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Forum BONDING Bonding a Herd

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    • flippersmom
      213 posts Send Private Message

        So some of you may have seen a souple of my more recent post that I had a new bun at my house.  The story of how he got there is a bit long, but after a couple of days, we decided to see what he thought of Lola!!  Well, it was love a first sight!!!!!!  By day 2 they were living in the same condo, snuggling and grooming!!!!!!!  So that makes me 2 for 2 with easy bonding experiences, with the third pair having come already bonded!!!  Thus leading me to my next hellucination……….

        I have decided to try for an eventual 6 way bond with the whole herd!!!!!!!  I know it seems crazy, but I don’t seem to have any that are horrible dominant!!!  And as they all live in the same room with attached condos, they all know each other and show no signs of aggression (YET!!!).  As I stated, this may only be a hallucination….but I will keep everyone posted!!!!!!!  Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Flippersmom – are all your rabbits in pairs right now? A true herd from what I understand is actually easy – for instances adding a fourth to a trio and so on and so on and so on. I think if you have all pairs you may have to start the bonding process with just one pair to another pair that may be the most compatible and then grow them from there.

          Would love to hear what ends up working with you. I think it takes some strength to do this and some time with the initial group. The larger the warren the easier it is from what I understand.

        • mrmac
          2156 posts Send Private Message

            I am soo curious how this all goes! I have a trio, and would love to add more!  Good luck and keep us posted!!!!!

          • FluffyBunny
            1263 posts Send Private Message

              I’ll be interested reading how this turns out – good luck.

            • Barbie
              1581 posts Send Private Message

                good luck! I don’t know much about bunny bonding… I’m dying to get a friend for Leroy but scared about the bonding process… a whole warren sounds ambitious!

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  I remembered reading this ( ) when I was researching about bonding. Thought it might be helpful. Goodluck!

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Where’s the member in France that was bonding a herd of 9?
                    –Flippers’ this sounds like you hit the bonding jackpot! No aggression in the attached condos, very promising!

                    Make no mistake though: have the most neutral space ready for them. Don’t let a territorial tiff get you on a bad track.

                    My own quartett bonding is only difficult because there is 1 bunny that should see a shrink….

                    (Valmore at the shrink’s: “I haz bad attitood toward anybunny! I zinks cuz I is big I should beat up evewybunneeh!”)

                  • flippersmom
                    213 posts Send Private Message

                      Well, I would have to say (to my delight) that day one was a positive experience!!!!!!

                      Yes, I am starting out with 3 bonded pairs, so we will try for a foursome first, then add the final 2. Two of my pair are male/female with ages between 2-3 1/2 yrs, while the other is female/female ages  11 & 16 months – all are spayed/neutered.   

                      I decided to start with the older male/female pairs and add the younger girls later.  So after setting up a pen in a neutral area, then comtemplating if I should instead be using my time to see a shrink (I’m sure I need one worse than any of my bunnies!!!), we got down to business.  Much to my surprise, everyone was pretty non-impressed by the others!!!!  The older male was the only one to show any dominent behavior and that was a half-hearted hump of the other male!  I was able to get each of the possible combinations of twosomes to lay next to each other while petting and praising, then often time be able to add in a third!!!!  When I had all four of then sitting in a close enough group that I was able to easily pet them all, I decided it was a good positive stopping point!!!!  I was hoping for at least 15 min. the first time out and they gave me 45!!!!!!  When the were all tucked back into their respective condos, the all had that “Hey, were’d those other guys go???” look!!! 

                      I’m hoping that they did not lead me down the path of a false sense of hope (we all know how manipulative those buns can be).  I will keep you updated on our progress and try to get some pics up (as many of you know, that is not my strong point). 

                    • flippersmom
                      213 posts Send Private Message

                        Oooohhhh, I forgot to say thanks for the support and thanks to jersey for the link and all the private computer lessons!!!!!

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          This is amazing. — I think we need a bonding forum just for multiples! j/k

                          Definitely take lots of photos!

                        • mrmac
                          2156 posts Send Private Message

                            That sounds good! Yes, take pics even if you dont get them on the computer, they will give you good reference to look back on and see progression and watch the process.

                          • flippersmom
                            213 posts Send Private Message

                              Well, after 2 days of being more inquisitive of where the cage barrier had gone, than each other, they finally decided I was serious about this!!!   Today, they decided it was time to determine their pecking order!!!!  I have to say, it’s pretty much as I expected, based on how they interact in pairs and with humans!!!!  It was still really only mild humping with only one tuft of hair being shed as the more submissive male was fleeing the more aggressive one!!!!  I’m sure it seemed crazier to us humans only because they seemed to be going ever direction (as opposed to 2 anyway!!!).  Again we tried to pet and praise when appropriate an ended with the two males lying together in one corner,  the 2 females in the other, and sweat running down my….well you can imagine!!!!!!!

                              Still haven’t had enough available hands to safely think about taking pics!!!!

                            • Sarita
                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                Sounds like you are staying strong :~) It’s good you have some help as well with the initial foursome.

                              • bunnymama
                                161 posts Send Private Message

                                  Flippersmom – I’m wondering if you have sedatives in your hay?????? Ha Ha . I wish I could introduce my pair to my single but the two females HATE each other. They even try to fight through the holes of the dog gate that separates their parts of the house. Good luck ==- that is so cool. I’ve said to my husband that I wish I could have a herd of bunnies to which he said NO WAY, not with what we went through 3 bonds with the 3rd successful. …keep us posted.

                                • Deleted User
                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                    Sedatives in hay? There is an idea…– Bunnymama, from this suggestion alone it is evident you have had hard bonding sessions…. do you think it would help your single female if they never saw each other for a long time and were re-introduced?

                                  • bunnymama
                                    161 posts Send Private Message

                                      Petzy – no the 2 females hate each other. That was my first bond. Then I tried the male = female and she would have no part of him (see a pattern here with here now) then final my 2nd female and the male LOVE each other. They self bonded, really they did.

                                    • flippersmom
                                      213 posts Send Private Message

                                        Sedatives in the hay!?!?!?!?!?! I was thinking more along the lines of sedatives in my food!!!! Heck, I wouldn’t evan need the food, I would happily take the sedatives!!!!!!!!!

                                        But seriously, things are going better than I thought….that worries me!!!!!!!

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          You should only worry when things go badly… be happy!

                                        • bunnytowne
                                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                                            I love that bun pic in your avatar.   Is that an english angora  or a lionhead? 

                                            A group bond that sounds so cool.   Glad things are going good.  

                                            Wish I could do that.    Yeah I can see it now.   Maintenance comes and me running frantically trying to pick up all the extra bunnies and stick them in the cabrio pet carrier in the clost.  

                                            I would love to see pics of them together too.   I hear you on having extra hands ready in case they get rough with each other.  Sounds like it is going good though.   Thats just so incredibly great

                                          • Deleted User
                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                              BT, maintenance is a drag to bunnydom!

                                            • flippersmom
                                              213 posts Send Private Message

                                                Petzy – yeah, I should be happy, but it’s always a little unnerving when I catch them whispering to one another!!!! I’m sure they’re plotting against me!!!!!!!

                                                BT – the avi is my english angora as a baby (she’s 3 now). I commented and posted a recent pic of her on the thread where someone had asked you to post pics of your cuties!!!! Lola and Ruby look very much alike – really just different ears!!!!!!!!

                                                I will really try to get some pics posted (I think I’ve only posted some of Lola anywhere here!!). I’m good at taking pics, but really bad at figure out how to get them to the computer, then to here!!!! Fortunately, Jerseygirl has helped me out with some private lessons!!!!! My sone is trying to get some good shots of each of the 3 pairs so I can post them with some desriptions, then I can refer to them by name and you guys will know who I’m talking about!!!!!

                                                As far as the bonding…it’s sort of same old same old!!!!!!!! I’m debating about whether I should put them in a smaller space or larger space – any thoughts???????? The enclosure I’m using is about 3 1/2 feet square. I’m afraid if I give them more room, they’ll just go to opposite sides and forget the others are even there!!!!! They’re are such the nonchalant (sp??) group!!!!!!!!

                                              • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                617 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Wow you are ambitious! I’m a nervous wreck about starting bonding with two buns! ) I’m glad it seems to be going well, and you must must get pictures of your six on here!

                                                • jerseygirl
                                                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Me, I would stick to a space that I could handle – as in if you need to get in and separate quickly. But then I’ve never attempted what you’re doing. The nochalance is probably a good sign. In the article I posted earlier, the bonder mentioned that buns in a group or herd accept new buns readily as they are accustomed to living in numbers.

                                                    On the pictures, I’m wasn’t sure if the tips I gave were relevant to what computing programs you use. If you have any troubles you can just email pics to Jennifer (Binky Bunny) and she can add them to the thread for you. And I’m happy for you to email me too if I can help.

                                                  • bunnytowne
                                                    7537 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Yes I remember you posted a pic on that post asking for pics of Cotton and Ruby.   OH she is such a beauty.   Thats great.   I think they will make a herd without too much trouble.   That be great.

                                                    • Deleted User
                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Posted By jerseygirl on 08/26/2009 03:43 AM

                                                        the bonder mentioned that buns in a group or herd accept new buns readily as they are accustomed to living in numbers.

                                                        I don’t know, maybe when the numbers get up there, but all it takes is one quarrelsome rabbit to start… once there’s a fight others quickly join in… but then again this is just my first quartett observation.


                                                      • Deleted User
                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                          About the space: do you have to change it up? If what you have been using so far works, stick with it.

                                                        • flippersmom
                                                          213 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Well, I have survived week one and here’s were we stand…. The 2 females are total fine with the whole idea, they are happy to hang out with anybun and actively participate in both the giving and the taking of grooming!!! The 2 males are fine with the girls and we have minimal dominance behavior with each other – always the same one being dominent and after a few minutes it seems to be done. The rest of the session, they just sort of do their own thing, not paying much attention to each other. If I force the issue, the will lay next to each other and there has been a groom or two. I did try them in a bit smaller of an enclosure, thinking they would notice each other since they had to be closer together and it didn’t seem to make a difference, nor did giving them more space in the bathroom (keep reading for a laugh!). I’m thinking we may start putting their new multi-bun living complex together (minus a few levels) and let them try hanging out there under supervision!!

                                                            Now for the funny story. Yesterday, I had the grand idea of trying them in the bathtub (I know many of you have done this with success), thinking I could possible get one giant bunny snuggle. I put the first 2 in and left my husband in charge while I retrieved the other 2. By the time I got back (maye 1 min.) one was already out of the tub, checking out the bathroom!! I put the 2 in the tub, turn to retrieve the escapee, and turn around to be greeted by the 2 I had just put in, now out and looking at me like “OOOOHHHH, where’d this room come from!!!” I put #1 back in the tub, #2 back in the tub and #3 runs and gets behind the toilet playing the catch me if you can game. Before I can beat him at this game, the other 2 are back out while hubby stands there laughing. Of course, this does not make me happy, so he’s getting lectured while I’m collecting bunnies. By this time bun #4 has decided to join in the fun and she is now out of the tub!!!! This scenerio continues for about 5 mor mins. until I finally realize it’s a losing battle!!!!! I end up lying on the bathroom floor with 1 bunny nudging my hand, 1 sitting on my stomach, the other 2 sniffing my face, my hubby threatening to get the camera, and me trying really hard to be mad at him for being so unhelpful (which is hard to do with bunnies in your face!!!!). Needless to say, that bonding session was not very productive!!!!!!!!! Except I learned that my 13 year old is a much more competent helper than my hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          • Deleted User
                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                              That’s funny. It’s really not a big jump out of a tub for a rabbit.

                                                              I don’t believe you need to to bath tub sessions if your little herd is already exchanging grooms… If the multi-bun condo is a neutral enclosure I’d say go for it.

                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                LOL! Catch da bunneh. Was it a bit like trying to catch popcorn flying out of the pan? Maybe they were trying to tell you something – just use the bathroom floor – lol. I had a peice of board I used up against the bath but it was trick leaning over it.

                                                              • RachelB
                                                                237 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Hahahahah too bad there’s not a video of this!!! Sounds like the bunnies are getting along really really well. Id go for it and make them that mansion you were talking about! Just make sure to clean everything with vinegar so that it smells really new and neutral.

                                                                  When you move them into there they might take a step back in the bonding process so be prepaired for that. Hopefully living together will really help to cement their bond. It does sound like they are already becoming good friends though

                                                                • flippersmom
                                                                  213 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    So…long time no post!!!! Well, from my homefront, no news is good news!!!! September brought with it a flurry of activity for us humans, so I haven’t had much time to be online or post!!! As for the buns – all is well!!!!!! The foursome are like 2 little old married couples meeting once a day to play cards!!!!!!!! We have been giving them their playtime together and they seem to enjoy it – even go into each others cages to check things out!!! Just an occasionaly hump here and there!!!! Was hoping to get their new and improved, larger condo set up this past weekend, but just didn’t have them time!!!! Also doesn’t help that I’m still debating on what to use as the floor!!! Hopefully I will get it done this weekend!!!! I will be out of town the first week in Oct – leaving helpless hubby and good bunny slave son in charge of everyone, so we won’t start introducing the 2 younger girls into the group until I get back!!! I’m guessing things will be interesting then!!! It will be like moving 2 hard rock, punked out, headbagging teens into the retirement home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  • mrmac
                                                                    2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Thats so good that the are getting along! YAY! I think that is good, it will the give four a chance to really be together together, and have eachother once the younger girls come into the mix!

                                                                    • jerseygirl
                                                                      22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Awesome! I agree with mrmac, the time the new 4 have til Oct should aid their bond in case it is challenged when the new girls arrive. Should get interesting…..

                                                                      • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                                                        617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I love that analogy- cracked me up! ) Glad it’s going well and hopefully it continues to!

                                                                        • bunnymama
                                                                          161 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Hey – just checking in – finally found a free minute…so what is happening with the mutiple bonds? I’ve gotta know….

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                                                                        Forum BONDING Bonding a Herd