Newbie here so apologies in advance for any naivety but keen to learn from the experts and help my girls be the best they can 
I’ve had two sisters (Chicken & Waffles) since they left their brood following an accidental pregnancy (their dad had no penis after being attacked by another rabbit but somehow still did the business!) and although their is a clear hierarchy and the occasional chasing / humping, things have never gotten really nasty between them beyond the dominant sister getting the occasional mouthful of bum hair!
They aren’t yet spayed, are on the wait list at the local vet and hopefully will get sorted soon. Just about to hit 1 year old.
They’ve visited a couple of other buns in that time.
One neutered buck (Peter Bunny) that Waffles (the dom bunny) went to town beating up (and then spent the rest of the time separated) and which Chicken (the sub bunny) seemed to insta-love and spent almost a whole 48 hours constantly grooming him.
The other visit was a trip back to visit their Mama bun a couple of weeks ago. Waffles got a bit frisky but was quickly put in her place and then just sat in my lap for the rest of the visit too scared to fight, Chicken just flopped behind her mama and barely moved the whole time.
That brings it to now – I’ve taken in a foster doe (Sparkles, also unspayed) who’s a bit older (nearly 2) and became homeless after her buck died and the family didn’t want her to live alone. She’s staying with me until she gets spayed, before heading off to (hopefully) live with Peter Bunny.
I have had a couple of days with their respective cages either side of the bunny room, alternatively letting the sisters / Sparkles out to run around but not at the same time.
The first run together wasn’t planned, it turns out Sparkles adopted cage can be undone somehow (new lock on now!). I heard an almighty racket and quickly ran in to see her and Waffles properly going at it, fur flying everywhere. Chicken did what Chicken always does (hence the name) and jumped into her cage and hid inside her wooden house 
The trouble is now, although I’m keeping buns separate again, Waffles is constantly attacking her sibling. Piles of white hair everywhere. Am now having to have periods with one bun per cage and one running free to minimise the amount of hair being pulled out.
Which takes me to my question that hopefully some more experienced owners may be able to guide on – what should my next steps be trying to bond the sisters with the new bun (or as they won’t be together for more than a month or two, should I just give up and keep them separate?)
And is there anything I should do to stop the bond between the two sisters deteriorating further through this period?
I hope that the spayings will calm things a bit when it finally happens but want to keep them all happy and safe until then.
Thanks in advance for any help.