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Forum BONDING Bonded brother dominance?

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    • MiniRex
      18 posts Send Private Message

        One of my rabbits, Peter, is outgoing, brave, and likes me petting him. The other, Benji, is a lot more shy and skittish. They are two years old this year, and they are neutered, bonded brothers. For some reason, Peter sometimes chases Benji around the pen. Once, I heard one of, I’m pretty sure it was Benji, scream. When I got to them, Peter was chasing Benji around and Benji was clearly terrified. That was when I first got them and they were in a large cage on the porch.  Now, since they have a 50 foot pen, they’re getting along much better better, but if I give them some type of treat, like a bananas piece or something, Peter goes to Benji to see what he has. Benji runs away. Then Peter chases him, although it doesn’t seem like that was his intention at first. Benji also puts his head down to ask for grooming from Peter, and Peter grooms him about half the time. Peter doesn’t ask Benji for grooming a lot. I have no idea who is the real dominant one. Is it possible they take turns, or they’re both equal? And why does Peter chase Benji?  Thanks!

      • HipHopBunny
        640 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t know why Peter chases Benji, but I would highly recommend separating them. A scream is not something you hear in a happy bun relationship. 🙁 I don’t know what could have caused it though, with the way things are going, it sounds as though they could potentially fight, and really hurt each other. Unfortunately, I recommend going through the bonding process again, for what you are going through now, is what landed me in the bonding process with my girls. Again, I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, and I don’t like saying it, either. 🙁

          Wishing you luck!

        • MiniRex
          18 posts Send Private Message

            Well, it was over a year ago I heard the scream. Benji will never fight, though. Their old owner said she kept Peter and Benji with another male, whom Peter was always fighting with, while Benji just cowered in the corner. That’s also probably why Benji was so skinny when I got him. Peter and Benji also LOVE to cuddle with each other, though.

          • HipHopBunny
            640 posts Send Private Message

              I don’t think that Benji would fight, but Peter could hurt him. As I said, this happened with my ladies, Silver, the dominant one, was nipping the others, and I made that same excuse ‘well, other than that, they’re fine..’ then one day they had foughten, and OB, the timid one, still has a scar on her ear. I don’t think that OB attacked, I think it was Silver who attacked her, OB doesn’t fight, she and Smokey are gentle ones. I am again, so sorry! If only rabbits would get along!

              I don’t get why they would fight though, they have a VERY spoiled life, and have nothing to be mad over. Rabbits are interesting furry furballs 😛 that you just can’t get mad at, no matter how bad they are. Well, sometimes you can. 😉

              Anyway, definitely recommended to separate them. I’m worried for Benji, I don’t want him getting hurt, I know you will do what is best though.

              Wishing luck!

            • LBJ10
              17048 posts Send Private Message

                Is it just chasing at this point? No biting or nipping?

                • MiniRex
                  18 posts Send Private Message

                    Yes, only chasing.

                • DanaNM
                  9055 posts Send Private Message

                    Are they neutered?

                    There is a bonding template pinned in this section, if you fill it out and paste it in your reply that will help us troubleshoot. 🙂

                    . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                  • MiniRex
                    18 posts Send Private Message

                      Yes, they are neutered. How can I find the template? I looked, but I can’t find it.

                    • MiniRex
                      18 posts Send Private Message

                        Also, I was wondering how you can tell which rabbit is the dominant one?

                      • HipHopBunny
                        640 posts Send Private Message

                          My money is on Peter being the dominant one, for you haven’t seen Benji nipping or chasing have you? I don’t know, you could keep them together, but I would be wary, and watch them closely. Sorry if this wasn’t a satisfying answer. <3

                        • DanaNM
                          9055 posts Send Private Message

                            I actually moved this thread to the bonding section as it’s a better fit there.

                            Here’s the bonding template:

                            Some other scattered thoughts after giving this a more careful read, in bonded pairs it is often hard to tell who is dominant. Often each will show some behaviors that are “dominant”. Asking to be groomed is “dominant”, the one grooming is submissive, but in bonded pairs often both with groom. Or they will just smush their faces together and agree to just fall asleep like that. 🙂

                            Some pairs will also chase a little if they are trying to mount or in playing. Is the chasing slow or fast, and are the chasing bunny’s ears forward or back? A fast chase with ears back is aggressive. Ears forward could be a mounting attempt or just playing. Some pairs will also get a bit testy when treats or food are involved. I had a pair where they would start chasing whenever I would bring out their salad because they would just get excited and confused lol.

                            As long as the chasing never escalates and there are lots of positive behaviors (cuddling, grooming, food sharing, litter box sharing), then it might just be part of their relationship. But if it seems to get intense, then you might need to work on their bond a bit.

                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                          • MiniRex
                            18 posts Send Private Message

                              Okay, I filled it out. Thanks for giving me the link! I couldn’t answer some of the question, though, as Peter and Benji were bonded when I got themI did my best.

                              Are your bunnies spayed/neutered? Yes
                              If so, for how long (for each)? I don’t know. I got them already neutered.
                              If not, why not?
                              Are you aware of reproductive cancer risk in females? If not, please read about it here.

                              Please describe your bunnies’ current housing set-up (living together, as neighbors, etc.). Living together.

                              Bonding background
                              Did you allow the bunnies to “settle-in”? They were bonded when I got them.
                              How would you describe your bunnies reactions towards each other (answer for each bunny): shy, scared, curious, calm, aggressive, excited, affectionate, etc.? Peter: calm and affectionate, sometimes curious. Benji: Sometimes shy; calm; affectionate.

                              Have you done any “pre-bonding” (cage or litter box swaps, etc.)? They were bonded when I got them. I did not. 
                              If so, for how long?
                              Have you started sessions yet? They were bonded when I got them.
                              How long have you been working on bonding your bunnies? They were bonded when I got them.
                              How frequently do you have bonding sessions, and how long are they? They were bonded when I got them.
                              Have you tried any stressing techniques? Yes. It helps.

                            • MiniRex
                              18 posts Send Private Message

                                Okay, I filled it out. Thanks for giving me the link! I couldn’t answer some of the question, though, as Peter and Benji were bonded when I got themI did my best.

                                Are your bunnies spayed/neutered? Yes
                                If so, for how long (for each)? I don’t know. I got them already neutered.
                                If not, why not?
                                Are you aware of reproductive cancer risk in females? If not, please read about it here.

                                Please describe your bunnies’ current housing set-up (living together, as neighbors, etc.). Living together.

                                Bonding background
                                Did you allow the bunnies to “settle-in”? They were bonded when I got them.
                                How would you describe your bunnies reactions towards each other (answer for each bunny): shy, scared, curious, calm, aggressive, excited, affectionate, etc.? Peter: calm and affectionate, sometimes curious. Benji: Sometimes shy; calm; affectionate.

                                Have you done any “pre-bonding” (cage or litter box swaps, etc.)? They were bonded when I got them. I did not. 
                                If so, for how long?
                                Have you started sessions yet? They were bonded when I got them.
                                How long have you been working on bonding your bunnies? They were bonded when I got them.
                                How frequently do you have bonding sessions, and how long are they? They were bonded when I got them.
                                Have you tried any stressing techniques? Yes. It helps.

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                            Forum BONDING Bonded brother dominance?