I was avoiding it because whenever I bond I end up comparing and thinking about Rose, which never makes me happy of course. But im sucking it up and trying to go full speed ahead, Hammer really needs a friend. I the few little sessions I did, they had no change. They havent gotten better or worse. But they are in the tub now munching on a jumbo willow ball. Hammer still grooms alot and Lucy doesnt at all. Hammer has stopped mounting, which Lucy didnt seem to mind in the first place but he always confused her head and rear so he wasnt allowed. I do keep a squirt bottle next to me but havent had to use it because a) Lucy is the one that would need it, but isnt phased by it b) whenever I think Hammer is in trouble I freak and my first reaction is to stop her with something I know will work- my hand (but I dont need to often). BT- they ride in the same carrier but I bring another with me just in case. This is their second date today and its only 1pm, I plan to do a few more today and probably move to the whole bathroom tomorrow. Hammer just full on flopped, aww! And im starting each session with a treat now, because both are very upset after I chase them down and carry them to the tub. And in other news, Lucy ate two tiny leafs of lettuce last night! yay!

                                      • Beka27
                                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                                          Yay Lucy for eating some veggies! Keep it up!

                                          I’m sorry Liz, I know it is still hard b/c you lost Rose so abruptly. She was a beautiful girl and was very lucky to have you. I also know that once Hammer and Lucy are together, they will both be very happy to have a companion, and you will be less worried when you’re away from them: working, going to school, etc… In the long run, this is the best thing for everybody.

                                        • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                          617 posts Send Private Message

                                            I am still in the stages of planning to get a second bun to be a buddy for Chubs. After we get back from traveling, I think we’re taking him bunny dating. I love reading these bonding stories though! I’m nervous to start our little bonding journey but I so want him to have a companion!! Thanks for sharing and it sounds like it’s going well

                                          • BunnyLiz
                                            1212 posts Send Private Message

                                              Yea I know I just gotta do it, they will both be happier and ill be happier. IHRS finally emailed me back after more then a month about pictures of Rose. None of her fosters have any, and the only one they could maybe find on their server is of when she first came in emaciated. So ive been thinking about that too so that added to everything too.

                                              So they had a few bathtub dates today, that went good. Then my mom had a few quick errands so I loaded up the buns for a car ride. Went to the library parking lot, returned a movie, had to stop at my aunts for a few, then a fast trip to kroger. So I was sitting in the back seat with the buns running around back there waiting in the kroger parking lot. And Hammer jumped up in the back window and caught a few eyes lol. This lady and her son came over waving and smiling so I rolled down the window, they are involved in a local cat rescue etc. We chatted about buns and she is looking into a local rescue I told her about, to either adopt or foster. But she was really sweet. So driving around with buns can be educational lol. Then moved to the bathroom for a while, got tired of sitting on the hard floor and now they are in a pen in the middle of my living room. Surprisingly my mom wasnt that upset about it, and the dogs are almost ignoring them. They cuddle alot, Hammer kisses, run around together, both shove their faces in the little pellet bowl, both munch on hay together, throw and eat their willow ball together. They are doing awesome! The only set back is Hammers humping, which he keeps trying to do backwards! But I have it to where all I normally have to do is say Hammer in that warning tone and he backs off. They were in the tub today for about 2.5 hours all together, in the car for about 2 hours, then the bathroom/pen for almost three (they are still in there though). This is how it will be probably for the next two weeks. On sunday in going on a week vacation (nervous!) so I want to make sure they are awesome and behaving in this stage before I go, so I have a better chance of talking my mom into putting them together for a few minutes everyday so they dont recede while im gone.

                                            • BunnyLiz
                                              1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                Both of them are driving me crazy now! Hammer just wants kisses, but Lucy wont. Hammer keeps presenting himself and humping the wrong way, you would think that would get the message across but Lucy does not speak bunny, and sometimes I dont think she is a bunny lol. Hammer is still grooming but not as much. So I smeared banana on both of their heads before I remembered Lucy wont eat banana so im going to have to help get Hammers banana off his head later. Lucy wants to cuddle, but Hammer takes advantage of her approach and gets that look like Jack did with the leaning forward then goes at it if I dont stop him. But aside from humping they are doing great! I think Hammer keeps trying to hump the wrong way because if he does do it the right way (rare) Lucy runs away. But if he does it the right way then she doesnt run away or seem to care. What else can I put on their heads? Has to be something Lucy will eat. Honey maybe? Not good for them I know but its in the bunny cookies and Lucy eats those, and it wouldnt be more then a drop. I dont think she likes applesauce either but id have to check again. Ideas?

                                              • mrmac
                                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I smeared raisin goo on their heads, it worked but you really have to smudge it in there. It sounds like things are going well though!!!

                                                • BunnyLiz
                                                  1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Looks like ill be trying the raisin goo. Lucy will not do applesauce, honey, banana or dissolved papaya tablets. She will eat the regular tablet but not when its dissolved, god no that would be to easy for her. The only reason Hammer keeps humping is because he really really needs to feel loved and get some kisses. If it werent for the humping they could be in non neutral territory now. And that would be solved if Lucy would just groom! They dont need to be watched like a hawk anymore, I can run in the other room to get the phone or whatever real quick and not worry about it. They have no issues with cuddling, sharing the litter box, playing with toys together, or sharing pellets. They can zoom around and the other doesnt flip out, which was Rose’s fear (rightfully so, she had a tough life). Point being if Lucy would groom this would pretty much be wrapped up. This is driving me crazy! Since I started bonding, Ive been having dreams about rabbits all the time for some odd reason. Some good, lots bad, some just plain weird. I need a bunny whisperer to tell Lucy to pretty please groom Hammer. All three of ours lifes would just be easier. This is more of a rant then a update, geez.

                                                  • Moonlight_Wolf
                                                    1155 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Haha it seems as if the girls are unwilling to groom the boys, it is the same with me.
                                                      Thistle grooms but Fern has not yet, Thistle does not seem to mind though, maybe (hopefuly) Fern will groom Thistle next date… Who knows.

                                                    • BunnyLiz
                                                      1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                        They did much much better today.  They had a two hour session today and Hammer only mounted once (wrong way agian!).  He tried many other times but I kept my eye on him and reminded him to be good and he was, all except that one time.  Hammer groomed.  They did good.  I might do another small session tonight, its still sort of early.  But I wanted to give them about an hour to break before things started to turn. 

                                                        I toke vidoes!  And im so mad.  I cant get them on here, will not upload to photobucket.  So I signed up for a youtube account, they load but then say failed: unable to convert video or something like that.  It toke almost an hour to figure out which program on my computer would download them from the camera, ended up with Quick time player, now cant get them on the internet.  New cammera so its especially hard, but my computer being a mac isnt making this any easier.  Help?

                                                      • BunnyLiz
                                                        1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Okay so figured out I have more problems with these darn video then I thought. I was trying to upload a still shot from the movie clip apparently. Because for some reason I cant get my videos to save onto my hard drive, rather then a dumb photo program.

                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                            What type of file is the video? MP4? I have this trouble too sometimes and you have to convert the file to one the other programs use. There’s something called Codec that decodes files too but I can’t figure it out. Sorry I’m no help. You may be able to email them to Binky Bunny and she can load them for you…

                                                          • BunnyLiz
                                                            1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                              ^^Even that would be impossible. I might have to go to my dads tomorrow and bug him to take me to his work because he works with a bunch of smart mac people.

                                                            • BunnyLiz
                                                              1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                They did good the past two days. Hammer does try to mount sometimes, but a simple reminder usually stops him. If it doesnt Lucy stops him herself. I did trust them alone, so I just made sure that all tvs and radios were off so I could hear them throughout the house. Id only leave them for 5 minutes before checking up on them but they never had any problems. They were together in their bonding pen in the living room (neutral) for over 4 hours today without issues so I decided next step. They had the small hallway that connects my room and the bathroom, the bathroom and could go in part of my room (their room), the rest was blocked and they could see their cages. They did okay for 5 minutes then both struggled for humping rights. They both humped the right way, they both did they wrong way too, they both nipped while doing it and got fur, and both chased a bit. All of that only in the bit of my room though. So I made them snuggle for a minute, they were both just trying to get up to hump the other so they went to take a break back in their cages. Ill see how they act in their pen in the living room later, hopefully their little disagreement with the humping wars wont affect them in neutral territory.

                                                              • BunnyLiz
                                                                1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I leave today for a vacation with my friends.   Not sure how long ill be gone, anywhere from 4-7 days.  My mom has agreed to TRY to put them together for maybe 20 minutes a day, half her fear is pure Lucy, the other half is fear of a fight.  Lucy is a tough cookie, catching her and carrying her is all about avoiding her teeth and holding her the way she does best with.  My mom is awkard with holding Hammer, so I offered lessons while im still here to help but she is to terrified to even try that.  So her plan is to sit and wait till Lucy magically decides to walk herself into her carrier.  Ive showed her how to avoid getting bit, and throwing a blanket on her if you need to etc. but im so nervous.  She did watch while they were having sessions in the laundry basket, but hasnt sat and asked questions since.  She seen bits and pieces of some sessions, and I usually recap for her but ill push her to watch today so she gets an idea of when to leave them, when to warn them, and when to step in.  Anyways, yesterday when I put them in the bonding pen two hours after their hump wars in my room, they did fine for 20 minutes and then something happened.  I was reading so I didnt see the reason for the fight just Lucy chasing Hammer and Hammer running like death was on his tail.  Scared me, I jumped up and knocked over a bunch of stuff getting to Hammer.  My poor baby hide his face in my hair and wasnt interested in anything but hiding.  So he read with me for a while and was still scared so I had to just put them back in there cages.  Its going to be a hard day, I have to get them to be civil, before I leave, otherwise my mom will not bond them at all and I dont want them to go backwards.

                                                                • BunnyLiz
                                                                  1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Im back!  My mom did three bonding sessions for me while I was gone.  She was pulling her hair out but she did it lol.  Quick summary from what I understand.

                                                                    Tuesday- 30 minute session in the living room pen.  Snuggled a little.  Hammer groomed.  LUCY GROOMED! ( I feel like I missed her first word haha) Then my mom had no idea what happened, but Lucy was chasing humping and Hammer was running.

                                                                    Wednesday- 40 minute session.  Lucy tired to mount some.  No grooms from either.

                                                                    Thursday- 40 minute session.  Lucy stole Hammers cookie, but he didnt care.  Lucy tried to mount some.  Lucy groomed!  Hammer may or may not have groomed. 

                                                                    So im going to put them together now and see where they are bonding wise, since my mom can recap but she doesnt read body lingo or anything.

                                                                  • BunnyLiz
                                                                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      They did okay today but they did slide back a little. Hammer groomed a bit. Lucy humped a few times. Hammer allowed it twice, ran the other times. But Lucy doesnt stop when he runs, she chases him till I intervene. This craziness started when I tired moving them to where they could see and smell their pens. And then I wasnt here to try and mend that. They were awesome and fine before them. So im running an idea past you guys. They are moving into a big big pen, with Hammers old wood cage in there, shelves for their stuff, fancy. And to do that Im moving my room around alot, to give them more room. So when they are good in the neutral living room pen, would it be crazy to move them out of my room, really clean my room to get rid of their scent as much as possible, rearrange my room, and set up their new pen? That way when thats done, they could move to bonding in my room, which woud be as neutral as I can make it and move into their new pen in there when they are ready. They would have to be in smaller pens for the period that they move out of my room (hopefully a short time) in the living room. That is if my mom will let them. And I just thought about it so its not a really thought out plan, just a quick idea that jumpped in my head. Would that even work?

                                                                    • BunnyLiz
                                                                      1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        They had a two hour session today, did okay. Hammer kissed a lot, then humped (wrong way!) when he got tired of Lucy not grooming him. Lucy tried to mount once but Hammer ran away and she let it go. Thats about it, nothing to get to excited over. Is it just me or is this moving along kinda slow?

                                                                      • mrmac
                                                                        2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Thats what I thought when I started doing mine, every session seemed to be the same but eventually new things started happening or they were giving me signs that they were ready for something new. Cleaning their area may not be a bad idea. I cleaned their area before they were bonded and tried to us it as a neutral space, there was the whole re-exploring phase, then it kinda shifted into ‘no this is my space’ tiffs but went ok, I knew when I did it that that is where they all 2 were going to end up. At least Hammer and Lucy have groomed, it took me a moth and a half maybe a little more for my 3 to groom eachother.

                                                                        • BunnyLiz
                                                                          1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            I cleaned a little and moved their cages (again!), and I finally have room for my tv again, yay! And then tried them in a small part of my room, but still had hump wars. But no change still. Did a three hour session today and Hammer groomed a lot. But they had a tiff when Lucy tired to mount, Hammer ran, Lucy chased, Hammer got totally scared until I caught him and had some snuggles as a break. Hammer has almost mounted a ton (wrong way!) but I tell him to be nice and he backs off. Rubbed some banana on Lucy’s head and Hammer had fun with that, cant do that on Hammers head because Lucy wont eat banana. Then I sat in the pen and handed out raisins to the lucky passing bun and that kept there mind off mounting the other for about 30 minutes. Worked well, when the tension rose I split a raisin and they forgot about it.

                                                                          • BunnyLiz
                                                                            1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Well they did good today too. They had a 4 hour session and I could have kept going but I had somewhere to be. Hammer groomed fairly much. Lucy did not, but I was thinking, maybe she does and I dont catch it. My mom saw her because she was scared and watched them like hawks. But I read, go through mail, sometimes watch a movie so I only really pay attention when I see a bunch of movement. I do watch them but I guess Lucy could sneak in a quick groom while they are cuddling and I might not notice. Anyways, they only had one tiff today, beside the times when I gently remind Hammer to be nice and patient with Lucy. Lucy wanted to mount and Hammer wasnt having it, he ran, she chased. So she had a 5 min. time out in the carrier inside the pen. Not sure if thats a awesome idea, but it gives her time to chill and realize she is the one in the carrier, Hammer is the one relaxing in the pen, so she was wrong and that has results. 5 minutes usually gives Hammer enough time to calm down too, so he isnt terrified of her. He usually snuggles up to the carrier after a few minutes and then I really know that they can be trusted to get along again. Just stopping Lucy and letting her go again doesnt work, she just goes right back after him, so hopefully this teaches her that Hammer isnt okay with it and chasing him isnt going to get her anywhere good. I dont want her to hate her carrier, but really what bun does like their carrier. I think the afternoon is the best time to do bonding for some reason, they seem to do better. Maybe just because thats generally nap time. And they are still doing good switching cages, no territorial poos really, I think just a few strays every now and then.

                                                                            • Moonlight_Wolf
                                                                              1155 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Im having a problem with humpy chasing too! Except my boy wants to hump and he chases Fern around cuz Fern does not want him to.

                                                                                Luckily Fern does not become aggressive at all.

                                                                                Does anyone know if the Humpy Chasing will go away after a while? If it was not for that they would probably always be snuggaling.


                                                                              • BunnyLiz
                                                                                1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  ^^ Wanna trade?! Lucy gets a bit aggressive with it, ive not waited to see what would happen if I left them alone, but when Lucy chases she bites to stop him, like they do sometimes when they hump.  My understanding is it will go away when they work out who is really in charge, then the humping has no purpose, which is to work out the roles, therefore it should stop then. 

                                                                                  They had a 2 or 3 hour session day.  Lucy right off the bat had to have a time out in the carrier.  She tired again later to mount/chase but listened when I told her “NO!” and Hammer ran away.  So maybe the time out before that helped to get the point across, or maybe a fluke.  Hammer groomed, they cuddled.  The vibe wasnt as good today, cant pin point why I felt that way though.  But Hammer is having one of his jerk weeks, where all he does is destroy the trust I had in him before, must be his time of the month lol.  Its annoying, I generally dont leave Lucy unattented for a minute.  Hammer I could leave for 30 minutes.  What did he do today?  Hole in my quilt thats passed from my grandma, spilled a plate of food right in front of me, and chewed my job application.  And why am I going to college and getting a job?  So I can keep them, and he chewed it.  Rant, sorry guys.


                                                                                • Beka27
                                                                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    The humping *should* lessen. Should. Afterwards.

                                                                                    My pair may just be the complete exception to the rule. There was NO HUMPING at all during bonding and for the first several months post-bonding. And then all of a sudden, Max figured out that he LOVES Meadow and now he humps her several times a day. Sometimes she patiently lets him. Sometimes she will run off and he chases for a little bit. But she NEVER becomes aggressive and they always have a lot of room (very large xpen and/or free run.)

                                                                                    But you’ll just have to take it one day at a time.

                                                                                  • BunnyLiz
                                                                                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      They didnt have any drastic changes so I wasnt posting for awhile. But today they were together for 11 hours!!! Started at noon, soon Lucy tried to mount (wrong way) but didnt try again after I got her off. Hammer came close to it, he was mounted the wrong way when I caught him, but he wasnt humping yet, just getting situated, and I reminded him thats not nice. Its so cute, every time I remind Hammer to be nice he stays mounted for a second and gives her kisses, then gets off and continues kisses like what mom I was just getting in some good grooms! A few hours later Lucy had to have a time out, for hump/chasing Hammer because she didnt stop when I intervened. But the chase didnt seem as frantic as normal. And then it was smooth sailing. They could have gone longer but I had/have tons of stuff to do because my freshmen orientation is tomorrow morning. And I cant bond tomorrow because we have to spend the night in the dorms, hopefully I can on Friday.

                                                                                    • mrmac
                                                                                      2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Might they be ready for starting overnights?

                                                                                      • BunnyLiz
                                                                                        1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          ^^ Not yet,  they arent having sessions in shared territory yet (until now that is)

                                                                                          They started today around noon, and its almost 10 here now.  They were in their living room bonding pen until about 6, then they moved to the hall and bathroom they sometimes have out time in because its off my room.  But my bedroom door was closed, so they probably didnt really notice they were so close to their own territory.  After an hour and a half with zero problems I put a gate up at my bedroom door so they saw and smelled their territory, and had no problems.  Then after that I used a nic barrier to give them a small part of the room (plus the hall and bath).  Hammer humped once (wrong way again!) but stopped when I told him he was bad and needed to clean up his act.  Lucy humped a few min. later (wrong way!) and kept at it every time I pulled her off, so I had to shoo her the other way for a minute so she could calm herself and she didnt do it agian.  Then I got brave and the barrier is gone now.  So they are happily hopping and binkying in the hall, bath, and my/their room now!  YAY!  Theirs been flops, snuggles, kisses (from Hammer when he is about to mount and I remind him to be nice), binkies, zooms and cuteness.  But no fights, other then between Lucy and my cat lol.  She suddenly hates them both, bonding sessions between Lucy and my cats next?  I want to open a cage and see what happens, but im pushing my luck as it is and I cant afford to move to fast because I cant let them back track with my freshmen year of college coming up so soon.  School has always been tough for me, so bonding will have to take the back seat if they arent bonded by then.  Right now they are flopped together, feet kicked out and everything, facing both of the cages like they are saying my home is your home.  Id snap a picture for you guys, but my camera is across the room and If I get up to get it they will probably jump up too.  Ill try and have it handy next time.

                                                                                        • mrmac
                                                                                          2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            I put all three of mine together in one pen but with one of the buns old cages in the pen. My plan was to have all three in the pen then lock one up at night, but that plan was foiled VERY fast. I opened up the cage to see what would happen and the old pair went in the cage and started the circle nipping chase! It was bad they chased eachother like crazy! They seem to be doing well though! I hate it when you see the perfect picture but dont have the camera!

                                                                                          • BunnyLiz
                                                                                            1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Well I just toke a big leap of faith and let them into a pen.  But I open it up so its only three sided, in case I need to run in and break something up.  But nothing as happened so far.  Hammer is flopped out and Lucy is munching some hay.  Nothing bad at all, no humping or honking or nipping.  I considered sleeping in the pen with them (its kinda big), but I do need my sleep tonight and Ive already pushed them way past what I thought they were ready for.  Honestly im still considering it though lol.

                                                                                            • BunnyLiz
                                                                                              1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                Well its 8:30pm here now and I just got home to let them out. They shared playtime for about two hours this morning, Hammer humped twice in the very beginning though. But if they do not have an ounce of trouble from now until when I decide to go to bed, all three of us will spend the night in one of the pens. Its 4×3 grids so I can curl up in a corner lol. I would just be to nervous to be any farther away. But im thinking I might go ahead and take apart the old cage with the top, attach the bonding pen to the newer pen so it would be one big 3×8 pen, that I could dog clip a divider in just for when im not home. But that could take awhile so ill probably start and stop half way through. Anyway, wish me luck with the buns tonight!

                                                                                              • mrmac
                                                                                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  Good Luck!!!!! Hope you get some sleep too!

                                                                                                • jerseygirl
                                                                                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Good luck – almost there! What does Lucy do if Hammer attempts to mount or vice versa, if she mounts him? Does she (or he) tell the other it’s not ok, move away or turn and growl? Or is it a bit more aggressive? I know Hammer will stop at your command, just curious as to how they deal with it if it’s just them. It might be something that goes on after they’re bonded so if you can see the indepandantly deal with it between them it’ll give you more confidence leaving them alone together.

                                                                                                  • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      Well they both have a tendency to mount the wrong way! If either of them mounts wrong, the other just takes it (though I do not allow it). If Lucy tries to mount Hammer, he runs and she chases but she hasnt mounted in awhile if im remembering right and the run/chase isnt as frantic. If Hammer tries to mount he never ever gets far, Lucy just darts from him then turns and stares him down. Then Hammer usually goes and does something submissive like, maybe lays down. But since they have been in the new cage, there hasnt been any issues. I dont think they will have any problems tonight, but im a nervous nelly, I really hope I wake up if even the smallest of fights break out.

                                                                                                    • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                      1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        New cage!  I tore down the old odd cage that Hammer and Rose were housed in, and then Hammer and Lucy switched between it.  Modified their newer pen, and their bonding pen to make one big cage.  So its 3×8 grids.  My original dream pen, will not be where that one is, and it will be one cube fatter and one cube longer.  With Hammer’s old homemade three story cage inside the pen.  But for now this is what I can do.  But the cage can easily be split to two seperate 4×3 pens.  The middle grids are held with dog clips, and I have a 3×2 barrier I can clip in it just in case.  And even if the barrier is up, both seperate pens have everything they need and a door for bun access.  It toke me forever to think it up and then to do it so Im pretty proud of it. 

                                                                                                        Excuse the stray poos, Lucy had to make herself feel at home.

                                                                                                        And my cat Toluz!  Good thing Lucy didnt see, she hates him.

                                                                                                      • jerseygirl
                                                                                                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          Hehe, that paw! I like what you’ve done with the place. Can’t believe Lucy looks as big (bigger?) as Hammer now. They’re snuggling too!

                                                                                                        • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                          1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Lucy is longer, because she is more curved shaped its hard to tell. Hammer is more compact, short and stout maybe. But they weigh about the same : )

                                                                                                            Hammer just mounted twice and thumped at me for scolding him. Ill stay up and read for a few hours (its already past 12pm!), and if there is even the slightest problem the sleep over is off : (

                                                                                                          • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                            1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              Well Hammer wanted to mount again last night so no sleep over. So I put the barrier in the cage, but both buns hated the barrier and chewed on it alot. When I feel asleep they were flopped together between the barrier, same thing as when I woke up today. But they are hopping around now so we’ll see how long they last! Im so happy I did get a second bunny, and went through this process. Hammer is a much happier bunny for it, I havnt seen Hammer this happy since he was a baby when he was still learning how to not crash into things. He doesnt walk now, he zooms. And he binkies anywhere he can. Yesterday he did a binky mid air while jumping from the floor to the bed, ive never seen that. He is much much happier. Lucy is less grumpier, but thats likely because her hormones should be calmed by now.

                                                                                                            • Beka27
                                                                                                              16016 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                                They look great together! And that pen is spectacular! They might be humping when they’re brought together again as kind of a reminder/hello… Try leaving them together overnight. At some point you just have to do it!

                                                                                                              • Moonlight_Wolf
                                                                                                                1155 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  It seems like all is going well, I love your new setup!
                                                                                                                  The first overnight you will probably be very nervous. I hardly got any sleep because at the slightest bang I would jolt upright, (and there were a lot of bangs that night because thistle was not very graceful at jumping up and down the condo.

                                                                                                                • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                                  1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    Well they were together from 10am till about 8pm because I had to leave.  But they have been together again since around 10pm.  I have not seen any humping today at all.  A few small grunts from Lucy, but I never caught what they were for.  Just heard the grunt and saw her spin around to face Hammer, but nothing ever happened after that so Im not really worried about that.  Im still sleeping in the pen, but in style now lol.  I opened up the long side of the pen and dog clipped a barrier I have to it and put my mattress in the extenion.  Both buns are enjoying my bed in their pen, digging in the covers and lounging on it with me.  I dont mind, and im a really hard sleeper so I need to be as close as possible anyway.  I never wake up, ive slept through our fire alarm before, the only thing that gets me up is a baby crying, other then that I dont budge.  So no excuses tonight, they will be having a sleepover.  When can I consider them bonded?  Im excited to get that *Bonded* added to my subject title that Beka came up with.

                                                                                                                  • mrmac
                                                                                                                    2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                      I would give them a week or so of being together 24/7, then another week or two to cement the bond. Yay first sleepover!!! I was so nervous the first night I did all of my three. Hope it goes well!!! ((((snuggling bonding vibes))))

                                                                                                                    • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                                      1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        Your vibes worked! They did fine, and are cuddling right now. They woke me up alot, but just because they kept pouncing on me. And they had binky fest randomly throughout the night. I would wake up from all the racket and they would be zooming and binkying like they were the happiest buns on earth. Ive never seen such happy buns. Do you think I can trust them enough to leave the house?

                                                                                                                      • mrmac
                                                                                                                        2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                          Thats so good! I always try to imagine what my buns do in the middle of the night! I would start keeping them there 24/7 now. They did well so you are just going to have to leave them there sometime! Even if they get humpy, I would just let them be and start to figure out themselves as a NEW (YAY!) pair! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                        • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                                          1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                            I know right!!?!!  Yay!!!!!!!!!  They have been doing good all day too.  I’ll post pictures of them together and snuggling when they look cute.  So far they arent snuggling all cute for pictures, they avoid photo oppertunities.  And whenever Lucy is sleepy and half closes her eyes she looks evil so I dont take pictures of that lol.  But they are bonded! Bonded! A pair!  Doesnt that sound awesome!


                                                                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                              It`s a great feeling isn`t it? My buns have only been together overnight (24/7) since last week, and it’s been awesome. I thought the day would never come, and then suddenly it just did.

                                                                                                                              I’m sure your buns will stay happy together now Congratulations!!!! YAY!

                                                                                                                              Now the question is… do we do it all over again and add a third?? haha

                                                                                                                            • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                                              1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                Lol I will NOT be adding a third. I cant even imagine the work that would take! Ive decided if I ever get another bun, Ill get a bonded pair. If I got one id get it a friend eventually anyway, so getting a pair would be so much easier.

                                                                                                                              • Beka27
                                                                                                                                16016 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                                                  like mrmac said, definitely LEAVE THEM TOGETHER! Keep them within sight of each other (either in the pen or in your room) for TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT!!! This begins the BUNNYMOON!!!!

                                                                                                                                • BunnyLiz
                                                                                                                                  1212 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                    Lol Bunnymoon! Thats so cute! Well they are doing great, and im happy for them minus one thing. Now they are twice the trouble when they are out! Hammer was always well behaved for playtime, but now I have two Lucy’s running around, getting past bun proofing, chewing everything, doing dare devil stunts. She has corrupted my angel lol. And now Lucy binkies when I yell at them, because she now has an accomplice.

                                                                                                                                  • mrmac
                                                                                                                                    2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                      Hahaha I have noticed that too, that now they are together they get into trouble together, they would all escape from their cage toegther! Congrats on the **BONDED**!!!!!

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                                                                                                                                  Forum BONDING Bonding Hammer and Lucy! ***BONDED***